Chapter 196 Fat Wife Farms and Raises Husband (9)

These are all things that the wife-owner has worked so hard to do well.

The wife-owner finally changed for the better, and only one good day passed.

Now that it was destroyed in an instant, Liu Xiao was extremely angry!
Who is so hateful!

Lin Ge saw how badly he was blowing his hair, but still chose to refuse.

"No, you have to stay here, otherwise we all go out, who will clean up the house?"

Liu Xiao hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

He held Lin Ge's arm tightly, "Then wife master, be careful, remember to find a place where no one is around."

Beating people in the street today has caused a lot of hatred.

He also didn't want his wife to make too many enemies.

In fact, he was thinking too much, putting it on Lin Ge, and he didn't care about making enemies or not.

If you really do it, all the people in the village are no match for her.

However, Lin Ge didn't know his mental activities, but after hearing what he said, he was still a little angry, but for some reason, that anger disappeared.

She gave him a deep look.

Let’s just say that this kid looks like a harmless little white rabbit in this world, but his heart is also quite dark, it’s that familiar smell.

I also know how to find places where no one is there.

She smiled slightly, raised her hand and rubbed his fluffy head.

"Well, you can wait for me at home and don't open the door until I come back."

"I know the wife master."

Liu Xiao knew that she was weak. He had seen how powerful his wife was, so she would be fine.

But I can't do it myself, I don't have the strength, and following the past will really hinder my wife and master.

Before, he was overwhelmed by anger.

Now that he has become much calmer, he began to tidy up the house to relieve the anger in his heart.

After Lin Ge left, he stared at the messy ground, his originally harmless face became expressionless, only those gray-blue eyes were full of coldness.

As soon as Lin Ge went out, he saw a head sticking out next door, looking around furtively.

After seeing her coming out, he immediately retracted his head, pretending not to see her.

Lin Ge strode over and knocked on the door.

"I'm coming."

There was a voice inside.

He opened the door and saw that it was Lin Gehou.

She immediately backed away without saying anything, and closed the door again with a "bang".

Lin Ge didn't knock on the door this time, looked at the low wall next to him, turned over and went into the yard.

That person turned around and saw Lin Ge appearing in his yard again.

Her expression changed.

"Sister Lin Ge! What are you trying to do by breaking into my house?!"

Lin Ge didn't talk nonsense to her, and asked straight to the point.

"Lin Cui'e, who came to my house today?"

When Lin Cui'e heard the words, her eyes dodged for a moment, and she poked her neck and said, "Who... who knows who is coming from your family?"

Lin Ge knew that this kind of person wouldn't be honest if he didn't let her see something.

So, when he walked to the wall of her house, Lin Ge kicked it up.

A big hole was directly kicked out of Lin Cui'e's courtyard wall.

The mud wall "crashed" to the ground.

Lin Ge grinned, "If you don't want to end up with this wall, just obediently tell me who came here."

At this time, a figure suddenly rushed into the room.

"Dare to bully my wife, I will fight with you!"

I saw a man in gray sackcloth rushing towards Lin Ge with a hoe in hand.

Lin Ge's expression did not change, and he calmly let him pounce.

"Xiao He!" Lin Cui'e scolded, stepped forward and snatched the hoe from his hand.

With a sullen face, she glanced at the punctured courtyard wall of her house, and then at Lin Ge's expression, she knew she wasn't joking.

In fact, Lin Ge's eyes at this time were too frightening, and Lin Cui'e couldn't help feeling a chill in her heart.

Lin Cui'e pulled her husband behind her.

Thinking that she could easily kill a beast in the morning, she must not be weak.

She couldn't help but sighed, not daring to hide any more honestly.

"Wang Minhai did it."

Wang Minhai?
Lin Ge recalled the memory of the original owner.

It seems to be a professional hunter who married into Lin Family Village.

He lives exclusively on hunting, and is well-known in Linjiacun.

The main reason is that the meat she hunts is sold cheaply to the people in the village.

Let many people take advantage of it.

Moreover, Wang Minhai was recruited by relatives of the village chief's family.

The background is also big, and there are many people in the village rushing to curry favor.

However, whether it is the original owner or her, it seems that they have nothing to do with this Wang Minhai.

What does it mean to rob her house?
She thought about it, and thought that someone had mentioned Wang Orion in the morning, and immediately thought of the key point, and couldn't help frowning.

"Is it because of the beast I called?"

Lin Cui'e nodded, "Yes, it was Lin Mazi's husband who told Wang Minhai's husband. After hearing this, Wang Minhai was very angry and brought a lot of people to your house, but you were not here, so he emptied your house, saying ……explain……"

"Say what, don't hesitate."

"Say you dare to hit her prey, and charge some things from your house as interest."

Lin Ge was about to laugh angrily, this is pure bandit logic.

She turned around and left, ready to go straight to Wang Minhai's house.

"Hey! Sister Lin Ge!"

Lin Cui'e grabbed Lin Ge's sleeve, and persuaded bitterly: "Sister Lin Ge, listen to my sister's persuasion, Wang Minhai has his back to the village head, and Li Zheng is behind the village head, we can't afford to mess with the small family! What we lost It's all property, if you really provoke me, you will be the one who suffers!"

Lin Ge glanced at her, "So you didn't want to tell me just now, are you afraid, or are you worried that I will cause trouble?"

Lin Cui'e sighed, and said bluntly: "It's a little bit, I also look at our neighbors, and I don't want you to make trouble."

Lin Ge took her hand away.

"Don't worry, it won't involve you."

After speaking, she left quickly.

Lin Ge was about to find Wang Minhai.

Wang Minhai's home.

With a white-haired fox in his arms, Wang Minhai was sitting in the main room with a handsome man, looking triumphantly at the "trophy" he had found.

Wang Minhai was tall and thick, and there was a scar on his face, which seemed to be scratched by a ferocious beast. It looked extremely hideous and frightening.

She looked at her husband, and said softly: "Xuan'er, this Lin Ge is quite capable, and he has hunted so many prey. If she hadn't escaped after we got the news, maybe the fur and meat of the tiger would have been killed." Take them all together."

Lin Xuan hugged the white-haired fox from her, with a joy on his face, he seemed to like this little fox very much.

"Wife master, if we take these things, will Lin Ge call the door? If he does it, it's not good if it's all from the same village."

He said so, but his expression was very casual and flat, and he didn't care if Lin Ge would really hit the door.

His aunt is the village head, does Lin Ge dare to come?

Wang Minhai sneered, "She didn't dare to come, as for that dead fat woman, maybe it's just what Lin Mazi said, she's just a lucky beast, a trash, dare to challenge me?"

She looked at Lin Xuan, and held her husband's delicate and slender hand.

"Xuan'er, don't worry. If she dares to come, I will drive her away. As long as Xuan'er likes it, these things are yours."

Lin Xuan was held back and gave her a reproachful look.

"You idiot, you say it nicely, who knows which couchboy's bed you'll be talking about next time."

Wang Minhai's heart skipped a beat.

Could it be that the secret channel was discovered by him? -
Ask for a monthly ticket at the end of the month, and finally rush down the background list. (")

(End of this chapter)

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