Chapter 185 Don't Mess with the Scholar (End)

"I usually see that Dr. Lin often goes in and out of the dean's office, and it's not really the same as what Dr. Wang said."

A nurse next to him rubbed his arms.

"That's disgusting. The principals are all old men in their fifties and sixties. Lin Ge looks pretty, but I didn't expect such a strong taste!"

"If you ask me, Dr. Lin may be able to sit on the attending physician at a young age, and he may hook up with several people..."

Dr. Wang and several others were still muttering non-stop beside them.

When they talked dry, they found that the surroundings became much quieter.

After the excitement, I felt something was wrong.

One of them seemed to feel something, and turned his head suddenly.

They found that Lin Ge, who had already come out of the disinfection room, was standing behind them.

With a cold face, she pointed out a few people in the crowd.

"You guys are fired."

When Dr. Wang heard this, he seemed to have heard something funny.

She raised her chin slightly, and sneered, "Lin Ge, it's not you who wrote about the legal person of this hospital. Do you really think that the hospital is run by your family?"

Lin Ge slowly pursed his lips, took out his phone from his pocket, made a call, and looked at them.

"Sorry, I really drove it."

In front of them, tell the head of the personnel department the names of the people who will be fired.

Lin Ge didn't bother to talk to them anymore, so he went around and walked towards Su Ying.

Su Ying watched from the side the whole time.

It's not that he doesn't help.

This place belongs to Lin Ge, and he will not intentionally interfere with any of her decisions and actions.

He also took two steps forward, looked at Lin Ge and said softly, "Shall we go to eat? Or do you continue to be on duty at night?"

Lin Ge said helplessly: "On duty, there are still two operations to be done later, didn't I tell you why you are still here?"

Su Ying's beautiful eyes blinked twice, her face seemed a little innocent.

"You're busy with your work, I'll just wait in the office, I won't hinder you,'ve been tired of me for many years..."

After that, he lowered his head slightly.

Gold-rimmed glasses covered the loneliness in his eyes, and his whole body was revealing the accusation of "I was abandoned".

Lin Ge: "..."

We are old couples, why are you still so tired?
She sighed and took his hand.

"Walk around, go to eat, you should prepare it for me, right? Where are you?"

Hearing this, Su Ying immediately became full of energy and led her away.

"I'll take you."

The people behind all stood there blankly, watching their backs as they left.

It's not that Lin Ge is flattering Su Ying, it's Su Ying who sticks to Lin Ge with a dead skin and face!

As for being fired.

They didn't take it seriously.

It can be seen that the head of the personnel department personally led people to dismiss those people that Lin Ge had pointed out before.

The whole hospital is fried.

Knowing that Lin Ge did not intend to conceal her identity, the dean immediately came forward to clarify some false rumors.

"Dr. Lin is the biggest shareholder behind the hospital. The hospital is named after Dr. Lin. She has absolute say in the entire hospital. And I'm a bad old man. If Dr. Lin didn't pull me Come on, I can't be the dean of our hospital."

"You youngsters, you don't know what you are pretending to be in your head. Dr. Lin can be my granddaughter, and even an old man can be used as a talking point by you. Hey, the world is going down, the world is going down ah."

The old dean has no face to say whether to support or not.

He sighed, shook his head and left with his hands behind his back.

And that's not the most shocking thing.

It doesn't matter that the whole hospital belongs to Lin Ge, even the medical equipment in the hospital comes from Lin Ge's company.

And this company, which everyone is familiar with, has also emerged in recent years.

That is a medical equipment company whose market has expanded to foreign countries!
What relying on beauty to rise to the top, what shady means.

There is no shortage of money at all!
After knowing Lin Ge's strength.

Those who questioned and abused in private felt that they had been slapped on the face, and it hurt hot.

At the same time, I also felt ashamed and indignant, and cursed at me when I stood in front of the personnel department.

"Lin Ge is obviously so powerful, why didn't he say it earlier!"

"That's right! Did you guys want to fire us a long time ago! You insisted on waiting for us to finish scolding Lin Ge before showing up, did she do it on purpose?"

The head of the personnel department sneered.

"Isn't your eating appearance too ugly? Do you have to declare to the world that Dr. Lin is great? You are jealous, dirty in heart, you are exposed and do not reflect on your behavior, and you are still blaming Dr. Lin for your fault! I will take care of you! Panicked with shame!"

"Don't dare to mumble endlessly in the hospital. Believe it or not, I'll call the security guards to throw you all out right now! Let passers-by see how ugly you are now!"

These people didn't dare to make trouble anymore.

