Fast time travel: The villain BOSS counterattacks all over the world!

Chapter 158 Don't Mess with the Top Scholars

Chapter 158 Don't Mess with the Top Scholars (5)

Lin Ge took out a peach from Lao Hei's belly as he walked, and opened his mouth to chew.

As a result, the peach in his hand was instantly squeezed by the space.

Evaporates like water and dissipates in air.

"It's like this again." Lin Ge was speechless.

Watchdog is also very helpless.

【Master, don't try again. This world is too low-level and lacks energy. It even sucked up the entire spirit peach. 】

Except for the noon meal.

Lin Ge tried to pad his stomach with a stock pad last night.

She just took the food out.

In the blink of an eye, the world absorbs food.

That's pretty fast.

"I can't help it. If it is a parable that this is a dry land, and the rain suddenly appears, can He not hurry up?"

The watchdog reminded: [Master, you should not bring out items with spiritual power, otherwise the world will find you. 】

Lin Ge gave a light "um" and didn't say much.

She comes home.

There were only three members of the Lin family who had finished their meal.

Clearing up the dishes on the dining table.

Xu Shi was very unhappy this morning.

Father Lin ignored her, and went to the kitchen to wash the dishes with his head buried in the dishes.

Ling Zhuxin sat on the sofa with her legs crossed.

Seeing Lin Ge coming in, he still hated her for slapping himself.

She immediately jumped up, grabbed the broom next to her, and rushed over to hit Lin Ge.

"You little bastard ran so fast in the morning! How dare you hit me? I'm going to teach you well today. There are things that mothers can't teach!"

Lin Ge was so annoyed that he snatched the broom from her hand and hit her backhand.

This time she didn't stop.

Ling Zhu, who was hitting straight, let out a scream like a pig being killed.

"Ahh! Killed! Lao Lin, Lao Lin! Help!"

"What are you doing! Lin Ge, are you crazy!"

Seeing her mother being beaten, Ling Lin also rushed over, trying to stop Lin Ge.

But they were not blocked, and they were educated together.

Papa Lin hurried out when he heard the movement.

Just in time to see Lin Ge kicking Ling Zhuxin's arm.

It hurt Ling Zhu's heart so much that the whites of his eyes were about to pop out.

"Lin Ge! Stop!"

Father Lin rushed over and snatched the broom in her hand, and threw it aside.

Ling Zhuxin lay in Papa Lin's arms, weeping.

Ling Lin on the other side was also streaming with snot and tears.

"Old Lin! Hurry up, call the police! Lin Ge...Lin Ge, she wants to kill me!"

"Woooooo... Dad, I'm in so much pain! I'm going to sue her! I'm going to put her in jail!"

The heart-piercing cries were intertwined and would spread throughout the building.

Father Lin also hurriedly appease Ling Zhu's heart.

"Okay, okay, I'll call later, don't cry, don't cry."

After comforting this one, he comforted that one, too busy.

Lin Ge smiled.

Cooperating with this blood biological father, I really want to call and arrest myself.

It's really pitiful for the original owner to have such a father.

The mother and daughter are still crying.

Lin Ge was so annoyed.

"To shut up."

Her cold voice sounded in the living room.

It made Ling Zhuxin and Ling Lin tremble, and they subconsciously stopped talking.

Both mother and daughter held their hands where they were hurt, sobbing softly.

Father Lin raised his head and looked at Lin Ge with a sharp expression.

"Lin Ge, no matter how you say she is your mother in name, how can you..."

He also wanted to curse a few words.

But when he came into contact with Lin Ge's cold, emotionless eyes.

Father Lin's heart trembled slightly, and an inexplicable chill rose up.

He couldn't understand anything.

How did such a good daughter become like this!
Lin Ge walked slowly to the sofa and sat down, sinking into it.

She has a lazy posture, with her hands resting on both sides of the sofa.

"Mr. Lin, Ms. Ling, I am still one year and eight months away from becoming an adult. Before that, according to the law, you are obliged to raise me, but how did you do it?"

"Most of the time, except for the free lunch at school and the basic meals, you don't even ask me if I have eaten. Sometimes when Mr. Lin is not around, Ms. Ling will abuse me."

She took Ling Lin's mobile phone on the sofa and tapped it twice.

Soon there will be several videos playing.

"Please...please, don't lock me into the closet, I'm afraid, I'm so's so dark inside..."

"I don't dare anymore, I don't dare to steal it anymore... Woohoo, let me go..."


It was all evidence of the original owner begging for mercy and abusing Ling Zhu.

Lin Ge sneered: "Call the police? I can't wait. Please call immediately, and I will accompany you to the end."

She threw the phone on the ground and slid right in front of the three of them.

The picture freezes on the original owner's tear-stained and pleading face.

Not only that, but faint bloodstains could be seen at the corner of her mouth.

Obviously beaten.

Father Lin stared at the phone in a daze, and didn't recover for a long time.

"Zhu Xin, really abused Xiaoge?"

Ling Zhuxin dodged his eyes, screamed, and quickly picked up the phone, intending to delete those videos.

"Delete it casually, I have too many backups."

Lin Ge leaned back on the sofa and looked at her calmly.

Ling Zhuxin raised her head suddenly. At this moment, she was really scared.

what happened?

what happened?

The little brat who used to be scared when he saw him, why has he changed so much in the past two days!

She really has these video backups in her hand. If she calls the police, she will be the one who will be arrested!
"No, you can't call the police!"

She threw herself into Papa Lin's arms, clutching his hand tightly, with a panicked look on her face.

"Old Lin, Lao Lin, I... I really didn't mean it. She was disobedient, so I wanted to educate her. I didn't abuse her, woo woo... I didn't."

She cried pear blossoms with rain, staring at Papa Lin with watery eyes, her tone was soft and aggrieved.

Seeing her like this, Lin's father was still a little angry towards Ling Zhuxin.

It softened all of a sudden.

In turn, he comforted her and patted her on the back.

"It's over, it's all over, I won't call the police, please don't cry."

Ling Zhuxin continued to cry.

"Old Lin, delete the video, let her delete the video quickly! How dare she! How can I say that I am her mother now, and I have worked so hard to bring these two children up, why is she doing this to me?"

The more she spoke, the more sad she became, and her whole body was limp in Papa Lin's arms, her small face was so sad that no one could help but pity her when she saw it.

Father Lin looked a little complicated, and after hesitating for a while, he looked at Lin Ge again.

"Xiao Ge, why don't you delete those videos? If you don't make Zhu Xin angry, she won't treat you like that. You lost your mother since you were a child, and she also wants to educate you in a good direction."

Lin Ge couldn't help but want to give him a thumbs up.

Wimpy dad.

As expected of you.

The abuse of the original owner is said to be developing in a good direction.

She suddenly smiled and tilted her head to look at them.

"Okay, 30."


Father Lin and the others stared at Lin Ge as if they didn't hear clearly.

Lin Ge continued to repeat.

"30, give me 30."

(End of this chapter)

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