Fast time travel: The villain BOSS counterattacks all over the world!

Chapter 142 Little Dragon Girl’s Demon Cultivation

Chapter 142 Little Dragon Girl’s Demon Cultivation (24)

The moment Lin Ge stepped out of the secret realm.

The dantian is like a dead tree in spring, greedily absorbing the surrounding spiritual power.

The fluctuation of spiritual power will inevitably affect the surroundings.

However, he was quickly restrained by Lin Ge and remained silent.

Yu Lan's feeling was the most obvious at the side, and her expression froze, shocked in her heart.

Her cultivation seems to have improved a lot.

How long has it been? !
As soon as Lin Ge and the others appeared outside the secret border, a wave of coercion quickly came over them.

"Hmph, witch! You really showed up!"

A cold and deep male voice came, seeming far away.

A handsome white-clothed man appeared instantly with a group of people.

Everyone exudes boundless domineering momentum.

It seems that they want to crush Lin Ge and the others with the power of their cultivation base.

Lin Ge resisted this coercion, feeling nothing.

It was Yu Lan and the others who suffered, their faces turned pale from the shock, and they had the faint urge to kneel down.

She looked calm, flicked her sleeves, and dispersed the pressure that came.

"We didn't do anything, and we used coercion to frighten us when we came up. Are you a bit too much?"

Seeing Lin Ge's understatement to break up the pressure, the man in white's face changed slightly.

He took a few steps back slightly.

"Be careful, this witch is not weak, she is above me."

The rest were also surprised.

"What? Master Si Yao, you are an existence close to the realm of returning to the ruins. I heard that Lin Ge has only practiced Taoism for eight years. How can she be above you?"

"Sure enough, a monster!"

Someone among them suddenly pointed out, "I heard something before that Lin Ge has the blood of the ancient dragon clan and is extremely talented. It is not impossible for him to be higher than Zhenjun Si Yao."

Upon hearing the ancient dragon bloodline, everyone became silent.

Master Si Yao's eyes moved slightly, and he secretly looked at Lin Ge.

Seeing her beautiful face and her perfect curves outlined by her water-blue dress, he narrowed his eyes slightly.

If this woman is subdued by him, there is nothing wrong with it.

At least some use value.

Zhenjun Si Yao said: "Everyone, don't be confused by this matter. I see that her blood has not yet awakened, so what if she is very talented? There are so many of us, it is not difficult to win together."

"What Zhenjun Si Yao said is very true, but with this kind of blood in the world, I feel that capturing her alive and imprisoning her for the time being will give full play to the role of this demon girl."

Master Si Yao also nodded in agreement.

"This deity also thinks the same way. Why don't you let this deity take her into custody after capturing this girl? With the power of this deity, it's so easy to suppress a little demon girl. This is also to avoid accidents. What do you think?"

When he said this, he faintly exuded the coercion of the late Mahayana.

The meaning is obvious, he wants to take over Lin Ge.

This made several sect masters and sect elders crazily curse Zhenjun Si Yao's shamelessness in their hearts.

But feeling the power and influence he exudes, it is hard to say anything.

After all, no one present can fight before, even if they play together and can fight, they don't want to be the first bird.

He became the first object of enmity with Zhenjun Si Yao.

Anyway, he was only temporarily detained, and no one can say for sure what will happen next.

Leave it to him and leave it to him.

Every word these people say to me determines Lin Ge's future ownership.

Lin Ge who had listened to the whole process: "?"

"Are you all right?" She looked around amusedly, raised her hand and nodded in the direction of their heads.

"If you have brain problems, go and treat them quickly. Don't shy away from medical treatment. Do you really think that there are so many of you that you can arrest me? Can you treat me as a piece of paper?"

As soon as she finished speaking, the sharp long whip waved in the void.

Striking out one after another, can tear the void like cracking sound.

The monstrous coercion radiated from Lin Ge's body, stepping on black clouds and smoke suspended in the void under his feet, looking down at them indifferently, like a demon king who came out of the nether hell.


The two sides hand in hand in an instant.

The aftermath of the battle exploded in the void like circles of water waves.

The sect disciples watching from a distance guarding the secret realm all turned pale and their mouths were bleeding from the aftermath.

And Lin Ge's opponents here were not slow to react, throwing out their magic weapons and continuing to fight her.

Just an instant is hundreds of rounds.

After a while, they were defeated steadily.

Lin Ge sneered, and the speed of sending spiritual power to the long whip became faster and faster.

The whip formed an afterimage during the fight with them.

"Didn't you just say that you were very energetic? Why can't even get close to me now, and still want to catch me? A bunch of trash!"

Lin Ge's face turned indifferent in vain.

While flicking the long whip in his hand, taking advantage of some people showing their weaknesses, he kicked out the whip from time to time, kicking them hard at the gate of life.

"not good!"


Almost everyone vomited blood from the beating, and they still had the arrogant and determined appearance just now that they would take down Lin Ge.

Zhenjun Si Yao was the one with the highest cultivation level among those present, and also the only one who was the least injured.

He stared at Lin Ge coldly, and glanced at the whip in her hand, feeling hot in his heart.

This woman is very strong!

Not only is she strong, but even the unknown whip in her hand is definitely a fairy-level magic weapon.

If he can take this woman and take that magic weapon away.

Then the day of his ascension is just around the corner.

Xu is that Master Si Yao's eyes are too hot.

Lin Ge was disgusted by his eyes.

She quickly disappeared in place, no longer dispersed her attacks, and specialized in dealing with Master Qi Si Yao.

She shouted: "Yu Lan, kill other people, if one escapes, I will use your lives to make up for it."

Yu Lan was still fishing and fighting.

Hearing this, how dare you pretend.

In an instant, he exploded with great force, and shouted out the 28 brothers who were hiding behind him.

Pick up the guy and go directly to the group fight.

"Brothers, if you want to survive, kill them quickly!"


The cultivator on the opposite side was frightened instantly!
Why are there still people!
"Demons! They are all demons!"

"Not good! We have been tricked! Run, leave quickly!"

Real Monarch Si Yao saw that the wind was changing, and he couldn't maintain his image of a noble fairy, so he cursed secretly, "Damn it!"

During this distraction, he was directly kicked in the chest.

Almost didn't kick his internal organs out of place.

He stared at Lin Ge with cold eyes, "Woman, wait for this deity, you will be mine sooner or later!"

After being whipped abruptly again, he quickly squeezed out a talisman in his hand and was about to leave.

But in the next second, I felt the teleportation force that I should have, but somehow disappeared instantly.

Master Si Yao's expression changed.

He yelled in horror, "How is that possible!"

Lin Ge slapped Zhenjun Si Yao to the ground.

Another whip tied him up directly, and another deep hole was pressed out of the ground he kicked.

"Since Yun Xuanyin ran away like this, I've been more careful. Let her run away, but can I let you run away again?"

Thinking of Zhenjun Si Yao's eyes before.

The disgusting feeling like being licked by a poisonous snake made her extremely uncomfortable physically.

She was puzzled and kicked a few more times, until Zhenjun Si Yao vomited blood.

(End of this chapter)

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