Fast time travel: The villain BOSS counterattacks all over the world!

Chapter 160 Don't Mess with the Top Scholars

Chapter 160 Don't Mess with the Top Scholars (7)

Lin Ge found it funny.

"Do you have any other novel ways other than inviting dinner? However, I still refuse. Don't come to me again if you have anything to do. I'm very busy."

She left quickly after speaking.

Back in the classroom, the Chinese teacher has already started giving lectures.


Seeing Lin Ge, the teacher knew what was going on with her.

He waved her in.

When the bell rang for the end of the first class.

Lin Ge took out another textbook from the drawer and continued to read.

At this time, someone knocked on the door.

"Excuse me, is student Lin Ge there?"

The young man's voice is very soft, it sounds like a spring breeze, pleasant to the ear.

"Wow, president! The president is here!"

"So handsome! Ahhh! But why did the president come to find Lin Ge?"

"I don't know, but someone said it before, and saw two people sitting and eating together at noon."

The appearance of Su Ying.

Let the surrounding students fry the pot, chattering in a low voice.

Lin Ge's deskmate also looked over and bumped Lin Ge with his elbow.

"Hey, didn't you hear that the president is looking for you?"

Lin Ge didn't lift his head.

After reading the last sentence on the page, he closed the book and got up.

She walked slowly outside the classroom and looked at Su Ying.

"Didn't I say don't come to me if you have anything to do?"

Don't you know that recess is very precious?
She just read the textbook of the first year of high school.

There are still a pile of books waiting for her to read!
Su Ying handed her the breakfast in her hand.

"I bought some cakes and desserts, and I think you should like them, as an apology for the morning."

You boy is pretty good.

Lin Ge originally wanted to say no.

The hand was pulled up, and the bag was placed directly in her hand.

"Student Lin, don't rush to refuse, this one is delicious, I guess you will like it."

After speaking, Su Ying smiled at Lin Ge, turned and left without lingering.

Lin Ge returned to his seat with his bag in full view.

This made many people's eyes pop out.

"The president gave her something? What does that mean! Could it be that he likes Lin Ge?"

"I'm going, what's the situation? I remember that the president has a fiancée."

"Haha, if Miss Li Aixi finds out, it will be a good show."

"Don't say it, don't say it, Lin Ge looked over, be careful not to be beaten."


Lin Ge bit a piece of cake in his mouth.

Seeing that they didn't say anything more, he turned his gaze away and started to read the textbook of the second year of high school.

That kid will have a fiancee?

He dares to have.

She can screw her own head off.


The deskmate next to me leaned over and whispered.

"Don't listen to their nonsense, Li Aixi claims to be the president's fiancée, and the president doesn't pay any attention to her at all."

Lin Ge glanced at her lightly.

"It has nothing to do with me."

The deskmate stared wide-eyed, "You have already accepted the chairman's things, and you still said it's okay."

Lin Ge was speechless.

"That's what he forced, and it's related to me taking something?"

The tablemate pouted, obviously not believing what she said.

But she still reminded in a low voice: "Regardless of whether it is related or not, the matter between you and the president will definitely spread, and if Li Aixi finds out, with that young lady's temper, she will definitely trouble you, so be careful in the future .”

Lin Ge didn't speak, just looked at her quietly.

His dark eyes were as calm and clear as the surface of a lake, making this little deskmate blush.

"You... what do you see me doing?"

Lin Ge shrugged and turned his attention to the textbook again.

"No, it's not that you didn't like to see me before, but now you come to remind me, it's just strange."

The little deskmate didn't know what to mutter, so he didn't continue talking.

Two days passed in a flash.

"Tomorrow is the weekend."

The little deskmate stretched his waist, looking excited.

Which pot does Lin Ge not open and which pot to lift.

"There will be a monthly exam next week."

Little deskmate: "..."

Regardless of the exam, we are still good friends.

Lin Ge had a very comfortable life these two days, and he was about to finish reading the entire sophomore textbook.

Progress is gratifying.

In a short time, she will be able to pass the third year of high school.

The little deskmate here found out that after getting to know Lin Ge.

I found that she was not as indifferent and unreasonable as I imagined, and gradually became acquainted with each other.

"Do you want to have a barbecue tonight? The taste of their house is amazing."

The little deskmate sent a sincere invitation.

Lin Ge lifted the strap of his schoolbag, flicked his back, raised his chin and said, "Let's go."


The little deskmate was Chu Ya, humming a ditty and walking on the street with Lin Ge.

Maybe it's a holiday tomorrow, she is particularly happy.

"Lin Ge Lin Ge! Do you think this doll looks good?"

At this moment, Chuya was standing in front of a stall in a night market.

Picking up the pink plush pendant on the stall, the eyes are bright.

Lin Ge's eyes moved slightly, but he didn't refute.

"It looks good, buy it if you want it."

As she spoke, she took out her newly bought mobile phone and scanned the QR code to pay.

Chu Ya was elated.

"We're one by one, just hang on the phone."

So, she chose another one with a different appearance and the same color, bought it, and gave it to Lin Ge.

Lin Ge took it, hung it up on the phone, and looked at her with a smile.

"Little Chuya, are you giving me a token of love?"

Chu Ya blushed and pouted.

"What nonsense are you talking about? I think you are a nice person. We are giving gifts to each other. I take it as proof that we are friends."

Lin Ge laughed.

This girl is quite arrogant.

However, as a student, his character is purer.

It wasn't long before they strolled around the night market.

I went to the barbecue restaurant that Chu Ya introduced.

The aroma of barbecue smoke filled the air, the voices were buzzing, and the atmosphere was very lively.

Lin Ge sat on the bench.

Looking at the surrounding people drinking and eating meat, I feel fresh.

Whether it's the previous world or your own home planet.

I have never been to this kind of street shop, but I have experienced it.

"You order, I don't know what to eat."

Lin Ge moved the menu in front of Chuya.

Chu Ya was also polite and ordered a lot.

It didn't take long for the two of them to eat.

They are eating delicious food.

Someone happened to pass by.

Su Ying stood outside the barbecue restaurant, looking at Lin Ge's back, a little surprised.

Does she like to eat this?
Looking at the smoky environment around him, he hesitated for a while, and pushed the door open.

As soon as he entered, he felt a layer of mist on the lens.

He took off his gold-rimmed glasses, put them in his pocket, and strode towards Lin Ge.

"Student Lin." He shouted.

Lin Ge was still gnawing on the chicken wings. When he looked up, he saw a handsome and refined young man standing upright by the table.

"How did you come?"

Lin Ge really didn't expect to meet Su Ying.

She remembered that he was a real young master in this world, and it really didn't fit his noble and elegant temperament to come here.

Did you look sideways at them without looking at the people around?

Su Ying smiled and asked politely.

"Mind if I sit down?"

Before Lin Ge could speak, Chuya's eyes widened and her head shook like a rattle.

"I don't mind, I don't mind, please sit down, President."

Su Ying was not too polite, so she came to sit next to Lin Ge.

(End of this chapter)

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