Chapter 193 Fat Wife Farms and Raises Husband (6)

The next day.

Before dawn, Lin Ge went to his field to have a look.

Xu is that Liu Xiao took good care of it before, it was lush green and growing gratifyingly.

She had never planted the land before, and after observing the conditions of the field for a while, she left first.

Let's do some shopping at home today.

In order to make money as soon as possible, she went to the deepest part of the back mountain again for hunting activities.

In ancient times, the fur and meat of wild animals could be sold for a lot of silver.

It is also the fastest way to get money.

This time, in order to save time, let the watchdog scan the location of the beast.

If you touch someone's lair, you can rush up and take it all away.

She carried a beast on her shoulders, and several hares hung on her waist.

For sustainable development, she kept three or two males and females to develop a family for them.

When preparing to go down the mountain and go home.

She was lucky enough to meet a white fur fox.

In its panic and escape.

A black whip popped out of Lin Ge's sleeve, wrapping the white-haired fox in an instant, and brought it over.

She stared at the fur on the fox and reached out to touch it.

"Not bad, I can make a fox fur for Liu Xiao when winter comes."

Lin Ge went home again with a bunch of trophies.

This time, when the villagers saw what Lin Ge was carrying and hanging around his waist, they talked louder than before.

"Sister of the Lin family! are..."

They looked at the ferocious beast on her shoulders in horror, feeling horrified in their hearts.

How did this fat woman, who was always inactive, hit such a big monster? !

"I remember that the government took people up the mountain to sweep it last year! They were all helpless against this monster, how did you beat it to death?"

"Yes! Sister Lin, how did you get here and teach us?"

Lin Ge's expression remained the same, "I set up some traps yesterday."

Everyone remembered that she went to Houshan yesterday.

Even though she suspected her trap, how could she do it so well.

But that's the only explanation that makes sense.

They were all jealous.

It was fine yesterday, but today is still so exaggerated.

And look at this fat woman carrying such a huge beast with ease, could it be that she is born with supernatural power?

"Wang Orion has been staring at this thing for a long time before, and you shot it down. When she comes back from the town, she will definitely come to trouble you."

Speaking of Wang Orion, some people questioned it.

"Wouldn't this be stealing someone's prey? Just let this dead fat woman take advantage of it!"

This "who" means obvious.

Don't you just want to talk about Wang Orion?

Now everyone was a little silent, and Lin Ge looked a little strange.

It's really possible.

After all, Lin Ge is a waste, and it is deeply ingrained in everyone's hearts.

As for who took it down, they believed it was Wang Orion.

Lin Ge turned his head to look at the questioning person.

"There's no need to be weird here. If you suspect that you let that person confront me in person, see how she has the face to say that I robbed her prey."

The man choked.

After glaring at Lin Ge, he stopped talking.

She made up her mind that when Wang Orion came back, she would tell her something.

After Lin Ge returned home, he practiced planing again.

This time, for the convenience of carrying, she cut it into pieces, washed it, and stuffed it, including the fur, into the basket.

As for the fox hare, she found a special room and locked it up.

Liu Xiao came out after freshening up.

Seeing his wife-in-law walking towards him, he couldn't help but think of the scene last night.

He tilted his head uncomfortably.

"Pack up, I'll take you to town today."

Liu Xiao looked at her suddenly, with a hint of excitement in her expression.

"Really? Can slaves really go to town?!"

Excited, he immediately stepped forward and grabbed her hand.

"I have nothing to clean up, you can go now."

Lin Ge chuckled and let him pull her.

Go some way.

Only then did Liu Xiao realize what she had done.

Quickly let go of her hand, lowered her head and continued to walk forward.

All the villagers want to go to the town, they can only go to the designated place to take a bullock cart.

Fortunately, they were lucky, the bullock cart was just about to set off and arrived at the spot.

Lin Ge had no money on him, so he used the meat in the basket as usual as a reward.

Running the ox cart was Aunt Yue who lived at the head of the village.

Because she moved into Linjiacun from outside, she treats everyone kindly.

Even Lin Ge, the most hated person in the village, still smiled.

"Sister Lin, it's rare to see you go out with your husband."

"Well, take him out for a walk."

There were already three people sitting on the bullock cart.

Their eyes flicked across Liu Xiao's face from time to time, their eyes were presumptuous, they didn't care that his wife was present, full of provocation.

Lin Ge pulled people behind him, and glanced at them coldly.

"I don't want eyes, I can dig them out for you."

The three people on the opposite side have also seen the scene of Lin Ge carrying a beast in the morning.

Then they pouted and looked away.

"Isn't it just a glance, what's so great about it."

"Say it again." Lin Ge stared at the speaker with cold eyes.

The person who spoke was as thin as a chick, and his expression of shock changed slightly due to her broad body leaning forward.

In this narrow space, under the pressure of Lin Ge's aura, he didn't dare to speak cheaply.

The main reason is that Lin Ge looked expressionless on his face, but his eyes were inexplicably terrifying, and there was always a chill of being stared at by a ferocious beast.

Lin Ge stood in front of Liu Xiao.

He looked at the broad back in front of him, the figure that used to scare him, now he felt extremely at ease.

Liu Xiao closed her eyes slightly, leaned her head forward, and rested her head on her back.

An hour's journey.

Lin Ge felt that his whole body was going to be numb.

She hates ancient times!
The traffic is inconvenient, which makes people quite uncomfortable.

Lin Ge got out of the car first, and then helped Liu Xiao down.

The two of them clasped their fingers again, which made Liu Xiao's cheeks feel hot again.

But after he got off the car, he was distracted by the unfamiliar and lively street scene around him.

"Wife master, wife master, where are we going?"

Liu Xiao looked around excitedly, feeling the urge to run out to play immediately.

"Go and sell the baskets of things first, and then I'll take you to buy some clothes."

Liu Xiao looked at her in disbelief.

He felt that being allowed to be brought out was already a blessing in disguise.

I didn't expect to be able to buy clothes.

Let him feel as if he is stepping on a cloud, as if he is in a dream.

Lin Ge raised his hand and pinched his cheek.

"Don't be in a daze, let's go quickly, we still need to take Aunt Yue's ox cart when we come back at night."

Lin Ge and the two went to the butcher shop.

After buying and selling, I got 20 taels, and sold the whole tiger skin again, and got 100 yuan, which is [-] taels.

With the money, Lin Ge kept 20 taels for himself, and planned to squander the remaining 100 taels a day.

Lin Ge first took Liu Xiao to the tailor shop.

It's just that he didn't expect to meet Mu Leling.

Mu Leling was choosing clothes with some rich men.

He looks gentle and quiet, with an outstanding temperament.

Naturally, Liu Xiao saw him at first sight, and subconsciously raised her eyes to look at the wife-lord beside her.

In the past, he cared about Lin Ge liking Mu Leling because he didn't want his benefactor to be ruined by this person.

Now what he cares about has quietly changed.

I thought that the wife-lord would be obsessed with Mu Leling as usual.

She didn't think about it, she didn't even look over there, her eyes fell on the surrounding cloth, as if she was judging something.

(End of this chapter)

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