Chapter 201 Fat Wife Farms and Raises Husband (14)

Since Yao Zhitao lived here.

If Lin Ge was not at home, Yao Zhitao would not be alone with Liu Xiao in order to avoid suspicion, and would go out together.

Whether it is helping Lin Ge with farm work or hunting, Yao Zhitao is wherever Lin Ge is.

Sometimes, I am tired from doing farm work during the day.

Yao Zhitao rested in neutral, seeing Lin Ge sweating profusely, and even took out the prepared handkerchief to wipe her sweat.

To be honest, Lin Ge was dumbfounded at the time.

What kind of talk do these two women have about wiping their sweat?

Lin Ge warned her not to do this again.

Yao Zhitao said, "It looks like I still have things to do, instead of being an idler eating free rice at my benefactor's house."

Lin Ge refused several times to no avail, so he could only push him to the ground and rub him for education.

But Yao Zhitao still went his own way, following behind Lin Ge, unable to shake him off.

If it weren't for seeing her as a core fragment, Lin Ge would definitely throw her thousands of miles away.

up to now.

When you see the two of them going in and out together, more often than with Liu Xiao, they will always show a strange look.

Yao Zhitao didn't understand what that look meant, but Lin Ge understood!

At this moment, Lin Ge's face was dark, and he really wanted to kick the woman behind who was still shouting away.

"Can you stop shouting?"

Lin Ge stopped and looked back at her, "Also, you are in good health, what are you doing here?"

Yao Zhitao was taken aback by the words.

She scratched her cheek in embarrassment and said, "Well... Actually, I don't remember where I came from."

Lin Ge: "..."

Oh, playing amnesia meme, right?

Lin Ge glanced at her inexplicably, didn't bother to talk to her, and continued to walk back the mountain.

She knew that Yao Zhitao had not lost his memory.

Checking her physical condition before, although there is indeed a brain injury, but it is not serious, it is only a slight concussion, which is nothing.

Although it is not ruled out, she subconsciously does not want to remember the past, resulting in amnesia.

But every time he mentioned the past, Yao Zhitao's eyes dodged, and the words "I pretended, I didn't lose my memory" were written on his face.

Obviously don't want to mention those.

This also proves that Yao Zhitao's life must have gone smoothly in the past, otherwise, how could he be so careless, showing his emotions on his face like a fool.

After the two went up the mountain.

Basically, Lin Ge hunted, and Yao Zhitao was responsible for picking up the goods.

In a blink of an eye, the sky was dyed fiery red, and it was dusk.

The two harvested a lot and went down the mountain together.

Because of their inseparable appearance.

The men who had nothing to do began to chew their tongues again, talking about the gossip that had been spread long ago.

"Fatty Lin really doesn't mind meat and vegetables. It's been more than a month and he still hasn't sent him away. Is this because of his skin?"

"Not to mention, that woman looks really good, she looks like a man, with thin skin and tender flesh, no wonder Fatty Lin kept her at home."

"That's right, look at Liu Xiao's appearance again, how could that woman feel refreshed in the wind and sun, hahahaha..."

As soon as the words fell, these people all laughed.

Liu Xiao just took the washed clothes and was ready to go home.

Hearing those people's comments, there was no expression on his face, as if what they were talking about was not his own wife.

But at the door of the house, I happened to meet the two people who came back.

Seeing that Yao Zhitao was following the wife-master, talking with a smile, but the wife-master didn't drive him away, making his eyes gloomy.

He stared at Yao Zhitao's neck, and made two gestures with his eyes.

After Lin Ge saw it, he smiled Hexi again and walked over quickly.

"Master wife."

Lin Ge raised his eyes, and pushed away the face that was always in front of her, which annoyed her.

Stepped forward and took the wooden basin in Liu Xiao's hand, and took his hand.

"In the future, I will leave the rough work of washing clothes to Yao Zhitao."

Lin Ge was helpless.

After finally raising him white and tender, the skin on his hands has also become fairer and smoother.

How did he start doing these things again.

Yao Zhitao's ears were like radar, and when he heard his name, he immediately leaned over to please him.

"Yes, leave it to me, and I can take care of the work!"

She puffed out her chest and clacked.

Liu Xiao glanced at her indifferently, snatched everything from Singer Lin's bag and threw it into Yao Zhitao's arms.

"In that case, please trouble Miss Yao."

Yao Zhitao hurriedly took it.

Before she could speak, she saw Liu Xiao running into the bedroom holding Lin Ge's hand.

She couldn't help curling her lips, "It's only night, this little husband is so hungry, he's really worried about his benefactor's health."

Fortunately, Lin Ge walked away, if he heard this, he would definitely beat her up again.

Liu Xiao dragged Lin Ge into the room.

The room was quiet, and the breathing of the two could be clearly heard.

Lin Ge looked at him inexplicably.

Okay, what's wrong with this kid?
Liu Xiao bowed her head slightly, her gray-blue eyes blinked lightly, and she looked up from time to time, there seemed to be hesitation and uneasiness on her white jade-like face.

Lin Ge didn't say a word, just folded his arms and silently watched what he wanted to do.

"My wife, I... am I not good-looking?"

Lin Ge didn't expect that, after holding back for a long time, he said this.

After two seconds of silence, she walked to one side of the chair and sat down, reaching out to pat her thigh.

"come over."

Without any hesitation, Liu Xiao sat on her lap and put her arms around her neck.

The breaths of the two meet each other.

Liu Xiao felt the woman's body temperature and smelled the orchid fragrance on her body, which made his restless heart much calmer.

Lin Ge looked up at him and asked, "Did the people outside say something again?"

Don't think about it, it must be gossip outside, which made this kid start thinking wildly.

Liu Xiao pursed her red lips, her eyes were wet, with a sense of grievance.

However, he did not hide his inner thoughts and spoke out.

"The wife-master and Miss Yao came down in January, and went in and out together. I heard some bad rumors when I went home today, saying that the wife-master likes Miss Yao's delicate skin and tender flesh."

He raised his hand and touched his cheek.

"In the past, I often went to the fields to do farm work. My skin was not as good as Miss Yao's, and my looks were not as good-looking as Miss Yao. There was also Mr. Mu. My wife used to throw all her heart towards him."

"Even though the wife-lord said that she doesn't like Mr. Mu anymore, what can I do? If the wife-lord meets Mr. Huang and Mr. Lan again, will she get tired of me? Will she not want me?"

Wait for him to finish speaking in one breath.

Lin Ge stared at him for a long while without speaking.

This made Liu Xiao somewhat uneasy.

Sure enough, does the wife master really like the young one?

His crow feather eyelashes drooped slightly, hiding the disappointment in his eyes.

Liu Xiao hugged Lin Ge's neck tightly.

But even if the wife-lord likes that kind of white and good-looking, he doesn't want to let go.

Ever since the wife-leader changed into another person and spent the time with her, he had already put his wife-leader in his heart.

Subconsciously, he felt that the wife belonged to him.

He knows that in such a country, women are respected, and it is not an exaggeration to marry several husbands, but he just doesn't want to!
He wanted his wife to be his own alone.

When he was ruthless in his heart, thinking about how to quietly kill Yao Zhitao.

(End of this chapter)

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