Fast time travel: The villain BOSS counterattacks all over the world!

Chapter 119 Little Dragon Girl’s Demon Cultivation

Chapter 119 Little Dragon Girl’s Demon Cultivation (1)

"This is an unfamiliar white-eyed wolf!"

"Making sacrifices to the eldest lady is the virtue of your ancestors! How can you cry here and dare to sneak out of the mansion. If it weren't for our Yun manor to support you for 16 years, you would have died outside without leaving any scum."

"Xianmen's general election is coming soon, and the bone removal and blood exchange will be completed in one month!"

All the chattering people present shut their mouths after hearing these words, with only coldness and disdain in their eyes.

Lin Ge felt his knees were cold, and his face was full of tears.

He raised his head and wiped his face.

Why is she kneeling here!

Seeing a group of people, they all looked at him with disgust and impatience.

Just as she was about to stand up, she couldn't help but inhale.

I rub it, my knee hurts!
She didn't feel anything at first, but when she moved, she felt a fine, needle-like stinging pain on her knee.

[Humph dog, scan my knee, is it useless? ]
When the watchdog heard the word 'humming dog', it hummed softly with a look of hopelessness, and began to check its master's body.

Then came the mechanical sound of panic and anger.

【Owner!Your kneecap is shattered!These people actually hit you so hard! 】

Lin Ge: "..."

Great my new world.

As soon as she came, she became a useless person, so how could she turn on the boss mode and abuse these beasts.

Don't wait for her to attack.

The middle-aged man above shook his hand impatiently.

"Don't let people run away anymore, take it away and take care of it, and when the eldest lady comes back, quickly replace the bloodline with Lin Ge."


Lin Ge saw that someone was going to drag him down.

Just give up struggling, start the bad mode, and let others take it away.

Now useless one.

Wait for her to figure out the current situation before she settles accounts with them.

Lin Ge was imprisoned in the dungeon in the backyard of Yunfu.

The dungeon returns to darkness.

She dragged her crippled body against the wall and began to receive memories.

In the world of cultivating immortals, the weak eat the strong.

The original owner has the blood of the ancient dragon clan.

The ancient bloodline is extremely precious in the cultivation world, once cultivated, it will make rapid progress, and its talent is the only one in the world.

However, just after the original owner was born, he was arrested by the Yunfu at the beginning of the game, and signed a master-servant contract with Yunxuanyin, the eldest lady of the Yunfu.

After the original owner turned 16 years old, Yun Xuanyin was deboned and replaced, and his blood was changed.

With the master-servant contract, and growing up together, the process of bone removal and blood exchange was quite smooth.

The original owner was worthless, so he was disposed of at will by the people of Yunfu and thrown into a mass grave.

The mass burial mound was full of yin, and the original owner was unwilling to have his blood replaced, so he went completely insane, and got a book on how to cultivate ghosts in a pile of bones.

In order to take revenge, the original owner re-cultivated in a few years and became a ghost cultivator.

Returning to Yun Mansion again, he directly wiped out everyone in Yun Mansion.

She learned that Yun Xuanyin had ascended to immortality, the ruined Yun family was just a small role, and the real Yun family was the core in the upper realm.

The original owner began to think about going to the upper realm again.

It has been more than ten years since she went to the upper realm as she wished.

Because he was not a regular ascension, he was betrayed after he went up, exposing his identity as a ghost cultivator, and became a street rat, everyone shouted and beat him.

When they found the Yun family in the upper realm, the original owner didn't even think about it, so he went up and did it, and ended up being wiped out just like that.

Lin Ge: "..."

It didn't matter that the original owner was destroyed, but he was tortured by the Yun family, and his death was quite tragic.

Lin Ge didn't know what to say.

Even the watchdog was silent.

The original owner wanted to single out hundreds of thousands of Yun's family members alone!

Could ghost cultivators lose their IQ too?
Lin Ge swiped the Q version screen and saw the task panel.

Hunter: Lin Ge
Resentment points: 100 points

Star power: 426 (including an extra 15)

The main task is to successfully ascend to the fairy world, avenge the mother and destroy the Yun family.

Lin Ge sighed when he saw revenge for his mother.

"The original owner is also pitiful. Before she died, she knew that her mother and the entire Lin family were also killed by the Yun family."

The watchdog said sympathetically: [Yes, the original owner and her mother both have the blood of the ancient dragon.Under the temptation of such a bloodline, the entire Lin family, regardless of the upper realm or the lower realm, was wiped out by the Yun family, what a tragedy. 】

"It can only be said that the original owner was unlucky. As soon as the original owner was born, her mother sent her away. In the end, the Yun family found her and became a sacrifice for Yun Xuanyin."

Lin Ge rubbed his chin thoughtfully.

"The blood of the original owner's mother was taken by Yun Qingling, the lord of the Yun family in the upper realm. It seems that the blood of the Yun family and the Lin family are highly compatible. Otherwise, it would not be so easy to replace the blood."

She took a deep breath.

"It's useless to say so much now, with my crippled body, let alone doing tasks, it's hard to get out."

The watchdog said angrily: [These people from the Yun family are really disgusting!She actually broke the original owner's knee and didn't let her practice!Otherwise, the master can still use the spiritual power of cultivating immortals here to slowly recover from his injuries. 】

"I'll try to practice first, and see if I can recover from my knee injury."

[Master, come on. 】

Lin Ge cultivated according to the conventional cultivation method known to the original owner.

Thanks to the original owner, in order to improve his strength, he has a lot of stocks for various cultivation methods.

Otherwise, Lin Ge really didn't know what to do.

After all, it was also her first contact with the world of cultivating immortals.

When she felt spiritual power lingering in her body, it was somewhat novel to her.

There is a different sense of comfort from practicing star power.

In this body, with superior blood talent.

After a day, she learned to draw the breath into the body.

Three days later, practice one level of Qi.

Five days later, I practiced Qi on the second level, and began to repair the broken knee.

However, she continued to practice in the future, and she could feel that the speed of cultivation slowed down significantly.

In a few days.

After Lin Ge's extremely painful knee repair and the restless nourishment of her spiritual power, she finally healed successfully.

After confirming that there was nothing wrong with her knee, she immediately got up and stretched her body on the spot.

"Finally, the days of paralysis are over, and I can move around."

She stretched and moved her body.

For the past few days, Lin Ge felt quite uncomfortable because he didn't move much.

【Master, are you going out now? 】The watchdog is also very happy.

Lin Ge: "Don't worry, I'm going to take a walk around the Xianmen General Election. Isn't there still more than half a month left? Just during this time, I'll improve my strength before going out."

half a month later.

When Lin Ge broke open the prison door with his bare hands and was about to leave after getting out.

Someone spoke up.

"This sister, can you take me away too?"

Lin Ge's heart skipped a beat.

Someone here?

Why hasn't she noticed? !

When thinking about whether to kill or not.

She turned her head to look.

It was found to be on her right side, the voice from the cell door diagonally opposite.

On the prison door, countless talismans were pasted to block the breath inside.

If you don't look carefully, you won't find it at all, and people are still locked inside.

"Sister, can you help me?"

The dark dungeon couldn't see the appearance of the person inside.

But judging from the voice and figure, it looks like a seven or eight-year-old boy.

Lin Ge asked the watchdog to scan it first, and wait for the results to be known.

She thought for a while, then walked over to tear off the talisman, and opened the cell door to let him out.

"You go, if you dare to expose my whereabouts after you go out, be careful of the consequences."

With that said, Lin Ge turned around and left, ignoring the little boy.

 Thank you book friend Xiuxiu for voting for a monthly ticket~
(End of this chapter)

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