Yuan Anyang opened his eyes and blinked, and the big hands on his waist pulled her into his arms again.

Her face turned red, she smiled softly and hugged his waist, and all the shackles and haze in her heart dissipated at this moment.

This was her life, with his love and favor, and she was no longer driven by the Yuan family.

There is no fear, no despair, the road ahead is straight and bright, and there are people beside you who can work together to make progress together!

The two people who were honest with each other couldn't bear to look away, wishing they could stay together.

No matter what, they all have to go to work, especially Yuan Anyang, who has to follow the car.

Jin Yangyao sent her to the work unit, remembered what she said last night, and prepared to investigate her life experience.

There is indeed something wrong with the Yuan family’s parents!

However, this matter was not urgent. After he stored the car, he took out his ticket and entered the station...

Yuan Anyang is very busy on the train, helping passengers solve various problems. He also helps the train conductor organize conductor meetings to learn and sum up experience to better serve passengers. There are also various handover tasks after arriving at the station.

She almost never had any free time, and she always stuffed her meals into her stomach in a hurry.

It was finally time to change her shift, and she felt a little exhausted. It's really been a long time since she worked at such a high intensity, and the man made a lot of noise last night. Now she's so tired that she just wants to sleep!

"Deputy conductor Yuan, are you still busy? I saw that you didn't go to pick up the meal, so I brought it back for you," a female flight attendant smiled and handed her the lunch box.

Yuan Anyang raised his head and glanced at her, smiled and thanked her and took it, "I still have some finishing work to do, so I'm sorry to bother you, but I can just pick it up myself in the future.

I don't know when the work will be done, and now that the weather is cold, the food tends to get cold quickly. "

The female comrade's face froze and she quickly said: "I'm sorry, Deputy Train Conductor Yuan, I, I did something bad with good intentions, I will pay attention next time.

You should eat your food while it's hot first. It's not too late to get back to work after eating. "

Yuan Anyang nodded lightly and said nothing more.

The female comrade walked out of the door with a cold look on her face and sighed silently, "What the hell? I didn't rely on my beauty to hook up with some Ling conductor and was promoted to deputy train conductor right after joining the job. Hehe, what is capable is not just some clichés, who doesn’t know it anymore...

Let me see if you can still be proud later! "

As soon as she went out, Yuan Anyang opened the lunch box, looked at the food inside, and tossed it a few times with chopsticks.

She had been knocked down by sleeping pills many times in her previous life, so Yuan Anyang studied it specially.

Sleeping pills are not easily soluble in water, but can be dissolved in salt water. However, their taste is slightly bitter and is not easily noticeable in meals that are heavy in oil and salt.

She added a green bean and licked it slightly with her tongue.

She is good at cooking because her sense of taste is more sensitive than ordinary people. When she tasted it deliberately, she did find the unusual bitterness.

The other party must have administered a lot of medicine in order to successfully bring her down.

Yuan Anyang sneered, he didn't expect that person to be so impatient, he really couldn't wait a day!

She picked up the walkie-talkie, tuned it, and whispered just one sentence: "Comrade Xiao Liu, there's something going on."

Putting down the walkie-talkie, she packed the food. The originally full box of food looked like it was half eaten.

She thought for a while, then stood up and fiddled with the door for a while, then continued to sit down and work, her ears catching all the small movements.

When she saw the figure at the door with her peripheral vision, she lay down on the narrow bed, closed her eyes and pretended to sleep.

The man knocked on the door cautiously. The sound was low at first, but then it became louder, but there was still no response from the room.

He rubbed his hands excitedly, took out the key, opened the door, locked it, and walked forward step by step.

Seeing the graceful and beautiful appearance of the woman under the dim light, the blood in his body was boiling! He looked at it almost greedily, licking his lips and sliding his fingers across the woman's jade-like cheeks, "Anyang, you said how nice it would be to marry me.

Our Teng family has a great business, so what can’t we give you?

You have to guard my big brother who accepts death! "

Yuan Anyang wanted to get up and pull off his clothes to prove his guilt, but after listening to his words, he hesitated. As expected, Teng Xiuqi particularly enjoyed the fruits of his victory.

Before eating, say some prayers to make this fruit even sweeter.

"You and my eldest brother are worthy of fate, we are both equally stupid...

I cheated on you, you must not dare to tell my brother... Even if I told you, my brother would believe that I was hooked on you, not his dearest brother...

Haha, thinking about how my sister-in-law and I will do this and that in the future, I can’t bear it..."

As he said that, he was about to take off Yuan Anyang's clothes, but Yuan Anyang suddenly opened his eyes and sneered, "There is a way to heaven, but if you don't take it, how can you break in when there is no way to hell?"

As she spoke, Teng Xiuqi's shirt was pulled open by her, and the buttons of her clothes popped all over the floor.

And her hands touched and pulled on his belt again, and the pants fell down.

Teng Xiu was stunned, surprised that she was not stunned, and excited by her initiative and wildness.

Who would have thought that Yuan Anyang had just unbuttoned a button and screamed something indecent. The door was violently knocked open, and Jin Yangyao walked in with a gloomy look!

To say who Teng Xiuqi was most afraid of, it was his brother.

Jin Yangyao has been like a wolf cub since he was a child, with a coldness and fierceness that comes from his bones.

Everyone said that he doted on his only younger brother, and he only did this during the holidays because of this family affection.

But when Teng Xiuqi saw him, he couldn't help but be afraid, but he couldn't show it yet, and had to play the role of the innocent younger brother without any authority.

"elder brother……"

Before he could finish his words, Jin Yangyao kicked him to the ground and started punching and kicking him.

All his moves were aimed at Teng Xiuqi. He was very good at hitting people. He would hit people hard with one fist and the pain would kill half of his life, but there were not many marks on his body.

Seeing Teng Xiuqi being beaten so hard that he was unable to fight back, he huddled together and begged miserably for mercy.

Yuan Anyang looked relieved. It turned out that this person was not afraid of pain, but the fist did not fall on him.

Tsk tsk, the people who flaunted their power and threatened this and that were just soft-footed shrimps!

Yuan Anyang was crying and laughing at the same time.

Seeing that Teng Xiuqi gradually stopped moving, Yuan Anyang quickly grabbed Jin Yangyao and said, "Ah Yao, don't dirty your hands."

Jin Yangyao took a deep breath, stood up, and said to the people outside the door: "I'll leave the rest to you."

At this time, two big-blocking comrades came in: "Brother Yao, what are you talking about? This is our responsibility."

With that said, they took Teng Xiuqi out, who was unconscious and disheveled on the ground.

Jin Yangyao said calmly: "Everything follows the procedure, there is no extrajudicial feeling, if something is wrong, it is wrong!"

Yuan Anyang handed over the lunch box: "Comrade, there is also this. I suspect that a large amount of sleeping pills were put into it... This was sent by a colleague of mine..."

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