Chapter 198 Fat Wife Farms and Raises Husband (11)

Lin Xuan on the side also began to wipe away tears.

"That's right, Auntie, it's fine if Lin Ge snatched my wife's prey, but if you dare to call me, it's really disrespectful to you."

"Besides, the wife master was thinking about sending you some things later, so the things were ready, but now this ignorant thing is knocking on the door, what should I do as husband and wife, woo woo woo..."

When hearing "Send something", the village chief Lin Yuhe already narrowed his eyes and looked at Lin Ge coldly.

Many people behind them were holding up hoes and other agricultural tools, and they were also staring at her with intense eyes, as if they were about to pounce on her in the next moment and peel off her skin.

These people are all Wang Minhai's cronies and friends. The sisters were bullied, and no matter what they say today, they have to get back to this matter.

"Lin Ge, the things on the mountain behind the village were originally reserved by me for Wang Minhai's hunting. Her family relies on them for a living. You secretly hunted and killed the prey above. This is a violation of the rules. I think it's your first offence, please. Leave me now."

No matter what the village chief said, he was also an educated person, and he spoke calmly, and scolded him when he didn't come up.

Lin Ge said calmly, "Give the back mountain to Wang Minhai? Did the higher-ups give her instructions, or did the whole mountain of your family get a title deed? If there is none, you will grab my hard-earned things and search them. Who broke the rules first?"

Lin Yuhe's face was cold and stern, with ridicule in his eyes.

"What if there is no order from above and no title deed? This Lin Family Village is under my jurisdiction, and what I say is the rule! Lin Ge, get out of here before I get angry!"

Lin Ge spread his hands and said, "I can go, just move everything back to me."

Lin Yuhe sneered, her voice raised a little.

"Lin Ge, don't toast and refuse to eat fine wine. I'm just here to inform you to leave quickly and apologize to Wang Minhai. We're all from the village. Don't be ashamed!"

Lin Ge looked at them quietly, tilting his head, with an arrogant posture.

"I've said it before, I'll leave as soon as the things are moved back, and you're the ones who are shameless, right?"

She could tell that this was a group of people who were full of gangster logic, and it didn't make any sense at all.

You have to teach them how to be human.

"Toast, don't eat fine wine! Sisters! Take down this fat man! Today, I will teach her the rules of my Linjiacun!"

"Yes, village chief!"

Singer Lin whipped out the whip, and it hit the ground with a "snap", sending up a cloud of smoke.

"Originally, I also wanted to have a good talk. Since you can't communicate, then I have nothing to do."

Close the door and hit the dog.

Watchdog: […]

Owners are becoming less and less friendly to dogs now.


After a cup of tea time.

Lin Ge was like a bandit, sitting on a chair with his legs crossed.

There is no way, after exercising for a while, she is too tired, let's talk after a while.

She looked at the person lying on the ground in front of her.

Everyone lay down on the ground, looking at her in horror.

Wait for a break.

Lin Ge got up and squatted in front of Lin Yuhe, and patted her on the head like teasing a dog.

"Now, are you going to move?"

Lin Yuhe looked into her cold and calm eyes, as if seeing some great horror, and trembled all over.

She kept nodding.

"Move... let's move!"

With Lin Yuhe speaking, everyone hurriedly supported each other to get up.

Under Lin Gesen's cold gaze, he moved things obediently, regardless of the pain in his body.

Just like that, Lin Ge led a group of people out of Wang Minhai's house with great fanfare.

There was a lot of movement.

Neighbors and neighbors heard the sound and stretched their heads to look out.

"What's the matter? What's the matter? What happened?"

"Is that from the village chief's house? Why are you following Fatty Lin? And that Wang Minhai... What's going on?"

"Look at the things they are holding in their hands. Isn't that what Wang Minhai took from Fatty Lin's house this afternoon? Where are they going to move?"

"I think the village chief and the others seem to have been beaten? The ones with bruised noses and swollen faces are still limping with mournful faces. They don't look like they voluntarily followed Fatty Lin."

Everyone stared at Lin Yuhe and Wang Minhai with strange eyes, talking in low voices.

Arrived at Lin Ge's house.

Seeing Lin Ge, Liu Xiao hurriedly put down the rag in her hand and rushed over.

Lin Ge had quick eyes and quick hands, and hugged him in his arms.

"My wife, are you alright?"

His wet eyes kept looking up and down at Lin Ge.

She smiled softly, "Do you think I look like someone who has something to do?"

After confirming that she was really okay, Liu Xiao seemed relieved.

Although I know that the wife is powerful, I will inevitably worry a lot in my heart.

Even when I was packing up my things just now, I couldn't help but want to run out to see how the wife is doing and whether she can handle it.

Seeing that she is indeed safe now, Liu Xiao's brows that had been furrowed all the time were relaxed.

"Wife master, what about the things at home?"

Lin Ge stood aside with his arms around him, revealing the eight people behind him.

"At this."

She said coldly to them: "Put them away according to their location, if there is any less, you will compensate them according to the price."

"Yes Yes Yes."

Everyone nodded and bowed, with fawning expressions on their faces.

Not only Liu Xiao was dumbfounded by this scene, but those watching the excitement outside were all stunned.

What's happening here?
Why do the village chief and the others obediently listen to Lin Ge, a fat pig?

Looking at Lin Ge, he stood aside and directed Lin Yuhe and others to place things in their original positions.

And the damaged bed boards were rebuilt and installed again.

Wait until everything returns to normal.

Lin Ge let these people go.

"get out."

The eight people were relieved, and Sa Yazi ran home, as if there was an evil spirit behind.

She closed the door to block all sight from the outside.

Lin Ge and Liu Xiao went to bed after eating and taking a bath early because of their busy day.

The next morning.

Lin Ge picked up the hoe and other agricultural tools, and ran to his own field to start weeding and other work.

Before going to the field, she had already asked Liu Xiao how to take care of the field last night.

Looking at the two acres of land, Lin Ge wiped the sweat off his face and continued to work.

She made up her mind to hire someone to grow it after losing weight.

Now it's time to lose weight.

The sun is high.

Lin Ge was sweating profusely and panting like a cow without stopping.

When it's almost done, I'm just about to pack up and leave.

Suddenly, a rustling sound was heard.

She raised her eyebrows slightly, and immediately looked in the direction of the source of the voice.

Who is this who came to her house?

Lin Ge carried the hoe and walked over following the sound.

I saw a woman in rags and disheveled hair lying on the ground in the mud.

Her face was dirty and she couldn't see what she looked like.

Perhaps she had exhausted all her strength before, but now she was silent and didn't know whether she was dead or alive.

【Master, it seems to be the person who called for help before the back mountain. ] The watchdog said.

Lin Ge didn't say much. He picked up the man's back collar and threw it aside, ready to slap his ass and leave.

Experience told her, don't just pick up people outside if you have something to do.

The white-eyed wolf has a high probability.

(End of this chapter)

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