Fast time travel: The villain BOSS counterattacks all over the world!

Chapter 182 Don't Mess with the Top Scholars

Chapter 182 Don't Mess with the Top Scholars (29)

After the winter break, school starts again.

This time, at the end of the third year of high school.

Lin Ge started his days running across the city.

Dean Guo of the Kyoto University School of Medicine guaranteed the ticket, plus Lin Ge's own status as a top student.

The school has become accustomed to her behavior of not coming to class from time to time.

But she can't be at the same table.

The Su Ying Finance Department does not need to communicate with teachers face-to-face, and communicates online through video.

Not being able to be with Lin Ge caused the two to see each other often.

Su Ying was very depressed.

He tapped the mobile phone in his hand that had no news, and stood up abruptly from his seat.

No, he is going to find Mumu.

He hadn't seen her for half a month, and he felt that if he didn't see anyone again, he would go crazy!
Su Ying suddenly rushed out of the classroom.

The math teacher who was writing and drawing on the blackboard was stunned for a while.

When he reacted and was ready to scold him.

Looking at the location, I found that it was Su Ying, who was the first and second in age.

Oh, it's Xueba, that's fine.

Lin Ge didn't have time to take care of Su Ying's emotions.

She is currently conducting a human body dissection experiment.

This is an experimental body that Guo Huazhen specially applied for to practice for his favorite students.

The applied human bodies basically come from unclaimed unidentified dead patients in hospitals, prisoners, or unidentified dead human bodies on the road or in the wilderness.

So Lin Ge was even more stress-free when he started to operate.

Guo Huazhen was amazed when he saw the girl holding the scalpel calmly.

Lin Ge carefully observed the dissected organs with a focused and serious expression.

From time to time, Guo Huazhen pointed out the subtleties of the human body and the cause of death.

All of this made Lin Ge feel somewhat novel.

It was the first time for her to look at these things in such detail.

Several hours passed.

After the end, the two left the dissection room.

Dean Guo took off his equipment and said comfortingly: "Little Ge, have you dissected a human body before? The students I have taught in the past were afraid to do anything when they saw a corpse for the first time."

Lin Ge nodded his head as he recalled the past.

"I've dissected it." There are still many dissected, but the technique is relatively rough, not as detailed as today.

Of course, she didn't say anything later, because she was afraid of scaring her teacher.

The two went to the disinfection room.

Before the two parted, Guo Huazhen left after arranging a lot of subjects for Lin Ge.

This student is the one with the fastest learning progress under his leadership.

He felt that if he continued like this, within two years, he might have nothing to teach.

Lin Ge was carrying a large schoolbag of study materials, and was about to leave the building of the medical school.

When going downstairs, I will also meet several familiar brothers and sisters.

The two sides nodded from time to time as a greeting.

These people came to know Lin Ge during this period of time.

After all, they are students led by Dean Guo himself, so they are more or less well-known in the circle.

The credit also goes to Guo Huazhen when he goes out to meet friends, colleagues and so on, he will always mention this favorite student.

It's hard not to know.

At this time, a boy with a handsome and cheerful appearance quickly ran over and winked at her with a smile.

"Sister Lin, do you still have the new information given by the teacher? Can you lend me a look?"

Lin Ge glanced at him lightly, took out a few books from his bag, and stuffed them directly into his arms.

"This is all the information the teacher gave me, senior Rong Xuan, you can read it slowly."

After speaking, she left immediately.

Rong Xuan was suddenly stuffed with a pile of books, and his arms suddenly became heavy.

He felt helpless.

Seeing Lin Ge running away all of a sudden, and not caring so much, he quickly chased after him.

"Sister Lin, did the teacher take you to dissect the corpse this time? The teacher often praises that your learning ability is better than ours. It happens that I don't understand some things. Can I talk with the school girl?"

Lin Ge didn't even look back.

"Seniors can go to the teacher if they have any questions. I'm still a student."

Rong Xuan was talking all the way, while chasing Lin Ge out of the medical school building.

Even if Lin Ge didn't say a word, he didn't mind.

It seemed that he was used to Lin Ge's attitude towards him.

Seeing Lin Ge's beautiful profile, Rong Xuan felt a strange feeling in his heart.

Ever since my teacher brought Lin Ge to the medical school.

Rong Xuan, who has never been tempted before, is the first time to know the wonderful feeling of liking.

Even if she keeps rejecting herself.

But Rong Xuan himself is a person with great perseverance, and he will not let go of his attachment to things he likes easily.

So whenever he has time, he will come to Lin Ge.

"Sister, it's dinner time, how about I treat you to dinner?"

His voice just fell.

Suddenly, a sweet and pleasant young voice came from their side.


Lin Ge stopped and looked back.

I saw a young man in a long black windbreaker standing under the snow-soaked tree. The erected belt showed his tall figure, his handsome face was as wide as the moon, and his red lips held a soft smile, noble and elegant.

He raised his head slightly, the broken hair on his forehead was blown by the breeze from time to time, and the beautiful dark eyes under the gold-rimmed glasses looked gently at the girl in front of him.

When Lin Ge saw the young man, he couldn't help but raise his lips, and strode towards him.

"Su Ying, why are you here?"

Su Ying stepped forward, took her hand, lowered her head and pecked lightly on her lips.

Smiling and raising his eyes, those black jade eyes seemed to bring frost like a cold wind, and looked at Rong Xuan who was already standing in place.

But when he looked at Lin Ge again, the coldness in his eyes disappeared instantly, like a warm wind, warming his heart.

He wrapped his arms around her waist and held her in his arms, his tone full of grievances.

"I miss you. I won't come back for half a month. What if you are kidnapped?"

Lin Ge knew who he was talking about, so he just took his hand, walked slowly to Rong Xuan, and introduced him.

"Senior, this is my boyfriend Su Ying."

The word boyfriend hit Rong Xuan's heart like a bolt from the blue.

Rong Xuan smiled bitterly, held the book in one hand, and reached out to Su Ying.

"Hi student Su, I am Rong Xuan, the senior of Lin Xuemei."

Su Ying also had a smile on her face, and shook hands with him "friendly".

He put his arms around Lin Ge's shoulders and said gently, "During this time, please take care of Senior Rong Xuan."

Rong Xuan waved his hand bitterly again, "No, no, Xuemei Lin is very powerful, she doesn't need anyone's care, and the content of her studies has already surpassed mine, so why talk about taking care of her?"

Su Ying nodded in agreement.

"Indeed, Mumu has always been very powerful."

Rong Xuan: "..."

He always felt that Su Ying was deliberately showing something, but he had no proof.

"I...I still have something to do, so I'll leave first, and you two talk slowly."

After Rong Xuan finished speaking, he fled in despair.

Su Ying stared at Rong Xuan's back, and the smile on her face faded instantly.

Lin Ge knew that this kid was angry again.

Pull the person directly to a hidden corner of the building, raise your head and kiss.

There's nothing that can't be resolved without a single kiss.

If so, do it twice.

 As always, strike first and then catch bugs.

(End of this chapter)

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