Chapter 200 Fat Wife Farms and Raises Husband (13)

After everyone has left.

Lin Ge watched Liu Xiao cook.

Really pure look.

Originally, she came to cook, but Liu Xiaofei refused.

"My wife, you have been busy all morning. I have nothing to do at home. If I am not allowed to do such a small thing as cooking, I always feel uneasy."

Lin Ge actually wanted to tell him the truth about not letting him cook.

It can be seen that those wet eyes are full of anticipation.

The words of refusal were swallowed back by her.

What else can I do, I can only let him go.

But Liu Xiao is very understanding, Xu knew that her cooking skills were a bit rough, so she left her behind and asked her to teach herself.

Liu Xiao is very smart, and with Lin Ge's guidance, she can get started quickly.

the next day.

According to this life rhythm of working to lose weight during the day and teaching Liu Xiao how to cook at home.

Lin Ge's mood gradually became much calmer, and he felt that it was not bad to just live an ordinary life like this.

The countryside, busy farming, green mountains and green waters, when the summer wind blows, always brings a little sense of comfort.

If she didn't think about the strange woman at home, Lin Ge felt that this kind of good life could last forever.

Two days later, the picked woman woke up.

The woman was lying on the bed in the woodshed.

Many parts of her body were covered with a layer of bandages, which was done by Lin Ge after the operation.

Her bones were broken a lot, and Lin Ge didn't expect the barefoot doctor in the village to just feed her Chinese medicine to cure her.

He could only take out the hoarded medical equipment in the dead of night, and perform surgery on her himself.

Lin Ge walked over and knelt down, just about to pour the medicine in her mouth into her mouth.

Before the actual operation, the eyes of the two met.

As soon as she opened her eyes, she saw this fat woman, rolled up her sleeves, and was about to do something to herself, which made her stunned for a while.

She pursed her chapped lips and asked hesitantly.

"Yes... you saved me?"

Xu Shi woman didn't speak for a long time, her voice was still a little hoarse.

Lin Ge looked indifferent, ignoring her slightly wary eyes, and put the bowl in his hand beside her bedside.

"Well, since you're awake, drink this medicine by yourself."

After speaking, she stood aside, waiting for her to act.


No, she just woke up, how can she drink when she can't move her body?
The woman seemed to be choked by a breath, and after a while, she slowly said: "Please help me, my benefactor."

Lin Ge let out a soft "tsk", resisting the urge to throw the person out, took the bowl again and slammed it into her mouth.

The woman drank one gulp after another, and in the end she drank too quickly and hurriedly, choking on the medicinal soup, and began to cough violently.

She really couldn't understand why this fat woman was so rude to her and had no mercy!

I am a wounded person!
According to normal people, shouldn't they be given medicine carefully?
When her cough subsided, the woman felt that the wound on her body was about to be torn open, with unbearable pain.

But she hadn't calmed down the depression and dissatisfaction in her heart, and she was so angry that she almost lost her breath at what she said next.

"Treatment plus medicine and food, the total cost for three days is 50 taels, and I will settle the bill when you get better."

After speaking, Lin Ge strode away and closed the door with a "bang".

Lin Ge stood outside the door with a slightly gloomy expression.

As usual, she would indeed be calmer towards the injured.

But when she operated on a woman before, she found that the woman's soul was the core fragment she had been looking for.

Lin Ge was about to explode.

Because she can't directly get the core fragments in her body.

For example, this woman's existence in this world is like a bug.

Once it is forcibly pulled out, take out the fragments of her soul core, or let her die unexpectedly.

Low-level world consciousness will definitely feel the star power fluctuations, find abnormalities and correct them.

The first one to drive away is her, an outsider.

After she was driven away, the core fragments would also be found and destroyed by the lower world.

The low-level world can't do anything to her, but the core fragments are fragile, and they can be easily broken if something goes wrong.

This leads to the fact that in the case of a woman's unnatural death, her safety must be guaranteed, and her natural consciousness dies, that is, natural death, so as not to cause star power fluctuations and hide the low-level world consciousness.

Lin Ge narrowed his eyes slightly, "Why don't I just kill her."

The watchdog immediately said: [Calm down, master!If you kill her now, it's nothing, but the core body fragments will be broken, and the poly-core core body will be incomplete at that time. If you think it is acceptable, then I have nothing to say. 】

Lin Ge was speechless after hearing what it said.

After two seconds of silence, she said: "Okay, don't provoke me, I just said that, but this has become an endless loop, which makes me somewhat uncomfortable."

Watchdog is also very helpless.

[Yes, master, if you don’t eliminate the resentment points and collect star power, you won’t be able to gain the freedom to descend into the world, and if you don’t descend into the world, you won’t be able to find the core fragments. Although it’s an endless loop, in order to achieve your goal, you must Keep going, right? 】

The watchdog's words calmed Lin Ge's heart somewhat.

She didn't say any more, picked up the farm tools from the side and walked out.

"It doesn't matter, it's useless to work and think so much."


Under Lin Ge's "careful care", the woman's body improved at a speed visible to the naked eye.

January down.

She has been able to walk normally.

At noon this day, after lunch.

"Benefactor, let me help you."

When Yao Zhitao came up, he grabbed the broom from Singer Lin and began to clean the floor of the hall.

Yao Zhitao was the woman Lin Ge saved.

She stayed at this home for a month, which made her very anxious, and she always wanted to do more activities to recover and recover as soon as possible.

If he can't do heavy work, Yao Zhitao will take on such trivial matters.

It's just that the only embarrassing thing for her is that there is still a man at home.

Lin Gele's leisure is up to her.

Looking at the scorching sun outside, I felt that it was about the same time, so I planned to go to the back mountain with a bamboo basket on my back.

The meat at home was about to run out, so she had to go to the mountains to buy some.

Stepping out of the door, the scorching breath hits the face.

Lin Ge's body suddenly felt hot, and the side of his face began to sweat.

In the past month, because of her long-term exercise, she has lost a lot of weight.

Although there is still some flesh on the face, it looks baby fat.

The reason of doing farm work in the sun for a long time has made her skin darken and have a kind of bronzed sexiness. Her black hair is pulled up at will, and her eyebrows and eyes are more handsome than before.

"Benefactor, I will go with you."

Seeing that she was about to leave, Yao Zhitao hastily cleaned up the house, and quickly followed with a new bamboo basket on his back.

Lin Ge didn't want to take her with him at all, so he ran away quickly.

But Yao Zhitao didn't let him go at all, and quickly chased him out, shouting while running.

"Benefactor! Wait for me!"

When the two of them reappeared in the village.

The expressions of the villagers became strange, staring at the two of them, sometimes with the look of scrutiny and inquiry.

 Thanks for the monthly ticket of "Or Not_bD" and "J", and the tip of "Book Friends Book Friends 1" (づ ̄20220312204749897 ̄)づ╭~

  "J" has voted monthly for two consecutive months, thank you very much!mwah!
(End of this chapter)

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