Holding the dismissal form in their hands, they left with a look of resentment.


Lin Ge has a strong background, and his own medical skills are also top-notch.

Because she learned from Master Guo Huazhen Guo, she was introduced to many bigwigs.

After curing the first boss, Lin Ge's reputation became more and more famous.

Gradually, many big bosses asked Lin Ge to do it by name.

Later, because there were too many people, Lin Ge could only choose some outstanding students to lead.

After they leave the teacher, those big bosses will leave it to the students to solve unless there are intractable diseases.

With Lin Ge's fame spreading across the country.

Lin Jiangguo, who was far away in the small town, also knew the news.

Watching her achieve achievements that shocked the world was more uncomfortable than him losing money.

"Dad, Lin Ge is so powerful, take me to find her for treatment! She has destroyed me, so she should take responsibility!"

Ling Xiu rushed out of the room frantically, his eyes were red with excitement.

He clung to Lin Jiangguo tightly, as if he had grasped a life-saving straw.

After Lin Jiangguo thought about it, he didn't refuse.

Thinking that he might be able to see Lin Ge again, he actually felt a little hopeful.

"Yes! We must go to that little bitch!"

Ling Zhuxin, who had been released from the prison, also looked at Lin Jiangguo with a vicious look on his face.

When she thought of her son being crippled, she felt as if a knife was piercing her heart.

She choked Lin Jiangguo's arm tightly, "She is so powerful, she will definitely be able to cure my son, Lao Lin! You must take Xiaoxiu! No! I will go with you. If that bitch doesn't cure my son, at worst, I will go with you." She died together!"

For her insulting Lin Ge, Lin Jiangguo felt very uncomfortable.

But he has been afraid of his wife for half his life, and he is used to being useless.

Even though I feel uncomfortable, I can only nod along and agree.

Lin Ge, who is far away in the capital, had a rare day off today.

Salted fish was lying on Su Ying's lap.

She opened her mouth to eat a piece of pear he handed over, and was watching the live broadcast of the Lin family on the Q version screen.

Seeing her staring in one direction in the void, Su Ying showed doubts on her face.

"Mumu, what are you looking at?"

Lin Ge swallowed the pear, "I didn't see anything."

She propped herself up and sat up, stretched her waist and said, "Lin Jianghui brought his family to the capital. The place we prepared before can send people in."

Seeing her changing the subject, Su Ying nodded without asking any further questions, "However, I'm a little curious, why did you have to send them there?"

Lin Ge put his arms around his neck and said with a smile, "As entrusted by others, I promised others to educate Ling Xiu about the matter of loyalty, but I can't think of any good way, I can only build a cage that belongs to them."

The watchdog knew that the master was fooling Su Ying again.

If you can't think of a good solution, you are obviously too lazy to think about it, so you can simply throw everyone away to save trouble.

After Lin Jiangguo and the others arrived in Kyoto.

He was caught by a group of men in black and taken away after being stunned.

As for the place where it was taken, it was a small island abroad.

There is a "paradise" specially built by Lin Ge for their family.

Does this count as keeping Ling Xiu in prison for the rest of his life?

For the rest of my life.

Lin Ge devoted herself to her medical career.

She published several papers that shook the world, and solutions to intractable diseases.

Su Ying was the man behind her all the time.

He will try his best to get all the resources and materials for her.

Let her concentrate on surgery and experiments.

Until his twilight years, Lin Ge left first.

Su Ying sat in front of Lin Ge's tombstone, stroking the photo of Lin Ge's youth on the tombstone with her withered hands as if she were a lover.

His face was full of tenderness and compassion.

"Mumu, you said that you don't belong here, but as long as you are by my side, everything else is no longer important, wait for me, I will catch up with you now, even if I die, I will not let you go to hell alone .”

He took out a tube of medicine, stuck it directly on his arm, and slowly closed his eyes.

Su Ying felt that her consciousness was gradually blurring, and many strange memories appeared in her mind.

He didn't have time to think about it, and he was completely silent.


From Su Ying's gradually icy body, a spherical radiant light flew out, turning into a meteor, piercing the sky and disappearing into the starry sky.

Outside this low-level planet, a space tunnel emitting blue light emerged.

The spherical twilight hit the tunnel entrance and began to change into a blurred figure.

The figure trembled violently.

In the next second, an earth-shattering roar came out.

"Stupid cat, you set Lao Tzu up as a dog licking again!"

 Love fried hair, act like a baby, sell obedient and loyal dog Chi Yu x evil madly pull and hang the queen Lin Ge

(End of this chapter)

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