Fast time travel: The villain BOSS counterattacks all over the world!

Chapter 159 Don't Mess with the Top Scholars

Chapter 159 Don't Mess with the Top Scholars (6)

Ling Zhuxin's face was full of disbelief, and he felt it was ridiculous.

"Lin Ge, are you crazy! Do you know this is extortion!"

Lin Ge shrugged.

"Don't slander me casually, this is a normal transaction. Don't forget, I still have the video, not to mention, I have more than these videos to prove your abuse of me."

"If I hand over all the evidence I have to the police, and prove that you abused me, I will go to jail."

This made Ling Zhu's heart completely go limp.

"Crazy! Lin Ge must be crazy!"

Ling Zhuxin tightly grasped Papa Lin's hand, her nails were almost embedded in the flesh.

Father Lin saw that Ling Zhu was in a bad state of mind, so he just frowned and didn't say anything.

He stared at Lin Ge with a subtle and dazed expression.

Although he is afraid of his wife, he has struggled in society for so many years.

Where can not see the current situation.

This daughter seems to have dominated from the very beginning.

And step by step to achieve their goals.

He became more and more terrified.

It felt like she was out of control.

Lin Ge didn't care what they were thinking, and said, "I still have a lot of homework to do, don't waste my time."

Ling Lin shouted from the side: "Mom! You can't give it, you can't give it! That's the money to buy a house in the future for brother! If you give it, brother will be angry when he comes out!"

Seeing Ling Zhuxin hesitate there, Lin Ge spoke again.

"I can delete the video and include other evidence, but you must pay 30 yuan as a reward for buying the video. And before I reach adulthood, I won't ask you for a penny."

As she spoke, she also took out her mobile phone and shook it towards them.

"Otherwise, I will call the police now, saying that you have abused me, and Ms. Ling will go to jail by then. Don't blame me for being cruel."

She pressed a few keys and made a gesture to dial the number of the police station.

As soon as Ling Zhuxin heard that she was going to jail, seeing her coming for real, she immediately shouted: "Wait! Wait! Give, I'll give!"

All the money of the Lin family is in her hands.

Of course she can promise.

Lin Ge hooked his hands at her.

"I don't have a bank card, take yours."

Ling Zhu gritted his teeth and said, "The bank card is not with me now, I..."

Lin Ge lost his patience, stood up, and looked down at her indifferently.

"You'd better think it over before you say it, and you still want to play tricks on me?"

Ling Zhuxin saw that she picked up the phone again, and this time she pressed the phone directly.

I was so frightened that I immediately stood up, rushed over and hung up.

"Okay! Here, I'll give it! I'll take it now!"

Lin Ge took the bank card.

In front of them, he used Ling Lin's mobile phone to log in to a network disk, and pretended to delete the information in it.

Ling Zhu breathed a sigh of relief.

Lin Ge turned around and went back to his room, closing the door to isolate them.

As soon as she entered the house, she set up an account for herself.

Once the 30 arrives in the account, throw the bank card aside.

She wanted to invest in stocks, but because of age restrictions, she couldn't.

We can only temporarily give up the idea of ​​rolling interest.

Let's finish today's study first.

"Hey, it's so hard to be a student."

Early the next morning.

As soon as Lin Ge arrived in the classroom, someone called her.

"Lin Ge, the head teacher is looking for you."

She put down her schoolbag and followed the student to the office.

outside the office.

Lin Ge saw the door was open, knocked on the door and stretched his head to look inside.

Just in time, Su Ying turned her head and smiled at her, as if greeting her.

Lin Ge: "..."

She had a bad feeling.

Sure enough, the bald head teacher waved to Lin Ge with a kind face and let her in.

Lin Ge didn't want to go there, but he couldn't help being a student.

I can only stand calmly in front of the head teacher.

"Lin Ge, I heard from Su Ying that you have learned Sanda, right?"

"No, I didn't, he was talking nonsense."

Lin Ge simply refused.

The head teacher hesitated.


He was silent for two seconds, and continued: "Actually, it doesn't matter if you know it or not, there just happens to be a show where you can participate, as long as you are flexible in your hands and feet."

"Teacher, I'm not working hard."

head teacher:"……"

The homeroom teacher didn't expect her to be so resistant, so she couldn't help but look at Su Ying.

"How about Su Ying and the two of you talking again? However, Lin Ge, before that, let me remind you that next week's academic lectures are indeed very important, and all the academic giants who graduated from our school will come. If you are selected as a student, your future will be brighter and you will avoid many detours."

He took out a future career planning form from the drawer.

Lin Ge leaned over to take a look.

It was a planning form that the original owner had filled out when he was just in high school.

The career intention column also happened to be a doctor.

The head teacher clicked on the career intention.

"You see that your intention in writing is a doctor. The academic giants who will come next week have talents in the medical field. Since Su Ying proposed to give you a chance, the teacher is still very optimistic about his vision. I believe you will not let the school down."

Lin Ge didn't understand the logic behind it.

Does the extravaganza have anything to do with meeting academic giants?

Seemingly seeing her doubts, Su Ying answered beside her.

"The people in the show have been strictly screened by the school, and they are also excellent talents in all aspects that they want to focus on training. After the show is over, the students who have participated in the show will stay and participate in the dinner with the academic giants, and they can still accept them. It is also a good opportunity for academic giants to select students."

The head teacher also nodded and said: "The school holds it every three years. If you miss it, you will miss it. But if you don't miss it, the students will seize this opportunity and enter the list of performances. Therefore, Su Ying proposed to find you, and I It was also surprising."

After all, as Lin Ge's head teacher.

For her studies, he sees in his eyes.

When I first entered school, my grades were really good.

But I don't know why, as soon as I entered the second year of high school, my grades plummeted.

Talked to her, she didn't say why.

After the class teacher, nothing happened.

But due to the face of Su Ying, the president of the student union, since he proposed it, he also called Lin Ge along.

"No, thank you for your kindness. I don't think I should participate. If it is true as what the teacher and student Su said, then my grades are in the middle and lower reaches, and it is not suitable to be included in the list. Please give other students a chance."

This said to the head teacher's heart.

He looked at Su Ying and said, "Student Lin Ge has a strong desire to refuse, so let's just forget about it."

Su Ying was not disappointed either, she adjusted her glasses as if she had expected it.

"Well, Lin is really unwilling, and there is nothing he can do."

He smiled at Lin Ge and said, "Then I'll send classmate Lin back first, and take the things I forgot to take last time by the way."

The homeroom teacher originally wanted to keep Su Ying and discuss other matters.

Upon hearing this, the head teacher didn't want to keep more people, so he let them leave.

As soon as Lin Ge went out, he glanced at him lightly.

"Your excuse seems to be true."

He has a fart thing here.

Obviously he didn't want to deal with the teacher and used her as an excuse.

Su Ying chuckled lightly.

"Student Lin saw through her, so let me treat you to breakfast as an apology."

(End of this chapter)

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