Chapter 118 Getting Rich by Selling Zerg (End)

Since the release of Songmu Technology, the business has become more extensive and its reputation has gradually increased.

It took Lin Hanwen two or three months from debt to repayment.

Now that the capital is rising and he is starting to make a fortune, Lin Hanwen is very happy.

All of this comes from my own daughter.

It was she who gave her new life.

Lin Hanwen looked at his daughter who was busy in the office, feeling sore and swollen, feeling an inexplicable sense of happiness.

Even if he moves away from Aitan and comes to a new environment, he is not afraid.

As long as the daughter is good, then everything is fine.

Here is his home.

Lin Ge didn't know, cheap dad was emotional.

She gets a new contact newsletter.

The girl who came from inside, she was familiar with, was Duan Ling's follower, An Meng.

"Miss Lin, can you come and see the young master? He has locked himself in the laboratory for a long time and never came out."

After two seconds of silence, Lin Ge replied, "Understood, I'll wait."

After hanging up the communication, I told Cheap Dad to hurry up and leave the office quickly.

When she found Duan Ling.

He was sitting against the metal wall, looking at a row of experimental equipment filled with humans in front of him.

His expression looked calm and nothing unusual.

But Lin Ge noticed something in his palm, which seemed to be a tentacles.

The barbs on it were embedded in his flesh.

Maybe it's because he's been grabbing it for a long time, the blood on his hand has dried up, and it looks hideous and terrifying.

Lin Ge walked over slowly.

I saw the humans in the experimental equipment soaked in liquid, with tubes inserted into their bodies, and each tube was connected to a Zerg.

They are transferring something, or exchanging infusions.

"The last time I met you in the 233 block of Aitan, I took away all the remaining pills and destroyed the research materials on the suppression pills, just because I didn't want them to continue their research." Duan Ling said slowly.

He hadn't spoken for many days, and now his voice sounded a little hoarse.

Lin Ge sat down next to him, and also looked at the humans in the experimental equipment.

"You are quite considerate of these experimental subjects. You think that as long as the inhibitory drugs do not come out, they will have more concerns about the live experiments studied in Weixi Star."

Duan Ling nodded slightly and said: "Yes, once the inhibitory medicine is successful, they can unscrupulously conduct experiments on combining humans with Zerg."

His eyelids drooped, his fists clenched again.

Blood oozed from his hand again, but he didn't seem to feel any pain.

"If the inhibitory medicine is successful, it will be given to all the failed products like me. With the drug suppressed, the failed products can also be qualified to become the strongest army. It is a chance to survive, and it also accelerates death."

Speaking of this, Duan Ling slowly looked up at Lin Ge.

Those beautiful azure eyes seemed to be covered with a layer of gray mist at this moment, carrying the gloom and silence of being immersed in darkness.

"Xiao Ge, I don't have a few years to live."

Lin Ge was silent.

She could feel his pain and suffering.

It was rare for him to remain calm under such mental oppression.

She stood up and hugged Duan Ling directly.

"Okay, I get it, I've finished feeling what I should be feeling, and you have avenged yourself, so there's no need to worry about these things anymore."

She didn't say anything, she said something like "try hard to live".

We are all adults, we have to learn to grow up.

Duan Ling leaned on her shoulder, seeming very tired.

Smelling the orchid fragrance on her body, she could no longer hold back and fell asleep.

Lin Ge packed the person and returned it to An Meng.

As for the tentacles in his hand, just throw them away.

hemp eggs.


It is estimated that it is the Zerg that has been connected to him. Is he a bit of a "baby bird" plot or something?
Fortunately, he kept holding on.

As a result, the next time.

Lin Ge went out from time to time, beating the Zerg to suppress the panic.

Everyone was puzzled by Lin Ge's "violent law enforcement".

Obviously there are enough Zerg corpses, if the fight continues, the warehouse will not be able to hold it!

But Lin Ge still went out to clean up, and finally even hit the Zerg's lair.

By the way, I sat down with the Zerg King, drank a cup of tea, and chatted.

Zerg King: "..."

Who can understand, it just wants to develop silently and unify the stars.

As a result, the Zerg people became the material supplier of Songmu Technology!

Why did things turn out like this!
The Zerg King expressed dissatisfaction!

Wait for the parts business of Songmu Technology to be laid out in the whole interstellar.

Lin Ge directly released the video, announcing the independence of Interstellar.

Weixi star was changed to song Jupiter.

In fact, she refused this name.

Can't stand Lin Hanwen's strong request.

