Chapter 206 Fat Wife Farms and Raises Husband (19)

When Lin Ge left, he also saw those people in the government, leaving with Mu Leling.

She finds it funny.

"Mu Leling wants to frame me, this method is too clumsy."

[Yes, master, in this world, a man's reputation is very important. After the master is alone with him, he will definitely discredit you, and then take this opportunity to put a crime on the master and put him in prison. Huh, it's a loss The master saw his purpose, and it was a bit troublesome to be framed without video proof. 】

"It's nothing troublesome, but the county magistrate didn't see anyone, and I'm afraid he will come to find trouble later."

The watchdog felt strange, 【Didn't they not come to make trouble in the previous month?How could you come to the door after listening to the master? 】

Lin Ge chuckled and said, "That's because Mu Leling is still there. For her noble and perfect image, Mu Leling will definitely stop the county magistrate from harming the villagers. Now that he's gone, Mu Leling is gone. Dressed in silk and white lotus, the county magistrate will definitely not be able to swallow this breath."

【All right. 】

Humans are really complicated.

After sending Yao Zhitao away, Lin Ge felt much more relaxed, and continued to start the days of going out early and returning late.

After another month, apart from feeding Liu Xiao with peace of mind, Lin Ge also went to town from time to time to buy him new clothes.

Of course, there was no delay in business.

That is to study crops.

According to her understanding of the world, agriculture is underdeveloped, and there are too few foods to replace rice.

Things such as sweet potatoes and corn do not exist, and seedlings must be searched from overseas.

Originally, the Jade Crane Kingdom was surrounded by the sea, and the capital was also set up in the affluent southern capital near the sea, which had a geographical advantage. Imported products such as sweet potatoes and corn should have been discovered long ago.

As a result, in order to please the queen, the ministers threw away all the seemingly useless things.

In their eyes, how could the mud appear under the eyes of the noble empress, and thus missed the opportunity to let the common people have more ways to survive.

In fact, the current empress is very fond of imported goods from outside. Occasionally, she will go sailing in the nearby fields to play. She herself has also searched for things that can make the common people develop.

But there are those self-righteous and smart courtiers, the queen has the heart but is powerless.

These are the conclusions Lin Ge made based on the memory of the original owner and the news from the town.

She doesn't care about national affairs, she doesn't do business like before, she wants to start with agriculture, change her way of life, and try something new.

Lin Ge planned to go to the county after reorganizing the news he had received from the town in the past two months.

Early the next morning, Lin Ge went out again with a hoe on his shoulder.

As soon as he came out, he saw the door of Liu Xiao's room opened, revealing his handsome and handsome appearance.

When he saw Lin Ge, his eyes lit up slightly.

"Master wife."

Lin Ge smiled and said, "Why don't you sleep more?"

Liu Xiao said: "The autumn harvest is coming soon, I want to help my wife and master work together."

Lin Ge put down his hoe, looked at the young man walking towards her slowly, and secretly smacked his lips.

Under her careful feeding and conditioning, Liu Xiao's face became more and more rounded, and her touch was much better than before.

But men in this world love beauty, and when they grow flesh, Liu Xiao is very anxious.

No, when I heard Lin Ge going out this morning, I hurried out too.

Seeing that Lin Ge didn't speak, he thought he was rejecting him, so he put his arms around her arm and said anxiously, "wife master, wife master, let me go with you."

Lin Ge pinched his tender cheeks funny.

"Yes, but you stand aside and watch, you are not allowed to go down to the ground."

She found that in the past few days after Yao Zhitao left, this little coward was more clingy than before.

Liu Xiao's red lips were slightly pursed, straightened into a straight line, obviously dissatisfied with his wife's behavior of not letting him work.

But even so, he felt sweet in his heart.

This shows that the wife-lord has already put him in his heart, which is an expression of concern for him.

And now that Yao Zhitao, that annoying guy, is gone, he spent more time with his wife-lord during this period, and it was particularly comfortable.

Thinking of this, his beautiful rabbit eyes slightly curved, "Okay."

Lin Ge just wanted to pick up the hoe and take someone out.

Suddenly, her sleeve was pulled a bit, and she was looking at him in doubt, asking him what he was doing.

As a result, the words were still spoken, and there was heat on his lips.

Lin Ge's eyes deepened, following his softness, he began to invade and wreak havoc, as if he wanted to draw all his breath into his own territory, completely possessing him.

Liu Xiao closed her eyes, her crow feather long eyelashes trembling slightly.

He felt his chest was sore and swelling like a deer bumping wildly, and his mind was full of Lin Ge's shadow.

Wife master... Wife master...

He put his arms around Lin Ge's neck, thinking of her over and over in his heart.

The feeling of getting her response made him jump for joy and aroused the strong possessive desire hidden in the deepest part.

This is his man.

His breath was plundered, and his fair cheeks were flushed.

"Can't you take a breath?" Lin Ge let him go helplessly.

Embarrassed, Liu Xiao lowered her fluffy head.

Lin Ge found it funny, "Okay, you haven't turned eighteen yet, so don't keep thinking about these things."

Liu Xiao pursed her lips, knowing that his wife had seen his intentions, which meant rejecting him, so he couldn't help sighing from the bottom of his heart.

I really don't understand why the wife-lord always let him go. Thinking about it, it will take about half a year, and he is also very anxious.

Now the wife is getting thinner and taller, her skin is often bronzed under the sun, and she has the charm of an adult woman.

Especially when she looked at him with dark eyes, she was fatally attracted to him.

Lin Ge said: "Let's go, let's finish the work in the field earlier and come back. Now I have finally raised you stronger than before. I don't want to return to your original shape."

Liu Xiao nodded obediently and happily.

Lin Ge hadn't taken Liu Xiao out for a walk in the village for a long time.

The moment the two appeared, both men and women on the road felt strange, so they couldn't help but turned their heads to look over.

"Hey, Fatty Lin is willing to bring his husband out?"

Someone was also carrying farm tools and teasingly, his eyes subconsciously fell on Liu Xiao who was beside Lin Ge.

It doesn't matter if you look at it, the man's eyeballs can't help but stare straight.


This is Liu Xiao?

That Liu Xiao who used to be as thin as ribs and whose clothes are always old and tattered?

This is too beautiful!
Sensing their gaze, Liu Xiao glanced at them indifferently, with a chill and evil spirit.

The women's throats rolled for a moment, their eyes didn't blink, and they felt that their souls who were about to be hooked by his eyes were gone.

They felt that even though his eyes were cold, he didn't make people feel intimidated. On the contrary, he had a bit of noble and cold beauty, as beautiful as a fairy.

Lin Ge was stared coldly by these gazes.

She flipped her wrist, took out a veiled hat out of nowhere, and put it on Liu Xiao's head to block their sight.

Lin Ge bared his teeth at the women who showed pity, and smiled coldly.

"Have you not been beaten for a long time, and your skin is itchy?"

 Thanks to "Betsy" for the reward~(づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~

(End of this chapter)

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