Fast time travel: The villain BOSS counterattacks all over the world!

Chapter 180 Don't Mess with the Top Scholars

Chapter 180 Don't Mess with the Top Scholars (27)

"Stay still, policeman! Put your head in your hands and squat in a corner!"

This sentence is over.

The people inside are also conditioned reflexes.

The woman screamed and pulled up the quilt to cover her naked body.

The man jumped up from the bed and followed Lin Ge's instructions.

As if he had done this many times, he squatted obediently in the corner and remained motionless.

Lin Ge raised his eyebrows and couldn't help but praise, "It's ok, your movements are quite smooth."

A crisp girlish voice came.

It was quiet all around.

The woman on the bed immediately noticed something was wrong, and suddenly looked up.

I didn't see the police, only a young girl standing against the light.

The woman realized that she had been tricked, and she screamed with anger on her face.

"You're going to die! Where did you come from! Old Qi! Old Qi! It's not a policeman, it's a little girl!"

Pushing the woman out of bed, the bald man crouching in the corner.

The bald man put down his hands and looked over.

When he saw the girl, he knew he was being tricked and was furious on the spot.

"Who the hell are you! Why did you come to my house suddenly?!"

He reached for the broom and was about to hit Lin Ge.

Lin Ge didn't speak, just rubbed his wrists, and grabbed the stick.

"Don't worry, let's talk about your employer Li Aixi."

The bald man's expression changed momentarily.

After half an hour...

Lin Ge walked out of the room leisurely at the boss pace.

Before leaving, she turned her head and stared at them with a pair of gloomy eyes.

"Don't think about running, I can find you no matter where you go. So I hope to hear some good news before tomorrow, otherwise you will know the consequences."

The scalp of the bald man was numb from the stares.

At this time, there was no previous arrogance at all, and he nodded tremblingly, watching the girl leave.

The next day, it happened that the school was on holiday for the weekend.

Su Ying had something to go back to Su's house, so she left quietly after making breakfast.

When Lin Ge woke up here, it was almost nine o'clock.

After eating the love meal, I picked up my phone and saw several missed calls, all of which were from the police.

She called back, and it didn't take long for the call to be connected there.

"Miss Lin, there is a new development about your case. Just this morning, someone came over and turned himself in, saying that Li Aixi instructed him to put the money in the designated place and trade with others, and provided some new evidence to prove that It was indeed Li Aixi who wanted to kidnap you..."

Talked there for a few minutes.

After Lin Ge listened calmly, he hung up the phone after talking to the police.

She walked to the sofa and contacted the lawyer who helped her deal with the Ling Zhuxin case again.

Hand over all the materials and evidence, and leave it to the lawyer to solve it, and act as a shopkeeper.

Professional things should be handed over to professional people.

As a student who doesn't understand anything, she must do what a student should do.

There are also a lot of new topics given by the teacher.

She really didn't want to waste time on Li Aixi.

Moreover, this time the evidence is more fully prepared than last time.

She didn't believe that Li Aixi could continue jumping in front of her.

Can wait until Monday after school.

Lin Ge was slapped in the face.

When Li Aixi appeared in front of her again, Lin Ge was silent for a moment.

Is it over?

What the hell do those cops and lawyers do!
Lin Ge's eyes seemed to be stained with thick ink, and the corners of his mouth were grinning, looking extremely imposing.

She stared at Li Aixi for a moment, and said calmly: "The Li family got you out again."

Li Aixi was terrified by her appearance.

She couldn't help but think about what happened to her being beaten last time, subconsciously took two steps back, and had the urge to turn around and leave.

But this is a school, and there are many people in it, so Lin Ge definitely can't do anything to himself!
Li Aixi raised her chin when she thought of this, and she became more and more righteous.

"Lin Ge, as I said, it's useless. As long as my Li family is still there, you'll never have anything to do with me."

Li Aixi took two steps forward and said softly: "Isn't it okay for you to return A Ying to me? As long as you return A Ying to me, I will not come to you again. If this continues, the two of us are nothing but Just wasting time."

Lin Ge thought for a while, and nodded approvingly.

"It's really a waste of time, we should start from the root."

Carrying her schoolbag, she bypassed Li Aixi and walked outside the school.

I won't go to the laboratory today, but go to Li's house.

She was too lazy to look for it before, but now she is really annoyed by Li Aixi.

More annoying than Ling Zhu's heart!

What Lin Ge didn't expect was that it wasn't long after he left school.

Before finding the door of Li's house, I met Li Aixi's mother.

She was a dignified, gentle-looking lady.

Like Li Aixi, Li Aixi's mother looked at Lin Ge with casual and disdainful eyes, as if she looked down on Lin Ge.

But she is more tolerant than Li Aixi.

Even though he didn't like Lin Ge, he still had a gentle smile on his face.

"Are you Lin Ge? Let's find a place to talk?"

Lin Ge had no objection, and pointed to an alley next to the school.

"Go over there and talk, be quiet."

Li Aixi's mother nodded with a smile, but her eyes were calm, with the indifference and arrogance of rejecting others thousands of miles away.

The two entered the alley.

There was no one around, and Mother Li was no longer as gentle as before. When she looked at Lin Ge, she felt a little disgusted.

"I came here today to talk to you about my daughter. What exactly do you want to do? In the past few days, the police have come to find Xiaoxi twice, which is very bad for Xiaoxi. Targeting my daughter again and again?"

When Lin Ge heard this, he no longer knew where to complain.

She smiled, "Why do you think I am targeting your daughter? Have you read the evidence given by the police before? It is your daughter who wants to find someone to kidnap and destroy my innocence."

"If your eyes and brain are not working well, please go to the hospital as soon as possible. Although I study medicine, I can't cure mental illness."

After speaking, Lin Ge didn't bother to answer, turned around and left.

She could tell that there was no reason to talk to these people.

Extraordinary people have to use extraordinary means. Only by hurting these people will they be honest.


Mother Li scolded, and stepped on her high heels to catch up.

After staring at Lin Ge and looking up and down, she sneered and said, "I didn't see it, you have a cheap mouth at a young age, but Xiaoxi told me everything, it doesn't count if you snatch her fiance, I really thought you just found a few people Slandering Xiaoxi can destroy my daughter? I don't even think about myself."

Lin Ge glanced at her coldly, and left without saying anything this time.

This woman can't listen to anything.

Obviously, Li Aixi said something to her and put all the blame on Lin Ge.

"As long as the Li family is here, you will be here, right? If the Li family is gone, you can't go around anymore."

Li Aixi can still be released even though she has all the evidence.

There must be some insider behind the Li family, obviously not clean.

Lin Ge planned to go to Li's house tonight to see what he could find.

(End of this chapter)

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