Chapter 192 Fat Wife Farms and Raises Husband (5)

Lin Ge looked at the fifth cousin and smiled slightly.

"Understood, sister, just wait."

She went to the side, took out a few more bird eggs from the basket, found a bag of rags, and quickly stuffed them into her basket.

"Sister, you have to take this egg. If you don't take it, I won't dare to ask you to help me next time."

The fifth cousin was slightly stunned, and laughed, "Okay, then I won't be polite, Sister Lin, I'll go first, and call me if I have anything to do!"

"it is good."

Wait for the fifth cousin to leave.

Only then did Liu Xiao open the door of another room, sticking out his fluffy head to look out.

When Lin Ge continued to build furniture, he stared at Lin Ge with those clear eyes without blinking.

Feeling the scorching gaze, Lin Ge looked up.

The eyes of the two collided, and Liu Xiao dodged subconsciously.

After a little silence, he mustered up the courage to ask again.

"Wife master, what will the slave do later?"

His wife let him stay at home for almost a day, doing nothing, always feeling a little uneasy.

Lin Ge saw what he was thinking, and said casually, "Aside from doing farm work, you can do whatever you want now."

I was busy renovating the house in the afternoon, so I didn't take care of him.

She didn't ask him to do nothing, but just wanted to solve it quickly.

Men in this world are always weaker than women.

Liu Xiao moved her lips, hesitated and said, "Then shall I make dinner for the wife-lord?"

Lin Ge picked up another piece of wood from the side and waved his hand.

"up to you."

Another hour passed.

She's not fast at creating new furniture.

Before dark, the general hit three benches.

Lin Ge wiped the sweat off his face.

Unable to bear the stickiness on his body, he went to the well to fetch a tub of water, and took a shower behind him.

After suffering for a whole day, Lin Ge finally tidied himself up and changed into clean clothes.

By the way, I also threw away the dirty old clothes.

It wasn't that she didn't wash it before, but that the original owner was too poor, and there were only two pieces of clothes in total, so she thought about finishing what she had to do today before washing.

Although it was the last sackcloth on her body, she threw it away.

The main reason is that the smell is too strong, she is too lazy to wash it, and there is no saponins, so she can't wash it clean.

Lin Ge stared at the clean and tidy bedroom, a little speechless.

Now this is really clean.

So clean that there is nothing but new furniture.

"Tomorrow, I still have to find a way to get some money and make some clothes."

At this moment, a voice came from outside.

"My wife, come to eat."

With the food in hand, Liu Xiao cheerfully went to the cleaned-up main room.

Looking at Ben's dilapidated house, which changed in a day, he was also very happy.

And now that he finally helped the wife-lord, his steps became brisk.

Lin Ge responded.

Crossing his bucket waist, he took a deep breath.

"Let's do that for today. Tomorrow, we will take Liu Xiao together and go for a walk in the town."

Not long after, she came to the main room.

He found that Liu Xiao was standing on the side, with sharp eyes, staring at himself.

She couldn't help chuckling: "It's just the two of us here, don't wait for me deliberately."

As soon as she was seated, she looked at the porridge and side dishes on the table. They looked pretty good, and she was about to take the bowls and chopsticks and start eating.

But Liu Xiao picked up the table and put the bowls, chopsticks and small dishes aside.

Lin Ge asked strangely, "Why are you going?"

Liu Xiao blinked, "As a slave, a man cannot sit at the same table with his wife."

Lin Ge: "..."

This wicked feminist society.

She got up and pushed him to the table with a fierce expression on her face.

"Just sit here! Eat!"

Liu Xiao was taken aback.

But when he met her dark eyes, his nervous and nervous mood somehow became much calmer.

After dinner.

Lin Ge felt like his stomach was going to explode.

It looks pretty good, but the taste is indescribable once you eat it.

In the middle of the meal, she saw that Liu Xiao's food was delicious, so she didn't say much for fear of hurting his self-esteem.

No matter what, people worked hard.

Wait for him to pack up the dishes and leave.

Lin Ge picked up the water bottle and poured water into his mouth, trying to wash away the smell in his mouth.

"What's the matter? I didn't think that this kid cooks so badly before!"

She recalled what the original owner ate in her memory.

Basically, the clear soup lacks water, and even if there are meat and vegetables to eat, they will be stewed randomly. There is no technical content, so it is natural that Liu Xiao's cooking skills cannot be seen.

【Master, is there a possibility that they haven't developed the cooking skills yet. 】The watchdog reminded softly.

Lin Ge was speechless.


Silent night.

Lin Ge sat outside the yard to enjoy the shade.

As a fat man, he was too afraid of the heat, and couldn't stay inside the house.

Liu Xiao lay on the new bed, tossing and turning.

Smelling the fresh woody fragrance, the mind pops up from time to time, the wife is in the courtyard, sweating like rain and busy.

I don't understand why it's just one night, and the wife-lord seems to be a different person.

Left and right can't sleep.

Liu Xiao got up and went out of the house, planning to walk around the yard to calm down the chaotic mood at this moment.

Seeing that Lin Ge was still asleep, he stopped and yelled softly.

"Master wife."

Lin Ge was holding a thin wooden board to fan the wind.

Hearing the sound, he turned his head and looked over.

"Why haven't you slept yet?"

Liu Xiao looked at her for a while, thought for a while, and finally mustered up the courage to ask.

"My wife, you... You seem to be different from usual today."

He held back for a day.

I finally said what I wanted to say, and I felt a sense of relief.

Lin Ge was silent.

The courtyard is quiet, except for the occasional sound of insects chirping outside.

Just when Liu Xiao thought she wouldn't get any response.

The clear girl's voice sounded in the courtyard.

"Liu Xiao, you just need to remember that I will treat you well in this life."

Liu Xiao was taken aback.

What does this mean?
Is she admitting that she has changed?

He stared blankly at the side of the girl's face.

At this time, she was obese and not good-looking, but the moonlight cast a hazy halo on her round and fair cheeks, which made her look cute.

He moved his lips, wanting to ask something more, but he didn't know where to start.

Think about what she just said.

——I will treat you well in this life.

This is undoubtedly revealing his heart to him!
My heart was beating wildly, and a feeling I had never felt before came to my heart.

In the past, Liu Xiao only felt gratitude to Lin Ge, and would not feel any throbbing.

Even if the two get along, he keeps a distance and doesn't like her to touch him.

But since she woke up today, he couldn't help but want to pay attention to her every move.

To be looked at and touched by her.

Liu Xiao's cheeks were hot, and she was shocked by her own unrestrained thoughts.

He didn't say anything, took two steps back, and ran to the bedroom as if fleeing.

With a bang, the door was closed.

Lin Ge was confused.

"Did I say something just now? I was scared away."

The watchdog also doesn't understand the complex behavior of humans.

[Maybe... he can't accept the master's change? 】

Lin Ge rubbed his chin thoughtfully.

"Based on what I know about him, it seems that he really likes to be abused. It's good for him and he's not used to it yet."

The watchdog agrees.

In the real world, doesn't Chi Yu just like to be abused?

Being abused by the master since childhood.

I secretly love my master secretly, and I dare not say it, so I just enjoy that kind of secret love behavior.

It is true and incomprehensible.

(End of this chapter)

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