After the others left, Yuan Anyang stood there and looked at Jin Yangyao cautiously, "Ah Yao?"

Jin Yangyao sighed slightly, took out his handkerchief, moistened it with water in the cup, wiped his hands clean, and then hugged her tightly.

"What do you want me to do if no one arrives in time?" He bit her shoulder hard, but was reluctant to use any force.

Yuan Anyang smiled and nestled in his arms obediently: "I am very happy to be able to marry you. How can I just enjoy such a few days of pampering and spend the rest of my life?

I know it in my heart, but I just think that someone is interfering in my work through Deputy Webmaster Liu, so I can't really let others lead me...

But, why are you here, he..."

Jin Yangyao looked at the woman's hesitation and kissed her forehead, "This is your first day with the car. I'm not worried. I just happened to take on a mirage case, so I followed you.

The case is not big, and I will be delayed for half a day, so I can return with you.

As for Teng Xiuqi?

Hehe, he is my younger brother, but just because he is my younger brother, he cannot do such incompetent things.

Since his parents don’t know how to teach, there is definitely a place to teach him! "

Jin Yangyao pinched Yuan Anyang's chin: "Little fool, do you still care about what I think now?

The treatment of such villains should be left to the organization. Indulging them will only make them worse.

He has grown up a long time ago, and my friendship with him is not as good as you think. "

Yuan Anyang pursed his lips: "But after all, he is one of the few blood relatives you have in this world."

She was afraid that this matter would create a barrier between the couple, so she couldn't help but talk about the topic more openly.

Jin Yangyao nibbled at her angrily: "In your eyes, your man is such a person who doesn't distinguish between right and wrong?

Will our children be biologically related to me in the future? "

It was useless for Yuan Anyang to continue asking, Jin Yangyao hugged her and whispered: "Since that day you told me about Teng Xiuqi, I checked it out.

In a very simple way, I took his hair and did a paternity test with Teng Xueyi.

I am engaged in the legal profession. Although I have not been in the profession for a long time, when I was a graduate student, I went to many places with my tutor and knew many people, so I was able to implement this matter quietly.

I got the results the day before yesterday, and then I visited and investigated many people and things, and then I found out the truth! "

Yuan Anyang lay quietly in his arms, listening to what he said.

"I just said that Pang Danqiu took her son to remarry so quickly because it was Teng Xueyi, and Teng Xiuqi also directly changed his surname. It turns out that they are a family."

Yuan Anyang was stunned for a moment. She didn't know about this in her previous life.

If those three people were a family, everything would make sense.

Jin Yangyao said lightly: "And I suspect that my father's death is related to them.

Jiuli Beverage Factory was founded by my father. Teng Xueyi joined later because he saved my father's life and became very close to my family.

Perhaps from the moment Pang Danqiu married my father, these cruel people began to plot!

There is a kind of meritorious service which is criminal meritorious service..."

Yuan Anyang clutched his sleeve tightly, with a worried look on his face.

Jin Yangyao also held her tightly in his arms, "Daughter-in-law, I'm fine.

Since my parents left one after another, I have become accustomed to living alone. It was you who made me feel the warmth and joy again.

With you here, I am not afraid of anything, but I am not worth it for my father.

I have been collecting evidence these days. When I went to Haishi, I also visited two people to get to the bottom of what happened back then! Yuan Anyang smiled and rubbed his chest: "Ah Yao, if you have me with you from now on, we are also family members." "

Home is a very warm word. It is a place that everyone wants to go to when they are tired. It is also a place where a bunch of lights are specially lit for oneself.

In the past, they were indeed like homeless people without a home.

"Yes, I have a daughter-in-law now. Wherever my daughter-in-law is, my home will be!"

This is a duty room in Yuanyang, and several flight attendants who live there happen to be on duty. As the deputy train conductor, she had a room to herself.

The bed was very narrow, but Jin Yangyao still liked to be with her, doing nothing but whispering.

Teng Xiuqi was escorted off at the next station, waiting for another train to Kyoto.

Without the threat of this person, Yuan Anyang seemed to be reborn for the second time, and his whole person was bright and cheerful.

When they arrived at Haishi, Jin Yangyao went to do some errands, while Yuan Anyang went to visit the nearby supply and marketing cooperative with his colleagues.

Those colleagues went straight to the beautiful dresses, but Yuan Anyang went to the cloth selling place to choose.

Half of the people in this era can use a sewing machine to make their own clothes.

Yuan Anyang is clever and can know many things by looking at them at once. In her previous life, she was at the station and saw so many people. Naturally, she also witnessed the changes in times and fashion.

Many clothing styles are classic and never go out of style no matter what era. However, there are some popular elements that only emerged in a certain period of time and look a bit tacky when you look back.

The fabrics in the supply and marketing cooperative are all good, with good colors and quality.

At least she can use these fabrics to make all the clothes hanging on the wall.

She bought a lot of fabrics and some delicious snacks, and then she and the others had dinner and rushed to the station.

Everyone was talking about what they bought, "My ginger skirt is really nice, the color is right, the fabric is thick, I wear black pants with leggings underneath, a sweater and a small suit on top, it looks so energetic..." "

"I bought a silk scarf for my mother, so she can show it off to her seven aunts and eight aunts... I may have to shoulder many tasks later, wholesale silk scarves..."

"I bought some pastries and a pair of shoes..."

After saying that, they asked Yuan Anyang what he had bought.

Yuan Anyang smiled and showed them openly.

"Why didn't Anyang buy any clothes? You are good-looking and tall, and you are a natural dresser. It's a pity that you don't buy so many beautiful clothes..."

"Yes Anyang, did you buy the fabric and make it at home?"

They are all salaried people, and they are not the ones with heavy family burdens. Basically, those who buy ready-made clothes and fabrics to make clothes are aunts and aunts.

Yuan Anyang smiled: "I was thinking that when we are not following the car, we have a lot of time and have nothing to do, so we might as well make some clothes.

I saw that the styles of clothes hanging on the wall were quite simple, so I went home to study them. "

Several people looked at each other. In fact, they had heard more or less about Yuan Anyang. Kyoto said it was not small, but it was not big.

The Jiuli Beverage Factory was located in Chengdong District. At that time, there was a lot of controversy over Teng Xiuqi's marriage, and many rumors spread.

Yuan Anyang is good-looking, the kind of person who is hard to forget after just one glance.

So it is normal for those things to spread to everyone. (End of chapter)

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