Fast time travel: The villain BOSS counterattacks all over the world!

Chapter 143 Little Dragon Girl’s Demon Cultivation

Chapter 143 Little Dragon Girl’s Demon Cultivation (25)

"Sooner or later it will be yours? What kind of stupid speech? I really can't stand Toad talking, please go to hell!"

Lin Ge was disgusted.

The watchdog watched silently.

Master, this is a double standard, right?

If Jin Mu said that, he must have another face.

It secretly lit a candle for Si Yaogou.

Um?Mr. Dog?It felt a little wrong.

Zhenjun Si Yao was lying on the ground, his blood surged, his heart and lungs burst!
"Yun killed the deity!"

If it wasn't for this slut named Yun Xuanyin who used the teleportation method in front of Lin Ge in advance, how would she have the chance to block his escape!
This time.

Everyone was slaughtered, including Zhenjun Si Yao.

Lin Ge "pressed" Yu Lan's head and counted the heads on the opposite side.

He was sure that one of them would not fall, so he didn't stare at Yu Lan's head.

Yu Lan's back was wet.

He felt that he had just walked through the gate of hell.

Next time I can't touch fish anymore, I was discovered by Lin Ge...

No, not right.

There is no next time.

With this lesson.

Later, when Yu Lan helped Lin Ge with affairs, she was very attentive and did not dare to neglect anything.

The disciples who were watching all lowered their heads, not daring to look at Lin Ge and the others.

I was afraid that I would be targeted, and my life would be lost.

In fact, Lin Ge has a free-ranging attitude towards those who do not provoke him.

She would not kill for no reason, unless the other party had murderous intentions towards her, or plotted against her.

If you are in a good mood, you can let it go, but if you are in a bad mood, you will die.

Of course, when encountering such a thing, she was in a bad mood most of the time.

Now the power of the Demon Race has gradually grown.

When the time for her ascension arrives, it will be the time when the whole army is under pressure.

She doesn't want to care about the world of cultivating immortals.

She just wanted to quickly solve all the Yun family in the lower realm, complete the task, and then quickly ascend to the upper realm to find the Yun family version 2.0.

Thinking of this, Lin Ge's mood became even worse.

Therefore, the Yun family in Yicheng can only bear the price of her being in a bad mood.


The news that Lin Ge killed Zhenjun Si Yao and several suzerains, elders and others swept the entire world of cultivating immortals like the wind.

The entire immortal world was shocked!

How magical is this!
In particular, Master Si Yao is the youngest and most promising person in the world of cultivating immortals, who will ascend within a few decades.

Now, even people are completely dead, so what is the way to talk about it?
But the sect forces that devoted themselves to cultivating Zhenjun Si Yao were blown away.

"Witch! This is a witch!"

"Let's quickly assemble the sects of many appeals, form a force to crusade against this witch, eliminate demons and defend the way, so that we can do what the righteous way will do for us!"

"The method is cruel, the heart is cold and heartless! These witches should be killed immediately, and they must not be left to become the scourge of the world of cultivating immortals!"

These voices echoed everywhere in the world of cultivating immortals from time to time.

For a moment, the banner of Demon Elimination and Defense was erected.

Not only that, I don't know when it will start.

The story of the blood of the ancient dragon clan has also been spread.

Lin Ge became the existence in the world of cultivating immortals, where everyone shouted and beat him.

At the same time, the dark forces want the meat and potatoes of this bloodline.

Everyone rushed to find Lin Ge.

I'm afraid that whoever is one step late will lose a future genius of his own sect.

Waiting for a change of blood, isn't it a genius.

As for the bright side, everyone is still using the slogan of "eliminating demons and defending the way".

It is not known who really wants to kill, or who wants Lin Ge's blood.

But the result is...

During the few days of eliminating demons and defending Dao.

Instead, they paid a heavy price.

The powerful masters in the world of cultivating immortals all felt a little powerless.

No way, everyone clamored for beating and killing.

When seeing Lin Ge, it was as if he had been beaten with chicken blood, and his eyes lit up.

In the end, he really tried to subdue Lin Ge, which was simply a fantasy.

Waves of people came, and waves of people died and died.

After a long time, that passion is gradually worn away.

The sect forces that attacked Lin Ge were also much less.

"Yu Lan, write down all these sect forces that came to the door today for me."

"Yes, my lord!"

Yu Lan looked serious, holding a jade slip in her hand, on which the name and number of the sect were recorded.

He didn't know why, but if the adults insisted on memorizing the names of these sects, he could only obediently do so.

Five days later.

Yicheng is the junction of the world of cultivating immortals and the world of mortals.

The general election of Xianmen is basically held in Yicheng.

After many years, it is still the same here, nothing has changed.

Lin Ge and Yu Lan were walking on the street.

Most of the mortals around him don't know the situation in the world of cultivating immortals.

Seeing Lin Ge's fairy-like appearance, ordinary people just avoided them respectfully, and dared not come up to profane at will.

The monks, on the other hand, are like watching the plague.

Seeing Lin Ge from afar, he ran away without a trace, for fear that she would attack them.

Lin Ge: "..."

She is very innocent.

After Lin Ge arrived in Yicheng, he went straight to Yun's house without wasting any time.

At this time, inside the Yun family.

Patriarch Yun kept wandering in a closed room.

There were also several elders of the Yun family who were also staring at the secret room anxiously.

Without going in, you can see that a wave of spiritual power visible to the naked eye is sweeping madly towards the secret room.

This violent fluctuation caused the gathering spirit formation around it to tremble.

It's almost half tea time.

A burst of crisp laughter suddenly sounded from the secret room.

"Hahaha... I made it, I finally made it! Lin Ge, all the hardships I suffered back then, this time I will be liquidated with you! I want you to experience the pain of losing everything!"

Patriarch Yun suddenly raised his head and looked at the elders around him with ecstasy.

"It's done!"

Patriarch Yun rubbed his hands and hurried towards the secret room.

As soon as the door of the secret room was opened, a majestic spiritual force emanated from the inside out.

That kind of strong coercion made Patriarch Yun breathless for an instant.

"Yin'er! How do you feel now?"

Yun Xuanyin clenched a fist with one hand, and her spiritual power exploded.

She seemed to have swept away the depression of many days, with an excited and flamboyant smile.

"Father, I feel good now. This body is worthy of the blood of the Lin family! It is the alternative blood of the Lin family, and it is still inferior to Lin Ge."

Patriarch Yun saw that she was indeed much better than before, even if her appearance had changed a lot, she was still his daughter.

His daughter became stronger, and he was more pleased than anyone else.

He patted Yun Xuanyin's shoulder in relief and said: "It's nothing, this body is just an option, wait for the ancestors from the upper world to help you catch Lin Ge, and then replace the blood with her."

Yun Xuanyin immediately became overjoyed, and asked: "Did the upper world send someone here? Are you sure this time?"


Patriarch Yun stroked his short beard, "Although their cultivation has been suppressed to the Returning Ruins Realm, they are Ascension Immortal Venerables after all. Their strength is incomparable to those in the Lower Realm, and they are enough to deal with that little evil beast."

(End of this chapter)

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