Chapter 197 Fat Wife Farms and Raises Husband (10)

Wang Minhai remained calm on the surface.

With a smile on his face, he pulled Lin Xuan over and hugged him on his lap.

She put her arms around Lin Xuan's waist, and kissed him on the face with her generous mouth.

"Whatever Xuan'er said, my heart is yours, where did you come from?"

Lin Xuan was hugged by his wife, feeling the warm breath, his cheeks flushed.

He pretended to push her and pointed at something on the ground.

"You have to send something later to honor your aunt, but she brought someone to go with you, with my aunt behind you, forgive Lin Ge for not saying too much, no one in the entire Lin Family Village dares to show my aunt face .”

Wang Minhai looked at the handsome face of the man, and touched him up and down with his hands, already distracted, kissing and responding indiscriminately.

"Okay, Xuan'er says what she says."

Almost half of the clothes were stripped.


The door was kicked open, and the two of them trembled in fright.

The originally ambiguous atmosphere has cooled down for a while, and there is no interest at all.

Wang Minhai was quite upset.

"Did I disturb the two making out?"

A clear girlish voice came.

Wang Minhai frowned, followed the voice, and looked sharply.


I saw a fat man in dark gray sackcloth strode in.

Seeing the person coming, the two people in the position were stunned.

"Lin Ge? What are you doing here?"

Wang Minhai didn't have much contact with Lin Ge, so he didn't know her exact appearance, but looking at her figure, which was unique in the village, she could be sure that it was Lin Ge without a doubt.

Lin Ge walked into the house with steps that his relatives did not recognize.

Ignoring the two hugging men and women above, looked around, and sneered from the bottom of my heart.

The co-authors all moved here, right?
Her new furniture, the hares and pheasants she found, were all placed in the main room.

Is this sitting at home showing off your booty?

She raised her head indifferently, looked at Wang Minhai and said, "What am I doing? You have robbed all my belongings, so of course you want to take my belongings back."

Wang Minhai let go of Lin Xuan's arm, and sat in his seat with an arrogant face.

Lin Xuan sat back to the side again, stroking the white-haired fox, also showing disdain.

Wang Minhai said: "Lin Ge, these are all the interest you got from robbing my prey! You beat my prey, and you still dare to come to the door? I really think that I, Wang Minhai, can't be squeezed out of mud!"

"Who doesn't know that the mountain behind the village is my territory, Wang Minhai. Not only that, I won't ask for all the prey you hunt in the future, at least half of it will be paid as your hunting fee!"

Lin Ge was also stunned by her shamelessness.

"You look so ugly, but you think it's pretty."

Wang Minhai heard that she was scolding him, and stood up angrily.

"court death!"

She rushed in front of Lin Ge and punched her in the face!

Hands-on is inevitable.

At the moment when the fist reaches the front.

Lin Ge had already lifted his foot and kicked it, and the whip swept his leg.

Her leg was like a block of iron, and she kicked Wang Minhai's thigh hard, kicking him to the ground.


Lin Xuan screamed and stood up, the white-haired fox in his hand screamed as it was pinched, opened its mouth and bit the back of his hand, dripping with blood.

Feeling the sharp pain coming from the back of his hand, Lin Xuan ignored Wang Minhai, his face was stern, and he lifted the white-haired fox over his head, and was about to throw it to the ground.

"You dare to bite me, you bloody bastard?"

It was too late for Lin Ge to stop him now, so he immediately pulled out the ink whip from his sleeve and threw it in the direction of Lin Xuan.

The whip waved and exploded in the void.

Lin Xuan was whipped on the back of his hand, and his fingers hurt. Before he could see what it was, the white-haired fox was swept away.

Lin Ge hugged the fox, stopped talking nonsense, swung the long whip and whipped it down on Wang Minhai.

In the next second, a mournful howl resounded through the room.

It's just that the door seemed to be covered with a thin layer of black smoke, and the sound didn't come out at all.

Lin Ge said indifferently: "Wang Minhai, I'll give you one last chance. Hurry up and move all my things back, otherwise, believe it or not, I'll destroy you right now."

The whip was pulled down again, only hitting her legs.

"Ah! No! You bitch! I must kill you today!"

Wang Minhai took out a dagger out of nowhere, got up and pounced on Lin Ge's lifeblood.

She didn't want Lin Ge's life, but how could she bear it if she dared to beat her!

Wang Minhai was an Orion himself, and he struck ruthlessly, obviously intending to kill Lin Ge.

Lin Ge didn't care at all, he flicked the whip, and didn't hold back his hand to send the person flying backwards.

Wang Minhai's whole body fell on the chair next to him. The chair fell apart in an instant, and a mouthful of old blood spurted out.

Wang Minhai only felt vaguely conscious, looking at Singer Lin's whip with a horrified expression.

Seeing that Lin Ge still wanted to draw, she endured the pain as if being torn apart, crawled back on the ground in horror.

"Stop it! Don't hit me! I'll move!"

Lin Ge took the whip away and sat down on the chair next to them.

She raised her chin, "I don't want to waste time coming here again, and I'll finish the move in one visit this evening."

"This..." Wang Minhai hesitated.

Lin Ge looked at her coldly, as if if you nagged her, she would strike.

Wang Minhai was so frightened that his face turned ashen, and he waved his hands in a panic to explain.

"I...I can't finish moving alone, so I have to find someone to help."

After all, she turned towards Lin Xuan and gestured with her eyes.

Lin Xuan didn't care about the injury on his hand, and hurried to help Wang Minhai up.

He also turned pale, and quickly agreed.

"Yes, yes, Mrs. Lin, so many things, the wife-master asked my aunt's help to get all the things. If we want to move them all in one go, we have to find some people."

Lin Ge knew what they were thinking, so he didn't expose it.


I want to find help, right? It just so happens that I can solve everything.

So she nodded and said nothing, as a tacit consent, they wanted to find helpers.

Wang Minhai and Lin Xuan were overjoyed, they hurriedly supported each other, and limped out.

Lin Ge just sat at Wang Minhai's house and waited.

She leaned back on the chair and closed her eyes.

She could just use Lao Hei to pack and take them all away, but she didn't think it was necessary.

These people have to beat them painfully to have a long memory.

It is not unreasonable to say that "troublemakers come out of poor mountains and bad waters".


Wang Minhai brought people here.

Lin Ge looked at the dark heads outside, stood up slowly, and began to exercise his muscles and bones.

Only when physical activity is enabled can we close the door and beat the dog.

Maybe there are more people, and I have confidence.

Sure enough, as soon as Wang Minhai came in, he changed his obedient attitude, and became arrogant again to complain to the back.

"Auntie, it was this fat woman who beat me! Auntie, please make the decision for me!"

As she spoke, she began to cry.

The five big and three thick women do this, and the picture is somewhat joyful.

 Thanks to "Otaku Cat" for 1 monthly ticket and "Lovely Keshi" for 2 monthly tickets~(づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~

  Give me a rush at the end of the month, love love love!

  Thank you for your votes too!It's not easy for someone to catch up to now!
(End of this chapter)

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