Chapter 102 Getting Rich by Selling Zerg (19)

Lin Ge said that fighting the Zerg was really fighting.

Although Heng Yunxing was depressed, there was no one around.

But there are many Zerg.

Because the three colleges are coming to practice.

The Zerg around Heng Yunxing had already been cleaned up by the academy and the military.

However, in order to increase the difficulty of the drill, the blockade will be gradually relaxed around the drill area, and a lot of Zerg will be let in.

Let all the students, while preventing other teams from entering the camp, also resist the Zerg invasion.

This made many students angry and helpless.

They are just pink and tender freshmen!
But they have to face hell-level drills!
The academy is not a human being!

Duan Ling didn't know what Lin Ge wanted to do, so he chose to follow and have a look.

As long as the master console is not lost, they must be the winners in the end.

But what Duan Ling didn't know was that Lin Ge had no intention of doing any drills at all.

Her ultimate goal...

It's time to buy goods from Heng Yunxing.

When she finished sweeping all the Zerg on Hengyun Star, it was time to go to Weixi Star.

According to the location sent by the terminal, Lin Ge quickly ran over there.

at the same time.

Inside a dilapidated building in Hengyunxing.

Several people gathered together, staring at the terminal screen in the boy's hand in the center.

on the screen.

It shows the chat history with Qi Manqing.

After several people read it, their expressions were different.

On the other side of the yellow uniform, someone said, "Lu Xiao, didn't you say that the S-level person must be in the camp? As long as people from our academy surround you with you, he will be caught and eliminated early. "

Lu Xiao put away the terminal and looked at him impatiently.

"Hull, what's the use of asking me? How do I know that Lin Ge will run with the master console?"

Damn, the more he thinks about it, the more outrageous he is!
How did Lin Ge manage to take the master console away! ?
The yellow uniform belonged to Puluo College, and Lu Xiao was from Terrance College.

Hull didn't look at Lu Xiao's face.

He also said unceremoniously: "What should we do now? That person has an S-level talent. If he takes revenge and loses members of our academy, Qi Manqing is so talkative, we won't be polite to you!"

Lu Xiao looked at him coldly.

After a long while, Lu Xiao said: "We have lost Lin Ge's tracking and positioning, but I know he will definitely come to me, why don't we go to the No. 6 area in the south first."

Hull frowned, "I heard that there are many Zergs under siege in Area 6. If we go there and cause Zerg riots, we don't have the strength to fight against it."

Lu Xiao's expression eased, and the corner of her mouth curled into a smile.

"I know your concerns, but Hull, we have already offended Lin Ge. With his revenge, do you think you will be let off? What's more, although there are Zerg siege in District 6, there are colleges and universities. With the military in control, we will not be in danger."

Hull still frowned, and said in a bad tone: "You don't mean to lure us over on purpose and kill us first, do you?"

Lu Xiao cursed inwardly.

Why is this kid so cautious.

But he still said with a smile on his face: "We are already allies and cooperative relations. I will not do such a thing. It is your and my goal to deal with Lin Ge. As long as Lin Ge is led to the 6th area, I will do it." There is a way to direct all the firepower of the Zerg to Lin Ge, and when the time comes, once the military and the academy make a move, Lin Ge will definitely be eliminated."

Hull thinks about it, and thinks so.

Everyone was under the noses of the college and the military, and he saw that Lu Xiao didn't dare to do anything to them.


Lin Ge didn't know that Lu Xiao and the others were plotting these things.

She just joined up with her own people.

"Young master, I brought all the people you asked me to bring, but I was afraid that the spaceship would not be able to hold so much cargo."

Lin Ge frowned.

"Didn't I ask you to send more warehouses?"

There was a bit of embarrassment on Murray's face.

"Master, it's not that we don't take it, it's that the military is unwilling to approve it. After all, the military itself does not allow large airships to be dispatched."

After thinking for a while, Lin Ge waved his hand and said, "Forget it, I'll find two more later."

Murray didn't know what Lin Ge meant by "find two".

He continued: "Master, what shall we do now?"

Lin Ge didn't answer his question, and threw a few square stickers to Murray.

"Scatter a few people close to the body to avoid being detected by the academy and the military."

Murray took it without asking any further questions, and immediately distributed it to his subordinates.

When everything was ready, Murray followed Lin Ge and set off again.

This time she didn't run anymore, but stood on a round balance car and slid fast.

Duan Ling looked at the people from Gemu Technology behind Lin Ge and was not surprised.

He knew about it.

He just didn't expect Lin Ge to be so bold.

Engage in Zerg directly to Heng Yunxing.

"Would you like to find a place to wait for me?"

Lin Ge looked at his side, and Duan Ling, who was also gliding to follow, asked.

Duan Ling: "Anyway, I'm fine if I'm free, maybe I can help you kill two more."

Lin Ge nodded, not taking advantage of him.

"Okay, I will calculate the price according to the quantity and grade later, and I will calculate the price for you."

Duan Ling: "..."

Is he short of his little money?
Is it necessary to distinguish so clearly?
This made Duan Ling feel somewhat uncomfortable.

But he didn't refuse after all, Lin Ge was at least willing to let himself help.

Otherwise, he was afraid that if he refused Lin Ge's money, he would definitely abandon himself.

Hengyun Star is divided into zones 1-10.

They are located in Area 5, the main practice area, and it is considered the safest place in Heng Yunxing.

The rest of the area is either the Zerg active area or the harsh environment.

Anyway, it's not a place where people can stay.

According to the scanned range, Lin Ge found that there are a total of six areas where goods can be purchased.

The environment in other places is so bad that even the Zerg don't want to stay.

In order to speed up, she and Murray assigned two teams to hunt and kill.

What Murray brought was a hired professional elite team.

They were all dressed in black, with the highest level of equipment.

Even Murray himself is an A-level talent.

What's more, there are not many Zerg in the area she arranged for Murray.

So Lin Ge doesn't have to worry about their safety.

How can I do things under her hands if I don't have the ability?
Lin Ge and Duan Ling, with more than a dozen mercenaries, taxied towards the nearest area 4.

When he was about to reach the edge, Lin Ge found that there was a laser barrier blocking it.

Duan Ling stood inside the barrier, quietly looking at a group of Zerg who were staring at them.

"It's all under the control of the military. If we don't solve it, we won't be able to get through."

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard a "click".

Before he could look at the source of the sound, he saw the barrier gradually disappearing.



The whispers of countless Zerg races came overwhelmingly.

After Lin Ge unlocked the laser barrier, he put away the terminal.

With a leg whip, she kicked the lid-like mechanism that controlled the laser barrier into pieces.

The mercenaries who saw Lin Ge's movements behind them stared intently.

The machine is obviously made of high-level Zerg and special metal.

Unexpectedly, this boy was kicked to pieces!
This strength...

(End of this chapter)

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