Chapter 101 Getting Rich by Selling Zerg (18)

But not long after, Lin Ge and Duan Ling received news that the drill was continuing.

This is the result of consulting the academy and the upper echelons of the military.

Lin Ge had no objection to rehearsing this activity.

He and Duan Ling returned to the inner area again.

Without the residents Lin Ge arrested, Heng Yunxing felt even more depressed than before.

Wait until Lin Ge and Duan Ling arrived at the designated camp location.

The three members of the Mecha Squad were found sitting on the edge of another pile of ruins.

When the two boys in the mecha class saw Lin Ge and Duan Ling approaching, they only glanced at them, pretending they didn't see them.

Yu Qiao hesitated for a moment, but still sat there without moving.

At this time, it was already dusk.

When Lin Ge and the others came, they were on their way.

The three colleges issued new rule messages to all students.

The rehearsal time was changed to around [-]:[-] p.m. and officially started.

Let everyone stand by at the camp location first.

Violators will be dealt with as waiver.

Originally, I was still eager to try, planning to touch some students who were "assassinated" in other camps.

He could only droop his head and return to his own camp.

Lin Ge stuffed his trouser pockets, and sat down with Duan Ling on the other side.

After Lin Ge sat down, he began to look through the terminal information, and his eyes stayed on the last message.

—Master, we have arrived.

Lin Ge replied.

—Stand by, start after eight o'clock.

Be back there soon.

—Good sir.

Duan Ling didn't know what news Lin Ge was sending.

It's just that the eyelids were drooping. After hesitating for a while, he took out a few packets of nutrient solution from somewhere and handed them to Lin Ge.

"Five flavors, I don't know which one you like, you choose and see if there is any flavor you like."

Lin Ge turned off the terminal and looked at Duan Ling.

Seeing the young man tilting his head slightly, his thick eyelashes trembling, and his petal-like red lips tightly pursed, showing a little nervousness, he seemed afraid to look at her.

Lin Ge was silent for two seconds, without saying anything, just took a pack from his hand.

The main reason is that she does feel a little hungry, so there is no need to be hypocritical.


Lin Ge's fingers accidentally touched Duan Ling's hand.

The warm touch made Duan Ling seem to be scalded by something, so he quickly withdrew his hand.

It can be seen with the naked eye that Duan Ling is like a white jade earlobe, slightly pink.

Lin Ge found it funny.

Why are men in this world so easily shy?

The two sat on a building railing.

Lin Ge crossed his legs, held the nutrient in his mouth, and leaned back with his hands on his sides.

Like Lin Ge, Duan Ling put the nutrient in his mouth and drank it.

Both are stunning young men.

Under the evening sky, the whole body seems to be covered with warm light, comfortable and leisurely.

Duan Ling looked at the sunset glow that connected with the barren buildings, and his heart was rarely at peace.

eight pm.


The terminals on Lin Ge and Duan Ling's wrists rang simultaneously.

After looking at the contents of the terminal, the two couldn't help but glance at each other.

Duan Ling curled his lips slightly.

"It's people from Puluo College and Terrance College. It seems that they have joined forces?"

On the terminal, Lin Ge and the others displayed red dots.

Outside the range of the red dots, several small yellow and blue dots approached them.

In this exercise, once someone breaks through the camp.

It represents the "death" of that side, declaring failure.

Duan Ling jumped off the railing, turned his head to look at Lin Ge and said with a smile, "Would you like to compare who gets more heads?"

Lin Ge was surprised.

This means that the sick man is not weak anymore?

She also jumped down, stretched her body and said, "I want to take you."

Duan Ling was puzzled.

Originally according to the routine.

It should be to resist foreign enemies and coordinate operations.

Through hardships and sweat, we will win the fruits of victory together.

But Lin Ge didn't do that.

The three members of the mech squad also received a reminder message.

Seeing the dots in the terminal getting closer and closer, his expression was extremely ugly.

"They are coming! It seems that the other two academies have teamed up to wipe out Xinghan Academy?"

The boy wearing the earphones sneered, "They have a good plan. They will break through the people in our academy first, and then compete internally for the first and second."

Students are the most prone to arouse blood and impulsiveness.

Under the circumstances of being jointly surrounded by people, the fighting spirit of the three became more and more intense.

Who can bear being taken over by others.

But when the three members of Xinghan Academy's mecha class fought with a dozen people on the opposite side, they lost the fight and were captured alive.

The eyes of the three members of the Mech Squad were all red.

The boy wearing headphones looked around and saw that Lin Ge and Duan Ling were not there, so he couldn't help cursing.

"This bastard is too much, he actually ran away!"

The boy with the square face has color on his face and body.

He may be too real, and he has resisted a lot of harm to the other two classmates.

His face was swollen and he couldn't see the expression, but anger could be heard from his tone.

"It's really unlucky to team up with that kid! He is so strong, why doesn't he come and help us! As long as he helps us defend against the enemy, we won't be caught by them!"

"What should we do now? We will definitely be judged to be 'dead' and drop out of school!"

Both the square face and the man with earphones were surrounded by people, cursing.

The students on the other two sides were wearing yellow and blue uniforms.

Obviously the head of each academy.

They were standing aside, chatting and laughing, waiting for the younger brother to collect the spoils.

But before the people from Puro and Terrance College were happy, a younger brother hurried over.

"Man Qing! The main console is gone, it seems that someone took it away!"

Man Qing: "?"

Man Qing is the head of Puluo Academy, he has a question mark on his face.

"Can the master console be taken away? Are you sure you're not kidding me?"

The man with square face and earphones was not far away from them, cursing vigorously.

Hearing this, he subconsciously shut his mouth.

The two looked at each other, and they both saw a trace of doubt in each other's eyes.

And Yu Qiao has been sitting on the other side, keeping silent.

She looked somewhere, praying secretly in her heart.

I hope Lin Ge and the others can run as far as possible.

And Lin Ge... as early as when the two sides were fighting, he ran away with the faction's main console.

Duan Ling: "?"

Why didn't this person follow the routine? !

He was gearing up and ready to show off.

As a result, Lin Ge packed the master console and ran away, leaving Duan Ling a little confused for a while.

He was full of doubts.

How did Lin Ge put away the master console!
The main console in each place is a fixed position, like a simple base.

Without the authority of the academy, it is not possible to move out of position at all.

According to the meaning of the academy, the main console is equivalent to the "headquarters" of each team.

The headquarters were all captured, which showed that the strength of this team was not up to standard in all aspects.

But Lin Ge not only took the "headquarters" away, but also shrunk it into a small disc, which he put in his pocket.

Duan Ling's expression was a little complicated, and he couldn't explain it in words.

"Where are we going now?"

Lin Ge ran without looking back, "Go and fight the Zerg."

Duan Ling: "..."

Aren't they practicing?

What does this have to do with Zerg?
 Calvin is so sad.

(End of this chapter)

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