Fast time travel: The villain BOSS counterattacks all over the world!

Chapter 179 Don't Mess with the Top Scholars

Chapter 179 Don't Mess with the Top Scholars (26)

Su Ying's face was full of innocence and grievance.

After a long time.

Xu Shi Lin Ge's eyes were extremely penetrating, Su Ying was defeated, and slowly put away the innocence on her face.

He wrapped his arms around her waist helplessly and buried his head in her neck.

"Xiaoge, I don't know what's wrong with me. You're by my side, I can hold your hand and hug you, but I can't seem to feel your presence. I know it's not right, but I just can't control myself have a bee in one's bonnet."

"Tonight, I can't find you anywhere. I'm afraid you will leave me suddenly. Xiaoge, let me know wherever you go in the future, okay? I won't stop you from doing anything. Of course, except that you want to leave me This one."

Lin Ge pushed the person away.

Staring at him for a long time, touched his chin, and said seriously: "You you have too little homework recently? Are you in a hurry?"

Su Ying: "..."

Am I talking to you about homework? !

Why is her thinking always so outrageous.

Su Ying took a deep breath, thinking that if the conversation continued like this, the chatter would die.

He simply stopped being entangled and started to change the subject.

"What the hell happened today?"

Only then did Lin Ge recount what happened after she left school.

Su Ying's expression changed, "Then how are you doing? Is there anything wrong?"

He immediately checked her physical condition up and down.

Su Ying breathed a sigh of relief after confirming that she was not injured in any way.

He asked with a gloomy face.

"Where are those people?"

"The police station, because they have some evidence, they will not release it for a while. Don't worry, I will deal with it. I will not let these people go."

Su Ying's brows and eyes became gloomy, her lips were pursed tightly, and her whole body exuded a cold aura.

He never expected that Li Aixi would do such a shameful act.

If Li Aixi really gets her way, I can't imagine the consequences!

Just thinking about it, Su Ying felt chills down her spine and couldn't bear it at all.

If his baby is really bullied by others, even if he doesn't mind, he will regret it for life.

Su Ying hugged Lin Ge tightly, feeling the warmth and fragrance from her body.

It seemed that this was the only way to give him a sense of security.

Lin Ge didn't know why this kid was going crazy again.

He yawned boredly and let him go.

"are you sleepy?"

Su Ying touched her face, picked her up by the waist, and led her to the bedroom.

After putting the person on the bed.

Su Ying said: "Xiao Ge, you go to bed first, I'll make a phone call."

Lin Ge knew what he wanted to do.

She didn't let him go this time, grabbed his hand and dragged him to the bed.

"Don't worry about these things, I said I will take care of it."

Su Ying gave a muffled "Hmm", but her eyes were already cold.

I told the people on my side to pay attention to Li Aixi's movements before, but they were still negligent.

It seems that the people on my side are still living too comfortably.

There are only a few days left to finish the exam.

Lin Ge received a call from the police, saying that the real culprit had been caught.

"It's not Li Aixi, it's the enemy of the Li family who deliberately framed their children."

Lin Ge's brows were indifferent, and his voice was calm: "Then this enemy of the Li family, what is the motive for coming to find someone to destroy me? I have nothing to do with him."

The policeman on the other end of the phone was silent for a moment.

"It's said that you sued your stepmother before. There was a lot of rumors. He couldn't see it. He thought that even if it was a stepmother, she was your mother. He said you were not filial, so he shot you."

"In addition, you and Li Aixi are at odds, so you stole Li Aixi's mobile phone to contact those people, and framing the only daughter of the Li family can destroy you, killing two birds with one stone. At present, all the evidence points to this person, and Li Aixi has completely picked it up. go out."

Lin Ge: "Okay, thank you, I understand."

She hung up the phone and chuckled.

"The Li family, it's interesting. In order to keep Li Aixi, they found a scapegoat in such a short period of time, and the excuses they made are also ridiculous. What kind of stepmother is also a mother, and she has no filial piety... It's true. I didn't expect that these lame reasons can be said. .”

【Master, what should we do now?If there is no evidence to identify Li Aixi, wouldn't she just let her get away with it? 】

"Don't worry, she can't escape."

Lin Ge put on his schoolbag and prepared to go to the laboratory.

Just after passing a building, a figure floated beside him.

Lin Ge stopped and looked at the girl standing in front of him.

"Aixi Li."

Li Aixi blocked her way, raised her chin proudly, and put her hands behind her back.

"Lin Ge, I'm fine, are you surprised?"

Lin Ge sneered, "What a surprise, a good dog won't get in the way, hurry up, or I'm afraid I'll do something if I can't help it."

Li Aixi sneered: "Are you very angry? But it's useless, as long as my Li family is here, you will never have anything to do with me."

"Oh, then you're awesome." Lin Ge plucked his ears indifferently.

Li Aixi thought she would be furious when she saw her.

How could she have thought that she would act so casually and indifferently at this point.

Anger appeared on Li Aixi's face.

The next second, she seemed to think of something, and sneered again.

"Lin Ge, I know you must hate me very much in your heart now, why do you have to hold on here?"

After finishing speaking, she slowly leaned into Lin Ge's ear, and said in the voice of only two people: "You were lucky last time, did you really think that you could do anything to me if you found a broken IP? Sooner or later, I will definitely destroy it. You, when Ah Ying sees how shameless you are, he will always change his mind and come back to me."

Lin Ge Momo glanced at her.

When she was about to leave her, she quickly grabbed Li Aixi's back collar and dragged her to a dark corner where no one was around.

Li Aixi was startled, and said angrily: "Lin Ge! What are you doing! Let me go! Let me go!"

Lin Ge turned a deaf ear.

Dragging her to a corner and pressing her to the ground was an "education".

After a few minutes.

Lin Ge smoothed the wrinkles on the clothes, leaned over and pinched her chin.

"Li Aixi, really think I can't do anything to you? This time the Li family helped you once, I don't believe they can help you a second time."

Her eyes were cold, with a compelling chill.

Li Aixi's face was full of tears, she looked at her in horror, and wanted to break free from her restraint, but she couldn't break free.

After Lin Ge left.

Li Aixi dared to cry and curse.

"Bitch! You bitch! How dare you hit me! Lin Ge, I will never let you go! Absolutely not!"

In the following time, Lin Ge went out early and returned late again.

Not only to study, but also went to the police station and got Li Aixi's mobile phone.

The contents were almost cleared.

But Lin Ge still found some clues and kept them.

However, she has not yet handed over all of them to the police.

this day.

According to the things she found, she came to the downstairs of a dilapidated tube building.

According to the house number found, he found the place and kicked it up.

 Calvin, the update timed out.

  Thank you for your votes_(ω」∠)_
  How to put it, the background list is getting lower and lower, and after more than three months, it costs dozens of dollars, so there is really no motivation.

  However, there are still people who are watching and feel that they can continue, even if they don’t make much money.

  It's also due to my main business, so I don't rely on it for food, or I will starve to death, right?

  This book will not be pitted or unfinished, and I want to continue writing.

  Take your time, this book plans to write a million words, and I have never thought about a million words, so I will talk about it after a hundred.

(End of this chapter)

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