Fast time travel: The villain BOSS counterattacks all over the world!

Chapter 184 Don't Mess with the Top Scholars

Chapter 184 Don't Mess with the Top Scholars (31)

before leaving.

Lin Ge cleaned up all the traces around him.

When Lin Jiangguo arrived panting, he saw Ling Xiu lying on the ground, not knowing whether he was alive or dead.

After confirming that he was just unconscious, he hurriedly dialed the emergency number.


The college entrance examination is over.

Not surprisingly, Lin Ge and Su Ying received admission letters from Kyoto University at the same time.

Su Ying was one point behind Lin Ge.

So the top scorer in the local college entrance examination fell on Lin Ge's head.

This incident also caused quite a stir on the Internet.

They all remembered that Lin Ge had a cruel biological father.

There are various voices of discussion and ridicule.

"Hahaha, laughing to death, Lin Ge's biological father will die of anger knowing that the daughter he does not want is so good?"

"I still remember that a reporter interviewed Lin Jiangguo at the parents' meeting, and asked him why he partnered with his later wife and abused his own daughter. Guess what they said? They said that Lin Ge was a child without a mother since childhood, and he found a stepmother for her Alright, show me some fun."

"This stepmother is in jail, and the fact that she abused Lin Ge is true, how dare Lin Jiangguo say those words!"

"It's true that everyone has it. Thanks to Lin Ge's own efforts, he was admitted to the first prize and was admitted to the first university in China. He got out of the misery sooner. Congratulations, congratulations, congratulations."

At this time, Lin Jiangguo was also scrolling through the trending news on his phone.

He was sitting by the chair in the hospital, staring at Lin Ge's top prize in science with big red and bold characters, with a gloomy expression.

Holding the phone tightly, he felt in his heart that he seemed to have lost something important.

Soon, this feeling disappeared in the comments mocking and scolding him.

For Lin Jiangguo, Lin Ge's admission to such a good university and the honor of being the number one scholar is obviously due to his father!

If it weren't for him raising Lin Ge from childhood, and Ling Zhuxin's strict discipline, how could Lin Ge achieve such a high achievement? !

Why...why do these people still blame him? !
He just married a wife to give Lin Ge a better life.

These people's malice towards themselves is so deep!
Lin Jiangguo couldn't figure it out, and he didn't want to think deeply.

All he knew was that he was right.

As Lin Ge's father, disciplining his own children is just a bit harsher, so how could it be wrong?

At this time, Ling Xiu, who was on the bed next to him, groaned in pain.

Lin Jiangguo hastily turned off his phone, and immediately looked at Ling Xiu with concern.

"Xiaoxiu, how is it? Do you feel better?"

Ling Xiu opened his eyes and saw Lin Jiangguo for a moment.

He was in pain, crying with tears in his eyes.

"Dad! Lin was Lin Ge who beat me! She took me to that alley and crippled me! crippled!"

Ling Xiu already felt that his legs were numb.

The hatred, regret, and desire to kill Lin Ge rushed out of his brain.

There were more and more tears.

Because it is not a separate ward.

Everyone was startled by the howling, and stretched their heads to look over.

Lin Jiangguo hurriedly sat beside Ling Xiu's bed, comforting him non-stop.

"Okay, daddy has already called the police for you. If Lin Ge really did it, I will definitely help you get justice."

Ling Xiu kept weeping, until finally he was tired from crying and passed out.

Lin Jiangguo said to call the police, but he hesitated looking at the call to the police.

He glanced at the comments under Hot Search again.

Suddenly, his face turned hard.

"Lin Ge, don't blame Dad for being cruel, even if your future is ruined, it's your own fault!"


It was one o'clock in the afternoon when Lin Ge received the call from the police.

She was packing her luggage with Su Ying, and was going to consign the things to the house in Kyoto in advance.

When Su Ying heard that she was going to the police station again, she tensed up.

As a result, Su Hangang was taken away by Lin Ge again.

In order to prevent this kid from thinking wildly.

Because Lin Ge had already cleaned up all traces of surveillance.

There is no evidence to prove that she was the one who killed Ling Xiu.

This matter to the end.

No matter what Ling Xiu did, there was no result.

Later, somehow, the murderer caught a death row prisoner who was fleeing for his life.

Ling Xiu couldn't accept it, and kept calling the police in order to let them catch the real murderer and bring him to justice.

In the end, the police detained Ling Xiu and educated him on the grounds that Ling Xiu was obstructing his official duties.

The angry Ling Xiu was about to explode.


Lin Ge was admitted to university and achieved the mission achievement.

Started a new study life.

After two years of college.

The entire Kyoto University knows that there are two top students in the school.

One is Lin Ge, who got his doctor's license in his freshman year, went to the hospital with Dean Guo as an intern, and became the chief surgeon in his sophomore year.

The other is her boyfriend Su Ying, who is particularly vicious in terms of investment, and the projects he sees are basically profitable.

The two are model couples in the school, and they are also sought after by everyone.

As a result, some students had to bow in the direction of Lin Ge and Su Ying in the exams, to bless themselves not to fail their exams and pass through safely.

A few years later.

Umeki Hospital.

Lin Ge had just finished an operation. After explaining the situation to the family members waiting outside, he took off his mask and walked outside.

"Doctor Lin, the patient cases you mentioned last time have all been sorted out and placed in your office." A cute little nurse ran over and said.

Lin Ge nodded with a smile, his elegant face was more stunning and charming than when he was a girl.

"Thanks for your hard work."

The little nurse seemed to have always admired Lin Ge.

Seeing Lin Ge smiling at herself, she blushed and ran away quickly.

At this time, a handsome and gentle man with gold-rimmed glasses strode forward.

He was wearing a dark blue suit, with a tall and slender figure, exuding an elite, calm, dignified and elegant temperament.

"Mumu." There was tenderness in his eyes, and imperceptible pampering in his tone.

Lin Ge pointed to the chair next to him.

"I'm going to the disinfection room, you wait for me here for a while."

The man obediently responded.

"it is good."

A handsome and good-looking man is the focus of attention wherever he goes.

Many doctors and nurses couldn't help but look sideways at him when they passed by.

"He is our doctor Lin's boyfriend, right? Every time I see him, I think he is so handsome!"

"Yeah, I don't know where Dr. Lin can find high-quality stocks. I envy the dead!"

Some people praised it, while others were jealous.

"Su Ying, news about him breaks out from time to time in Kyoto. He is an upstart in our capital in recent years. Who knows what methods Dr. Lin used to curry favor with him?"

As soon as they heard that there was gossip, many people began to gather here.

"Really? I've heard of Su Ying's name, but her privacy is very secretive, and the photos haven't been revealed much. How do you know, Dr. Wang?"

Dr. Wang sneered, "My family cooperates with the company he invested in, and I often meet at dinner parties. Dr. Lin is not from our circle. To be able to like Su Ying, he must have done something shameful."

 End this plane immediately.

  Later, we will go to the real world first, and then open a new plane, the new plane female

  Still thank you for the little cuties who voted, memememe()
(End of this chapter)

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