Fast time travel: The villain BOSS counterattacks all over the world!

Chapter 166 Don't Mess with the Top Scholars

Chapter 166 Don't Mess with the Top Scholars (13)

Lin Ge didn't bother to scare her anymore.

He got up and sat down on the waste wooden box beside him, with a casual and lazy posture.

She watched Qin Shuang give the final warning.

"Before get out of class ends today, go to the broadcasting room and apologize publicly. If you don't satisfy me, you know the consequences."

Qin Shuang was shocked by the sight, her heart was beating wildly, and she nodded repeatedly.

"Got it, I got it."

Qin Shuang was really scared this time.

Up to now, she still feels a pain like being torn apart.

Lin Ge didn't care about Qin Shuang anymore.

He tilted his head to look at Xiang Ming who had long been huddled in a corner, not daring to say a word.

How did the original owner fall in love with this item!
She felt more and more that the original owner's vision was really not very good.

Originally, he dragged Xiang Ming over because he wanted to warn him together.

Now Lin Ge completely lost interest.

There is no desire to say a word to him.

After such an encounter, Xiang Ming definitely wouldn't dare to say anything nonsense again.

After lunch break.

Lin Ge returned to the classroom and studied as usual.

The moment the bell rang for the end of school.

The radio in the classroom made a "sizzling" sound.

Then came the voices of Li Aixi, Wen Ming and Qin Shuang.

"Everyone, teachers and classmates, we hereby solemnly apologize to Lin Ge for her matter. I'm sorry! The whole thing was deliberately spread by us to slander Lin Ge..."

Wait until all the thousand-character short essays are finished.

The whole school was in an uproar.

They were still talking about people who scolded Lin Ge.

They all expressed disbelief and gradually shut their mouths.

The thin-skinned one lowered his head, feeling ashamed that his face was burning red.

It turned out that they all wrongly blamed Lin Ge.

"What is it? So it's Lin Ge who the three of them are secretly spreading rumors about?"

"I'm just saying that Lin Ge usually looks silent, so why did he know the president somehow? It turns out that the two of them live in the same community, and it's normal for people to come together when they meet! This Qin Shuang's secret photo sent Spreading rumors is too much!"

But there are also doubts.

"Xiang Ming's story is always true, right? Did she confess her love?"

"That's right, last time I saw Lin Ge confessing his love to Xiang Ming with my own eyes."

These arguments have not been around for long.

It was clarified by Xiang Ming himself.

"Last time, Lin Ge and I just had a misunderstanding. We are innocent and have nothing to do with each other. Don't bring this up again in the future. Do you hear me?"

If anyone else talks about it.

They will be severely warned by Xiang Ming, telling them not to spread any more rumors.


I saw with my own eyes that Lin Ge beat Qin Shuang into a dog.

He's not that idiot Qin Shuang, so there's no need to provoke Lin Ge with nothing.

He didn't want to be beaten.

Under Xiang Ming's strong suppression, no one really talked about this matter.

Even if I said it, I was careful behind my back.


The next two days.

Since Qin Shuang and the others publicly apologized to Lin Ge.

There are far fewer people pointing and insulting Lin Ge.

Some parents in the family asked about Lin Ge.

Students will also clarify.

He also stated that the public apology letter has been posted at the school gate, and parents can check it at will, which can be regarded as an explanation to the students and parents.

Those with a bit of conscience would hand Lin Ge an apology note after learning the truth, or express their apology in person.

Lin Ge accepted them one by one, without rejecting their apology.

of course.

Not refusing to apologize does not mean that they will be forgiven.

These people act on the basis of wind and insults without distinguishing right from wrong.

Why should she forgive?
For those who have apologized, the past is the past.

And those students and parents who did not apologize.

They are facing a "horrible" supernatural event at this time.

"Something strange happened in our class! Is it the same in your class?"

At this moment, someone was chatting with a friend across shifts, talking about what happened today.

"That's right, so it happened in your class? I was at the same table, and his cell phone rang as soon as the get out of class was over. I felt scary when I heard the scolding of Lin Ge, and the scolding was so ugly."

"Yeah, it's the same at my front desk. Not only my front desk, but many people have a video on their mobile phones for no reason, and they play it as soon as get out of class is over. I feel ashamed and panic after listening to the cursing voice for a long time."


This incident was like a strong wind, sweeping one grade after another.

Those who insulted Lin Ge have not yet apologized.

All of them blushed anxiously and had thick necks.

They want to get the video removed.

But the phone seemed to be infected with a virus, and the content of the screen insulting Lin Ge kept repeating.

The family has a little money, and the mobile phone was smashed on the spot in anger.

But still there will be intermittent, those harsh insults.

Fear, restlessness, panic.

spread among the students.

The harsh and unpleasant language made the faces of these students pale.

Not just students.

Parents even more so.

Some are still working.

Suddenly there was a burst of insults on the phone.

Words like "you are so shameless at such a young age" kept coming and going.

I can't even turn it off.

They were so scared that they almost dropped their phones.

"what happened?"

This thought came to everyone's mind.

Colleagues around cast their gazes.

It made these parents flush with shame and anger.

Even to school.

Some students or parents' mobile phones rang out insults from time to time.

They all wanted to find a crack in the ground to get in.

Some people do not believe in evil.

I changed several phones, but nothing worked.

Even if you leave your phone at home.

But as soon as I got home, I heard insults, and couldn't sleep well all night.

After two days, most people were almost listless and didn't know what to do.

At this time, some students began to give them advice.

"I heard that after someone apologized to Lin Ge, those videos disappeared. Why don't you ask your parents to try?"

"It's true. After I apologize to Lin Ge, the video will be gone. You can go now. Otherwise, when Lin Ge returns home, you will have to listen to the audio of the video all night."

Don't know since when.

Everyone is spreading the news that as long as you apologize to Lin Ge, it will stop.

Therefore, these parents and students, even reluctantly.

They had no choice but to choose to compromise.

With a flushed face, he ran to apologize to Lin Ge with a look of shame on his face.

Everyone said that they must find out the truth in the future before making a judgment.

Even if there is a student whose style of work is really bad next time, he will not make abusive behavior again.

I will correctly express my views on this matter, and then hand it over to the school.

Instead of engaging in a personal, emotional outlet.

What's more, they listened to their own insults for two full days.

I also began to regret it in my heart.

Only after being a bystander did I understand.

How ugly his face was back then.


After apologizing to Lin Ge, the video stopped playing.

These parents and students were completely relieved.

Among them, some parents called the police.

It is suspected that Lin Ge found a hacker to maliciously hack into their mobile phones.

That day, after Lin Ge finished the monthly exam, he was taken away by the police.
Daily ticket request version 3.0

(End of this chapter)

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