Fast time travel: The villain BOSS counterattacks all over the world!

Chapter 181 Don't Mess with the Top Scholars

Chapter 181 Don't Mess with the Top Scholars (28)

The night is dark and the wind is high, and the autumn is cold.

Lin Ge found the Li family's villa, unlocked all kinds of combination locks, and entered the Li family's study.

Lijia is a personal care brand.

It has not developed to the whole country, but it has a good reputation in the local area, and it is regarded as a local snake.

As soon as he searched, Lin Ge found a lot of black material.

Lin Ge made a copy of everything, and Shi Shiran left.

the next day.

The Li family colluded with the evidence of corruption above and turned it over to the country.

She also handed over dozens of illegal certificates such as the unqualified product quality inspection of the Li family company.

Within two days, the hot searches exploded.

#李氏集团product quality inspection failed!Everyone use with caution! #
#李家千金 kidnapped and framed classmates! #
#X城某某局corrupted 1.2 million and fell off the horse#
"Fuck! I bought their shampoo! I said that every time I washed my hair, my hair felt itchy and uncomfortable. I thought it was my own problem. I didn't expect their product to fail the quality inspection!"

"This family is really bad. The old one has no conscience to entrap consumers, and the young one kidnaps classmates before they reach adulthood! It's disgusting!"

"The point is corruption, okay! How can the country have such moths! There is a nest of snakes and rats, we must send someone to investigate and see how much hard-earned money of the common people has been cheated! Money back!"

As soon as this was said, the comments below were all about refunding money.

This time, Lin Ge did not give the evidence to the police.

Instead, all the evidence was handed in after it was determined whether the person who crossed the level was honest and honest, so the processing process was quite fast.

The higher-level department came down to investigate, and sure enough, it found out that a certain bureau had a lot of money.

This is just a small third-tier city, with 1.2 million corrupted!

So what about other places?
It's unimaginable to do so.

This matter received great attention, causing "earthquakes" to occur on several upper floors.

After Lin Ge beat the "tiger", he hid his achievements and fame.

Without Li Aixi dangling in front of her eyes, she can finally continue to study with peace of mind.

In the blink of an eye, it is the end of the year.

Lin Ge spent two months of stability.

But not long after he felt comfortable, he heard a reminder from the watchdog.

【Master, Ling Xiu has been released. 】

Lin Ge lay flat on the bed, his eyes wide open, staring at the ceiling, like a dead person.

"Can't you let me stop the meeting?"

"Mumu, what's the matter?"

Su Ying stretched out her long arms and pulled her into her arms.

His eyes were sleepy, and his starry eyes were hazy like mist.

"What stop meeting?"

Lin Ge pretended to be dead and didn't want to talk.

【Master, just keep going. Anyway, after you get admitted to university, get Ling Xiu in, and your mission will be completed. 】

Lin Ge sighed, turned over and pressed on Su Ying's body, and after a while, she felt her mood calm down.

At this time, Su Ying's cheeks were flushed, and her chest heaved violently, pushing Lin Ge away.

He quickly threw off the quilt and ran to the bathroom as if to escape.

Lin Ge knew what he was doing without even thinking about it, the corners of his mouth curled up slightly, and he was in a happy mood.

It took a while for Su Ying to come out with a blushing face.

He went to the bed, leaned over and kissed Lin Ge's forehead.

"I'll finish cooking for you later, and I'm going out for a while."

Lin Ge pulled him back, "Go ahead, don't cook for me, I'm going out too."

Su Ying didn't say much, kissed her again, packed up and left.

As soon as he went out, he put on his gold-rimmed glasses, returning to his dignified and elegant youthful appearance.

Su Ying sat in the car, the passenger seat, and someone reported to him.

"Young master, since the Li family's accident, there have been many people who have bought shares in the Li family group. Is the price we offered too low? Otherwise, I'm afraid we won't have a chance if they are snatched up by others."

Su Ying adjusted her glasses and leaned back on the chair relaxedly.

"No, you continue to maintain the current purchase price, and they regret it and want to sell the shares, reducing the price to half of the previous negotiation."

"Young Master?" The man was startled, "In this case, no one really wants to talk about it. Now the Li family is a piece of fat, and everyone wants to come up and take a bite."

Su Ying smiled gently, a dark light flashed across her eyes.

"Don't worry, they will sell."

Now that Su Ying had said so, that person didn't say any more, and could only follow the young master's instructions.

Su Ying turned her head to look at the passing scenery outside the car.

Two months ago, before he even started to do anything, something happened to the Li family.

All this happened so fast and so suddenly that he was caught off guard.

He always felt that Lin Ge did it, but he never asked her how she did it.

"Mumu, when will you get closer to me?"

He wanted to know everything about Lin Ge.

The kind of ethereal feeling of being separated from someone who is clearly by his side really makes him a little uncomfortable.


The end of the year is approaching.

There was beaming everywhere.

There is the joy of working hard for a year and taking a vacation for the New Year, the indulgence after the exam, and the harmony of family reunion.

Lin Ge had already cut off contact with the old Lin family.

This New Year is naturally spent by myself.

She originally thought so.

But Su Ying refused to let her go, she insisted on letting her live with Su's house.

Later, the Su family couple also said yes.

Lin Ge agreed.

When Lin Ge came to Su's house for the second time.

She obviously felt that there was something wrong with the way the Su family couple looked at her.

Lin Ge sat on the sofa, put down the remote control in his hand and looked at the two members of the Su family, feeling a little helpless.

"What are you two keeping watching me for?"

Mo Yan muttered twice, but he didn't speak.

Instead, she looked at her husband, wanting to ask his opinion, whether or not to ask.

Father Su thought for a while, changed his usual majesty, and said hesitantly, "Did you do what happened to the Li family?"

Although he thought it was ridiculous, since his wife told him what the little girl showed her last time.

Father Su felt that this little girl was not as simple as she appeared on the surface.

Of course, it doesn't seem simple on the surface.

With strong strength and strong learning ability, he was accepted as a student by Mr. Guo of Kyoto University at a young age.

Nothing like an ordinary high school student.

But thinking that their son is also good, the Su family couple felt relieved.

It's not a big problem for an excellent son to find an excellent daughter-in-law.

Lin Ge was not surprised when he heard their question, and he admitted it directly.

"Well, are you buying their property? Don't worry, the price you want will be reached later."

When Su's father heard it, his eyes lit up and he became interested.

"How to say?"

Lin Ge analyzed the current situation.

Next, a middle-aged man and a young man sat on the sofa and had a lively chat.

Ms. Mo Yan glared at Lin Ge bitterly.

No matter how she looked at it, she still felt that Lin Ge was not pleasing to the eye.

It doesn't count if you snatch your own son, but even your husband!

She immediately got up, stepped on her high heels and ran to tell her son about her future daughter-in-law.

The result can be imagined, the scolding didn't help at all, and my son even talked about it.

But Ms. Mo Yan was furious.

Lin Ge and Su's father chatted in the living room until midnight.

Only then did Father Su leave without further satisfaction.

When passing by to pick up his precious Su Ying, Su's father had an enigmatic expression on his face.

"Your boy... Yes, you have the vision and demeanor of your father and me back then."

Su Ying: "..."

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(End of this chapter)

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