She can only agree.

This time, many planets exploded.

The first to respond most strongly was Aitan.

The internal alliance of Aitan exploded.

They didn't expect that Gemu Technology didn't get the territory right of Hengyunxing, but claimed the territory by itself.

It was still Weixi star that gave them the most headaches.

They can't accept it!

The military department also proposed to send troops to crusade against Gemuxing.


The alliance announced that Lin Ge and the others had defected, and confirmed that they would send troops to attack the defectors!
Aitan set off a boycott of Gemu technology products.

This made the Lin Group very happy.

In the next year or two.

Song Juxing and Aitan fought several times.

In the end, the victory of Song Juxing is the end.

There is no way, if they can't beat it, the alliance can only suffer this loss and admit the independence of Song Jupiter.

Not only that, in order to avoid conflict again.

Aitan star accepts to increase the import of Gemu technology products.

Can Lin Ge continue to fight?
But it's not good for Lin Ge, it's a lot of work.

This is different from Daweixi star.

Weixi Star has strength, but it is only one planet. Why it has not been wiped out is because their internal involvement is too wide.

Even Commander Flower of Aitan is in collusion, let alone other planets.

But now?

Lin Ge is really powerful here, and he doesn't fear anyone.

Songmu Technology's products are excellent, and when a war starts, even if the alliance wants to use products from other manufacturers.

Those who really use knives and guns can't stand the all of a sudden produced by Gemu Technology.

High judgment.

Gritting his teeth, he was fighting with Jupiter while buying things from their planet.

long down.

They found that, not to mention the decrease in their own funds, Gemuxing still stood there and could not be shaken.

Just compromise.

Mainly, they don't want to continue to be taken advantage of by sending money.

The watchdog has nothing to say to its master, who backhanded a wave of defection operations.

The main task is to help Lin's father rectify the Lin family, become the head of the Star Family, and drive Lin Qi and Lu Xiao out of the country.

Therefore, the head of the interstellar family did not say that he must stay on Aitan.

As for Lin Qi and Lu Xiao, Lu Xiao was gone long ago, only Lin Qi was left.

When Lin Ge was negotiating with the alliance, he included the expulsion of Lin Qi.

For such a small matter, the alliance naturally agreed.

And the Lin Group on Aitan will only gradually come to an end under the suppression of Gemu Technology.


"Xiaoge, I'm leaving."

Duan Ling was lying in the medical cabin, and when he looked at Lin Ge, his eyes were full of reluctance.

Lin Ge was very calm, and gave a soft "hmm".

She looked at the boy who was no longer as active as usual.

That delicate baby face became pale and bloodless, and the blue pupils also turned gray blue, which was a harbinger of death.

"I didn't even marry you. I don't know why. It makes me very unwilling."

Lin Ge sighed and opened the medical cabin.

She leaned over slightly, raised her hand to touch his no longer smooth cheek.

"Sleep, it will be a new world when you wake up, don't be reconciled."

"Then can you treat me better in the next life?" Duan Ling's eyes were full of anticipation and hope.

Lin Ge smiled.

"That depends on your performance, dear."

Duan Ling also smiled and nodded obediently.

"Okay, I will behave better. Then you...can you kiss me one last time, just one more time. "

Lin Ge lowered his head.

When the boy's eyes gradually dimmed, a kiss landed on his forehead.

"Go to sleep."

Wait until Lin Ge leaves the medical room.

Everyone was silent, not knowing what to say.

For the past three years, Duan Ling has been by Lin Ge's side, and everyone has noticed.

They didn't dare to touch Lin Ge's head, and went about their own business silently.

Lin Ge looked around, and couldn't help laughing: "What's wrong? They all look sad."

Lin Hanwen walked over from the side and said softly, "Daughter, Ah Ling is gone. I know you are sad, so cry if you want to. Dad, my shoulders are always reserved for my daughter, and I am ready to rely on you at any time."

Lin Ge: "..."

She held her forehead with a headache, "Dad, I'm really fine. I still have things to do, so I'm leaving first."

In the days to come.

Lin Ge helped Lin Hanwen sit at the head of the Interstellar family, and provided him with retirement.

She just left this world.

It can also be regarded as a filial piety in place of the original owner.

Although she had completed the task long ago, she did not leave immediately.

If she suddenly disappears, Lin Hanwen must be heartbroken, so he has to make arrangements to make sure the world doesn't go in a mess.

 The end of this world ()

  The next level of cultivating immortals~
(End of this chapter)

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