Fast time travel: The villain BOSS counterattacks all over the world!

Chapter 167 Don't Mess with the Top Scholars

Chapter 167 Don't Mess with the Top Scholars (14)

Lin Ge was taken away at the school gate.

The unknowing students thought she had committed a crime.

But this time they all got it right.

I plan to wait and see what happens to see what happens.

After understanding, I realized that someone reported Lin Ge.

Said that she found a hacker, which caused the "supernatural" phenomenon.

Everyone is very curious about it.

The group leader formed a group "about Lin Ge looking for hackers" again.

The group did not collapse this time, and it was safe.

——Which parent reported it, Lin Ge is a student, where can I find a hacker with money?

——Hahaha, it's ridiculous, why don't you say that Lin Ge herself is the hacker, and she made it all by herself.

——Laughing to death, if Lin Ge really did it, I'll broadcast it live!

——The eye mark has been inserted upstairs, I remember you.But no one is curious, how to accurately locate everyone's mobile phone?

As soon as the words came out.

New brain supplements appear again.

Say anything.

Lin Ge sat in the police station, watching the group live broadcast that appeared in the void, and found it very interesting.

[Master, I also marked that live broadcaster, do you want to... Hehehe. ] The watchdog smirked.

Lin Ge laughed and regained consciousness.

[Leave them alone, clean up all the traces, lead the line to the coordinates of international criminals, clear the suspects and help the police catch criminals, perfect. ]
Under Lin Ge's Sao operation.

Sure enough, the attention of these policemen was attracted to the side of the international criminals.

The result can be imagined.

Lin Ge's nonsense was sent back.

It also made the parents who reported Lin Ge very depressed.

What happened these days was like a dream.

No matter inside or outside the school, there was an uproar.

Lin Ge's words are getting more and more evil.

We have summed up a little bit.

That is……

Lin Ge, don't mess with me.


It's the school's official performance time for academic masters.

This week, Su Ying was so busy with these things that she kept her feet on the ground.

Even though he was busy flying, he did not forget to pay attention to Lin Ge's affairs.

Of course, he didn't miss the video and the apology.

Su Ying was sitting in the president's office, holding her chin, looking at the letter of apology in her hand, and smiling slightly.


In fact, Lin Ge's side was full of apology letters, and Su Ying also received a lot here.

Probably mean to say.

Both were victims of rumors.

Everyone needs to express their apologies to the victims, so Su Ying also attaches a copy here.

But in the letter to Su Ying, there was some water in it.

Like the pink letter.

Su Ying ignored them all.

"President, president! It's not good! Li Aixi and Wen Ming are fighting!"

Outside the door, a member of the student union quickly ran in.

Didn't even have time to knock on the door.

Su Ying frowned, but she didn't rush to get up, but asked why first.

"what happened?"

"Student Wen Ming said that Li Aixi took away her opportunity to perform, and wanted her to change it back. But Li didn't agree, and Wen couldn't be angry, so the two started fighting like this, and Li seemed to be suffering a bit. Injured, unable to perform on stage."

After thinking for a while, Su Ying said lightly, "Understood, take the two of them to the infirmary first, and I'll find someone to rescue them."

"Good president."

Before leaving, Su Ying also reminded.

"If Li Aixi makes a fuss, just say that the dean already knows about it, and if you don't want to make a big fuss, just be quiet."

Lin Ge is here.

The bell rang for the end of the third class in the afternoon.

She took out her third year textbook and flipped through it.

The third year of high school is a critical period for career planning.

Want to go to the best medical university.

Counting the books that Lin Ge wanted to read, there were at least dozens of them, which doubled directly.

She was also dumbfounded.

Can't help but sigh again.

"Hey, students are so difficult."

Suddenly, there was a pleasant chuckle behind him.

"Student Lin, it's rare for me to hear something that can bother you from your mouth."

Chu Ya's eyes widened and she shouted, "President."

Lin Ge also turned his head to look.

It was completely unexpected that the boy also just bent over and pressed down, wanting to see what book she was reading.

As a result, it was moist and soft, and it just rubbed against his earlobe.

Su Ying: "..."

His body was slightly stiff, feeling the moistness coming from his ears, which made his heart beat faster, and he quickly stood up straight again.

All this happened too fast.

People around only saw the scene where the president suddenly lowered his head and then stood up suddenly.

The speed was so fast that even Lin Ge was stunned.

She pursed her lips and looked up at Su Ying.

Seeing his eyelids drooping, the white and beautiful earlobes were faintly pink.

Lin Ge stared at his earlobe for two seconds, then looked away.

"You have something to do with me?"

"En." Su Ying responded with a breathy voice.

He subconsciously raised his hand to lower his glasses and said, "There is something wrong with the show, and someone needs to rescue the show, so I want to talk to you in detail. I wonder if Lin has time now?"

Lin Ge quickly glanced at his pink earlobe again, then nodded and stood up.

"Let's go, talk elsewhere."

"it is good."

So the two left the classroom.

The classroom of Class 7 (Grade [-]) is in trouble again.

"I don't know if it's an illusion, but I always feel that the president and Lin Ge are having trouble."

"Old Zhao, you are not alone, I think so too."

Chu Ya suddenly raised her head and looked at them.

"Don't talk nonsense, didn't you hear that the president asked Xiaoge to talk about the show? If you dare to spread rumors, do you still want the God of Evil to punish you?"

Secondary nouns such as "God of Evil" have also become popular among students recently.

It means that the "spiritual" events in the last video are all attributed to the manipulation of the God who punishes "evil" behind it.

When Lin Ge heard it.

Just a big speechless.

Forget it.

Forgive these adolescent children, after all, they can still understand that this happy teenage time is not much more.

Lin Ge followed Su Ying to the president's office.

It was her first time here, and she took a look at the furnishings inside.

The environment is clean and tidy, decorated with green plants.

However, most of the space is occupied by bookshelves and tables full of materials.

Su Ying pulled the chair beside her over to her.

He also took a pillow from his chair and arranged it for her.

"Please sit down."

Lin Ge was not polite and sat down directly.

"Tell me, what's going on? What do I need to do?"

Su Ying sat back at her exclusive seat beside her desk.

Explain the matter between Li Aixi and Wen Ming, expressing that Li Aixi was injured and lacked one person to perform.

"How about... Lin, you still perform the Sanda I suggested last time? I think you..."

Lin Ge raised his hand to interrupt, "Wait a minute, can you forget about Sanda?"

She didn't know where to complain.

This kid, why is he always thinking about Sanda!
She knows more things, okay?

Su Ying smiled slightly, took off her glasses and put them on the table.

The broken hair in front of his forehead was smoothed to the back of his head, exposing his smooth forehead, and he leaned on the chair in a relaxed posture.

"Then Lin, what do you know?"

 Secretly said: I am in Class 7 in high school.

(End of this chapter)

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