Chapter 207 Fat Wife Farms and Raises Husband (20)

Those who had been severely beaten by Lin Ge did not dare to speak out.

Those who have not been severely beaten are extremely arrogant, showing the posture of a hooligan.

The pockmarked woman straightened her chest, her gaze was still looking obscenely at Liu Xiao.

Even though Liu Xiao's face was covered, her figure was really good.

"He's raised like a vixen, what's the matter with my mother taking a look?"

"That's right, I didn't expect this showy hoof skin to be so good. If I knew it was so, I would have snatched it from the beginning and be my husband. It must be fun to play with!"


Several people's words were unbearable.

Lin Ge felt the young man holding his arm tighten a little.

She patted his hand reassuringly, stared at them coldly, and after remembering their appearance, she led them away without saying anything.

Lin Ge's behavior of leaving silently was undoubtedly telling the women present that she was afraid.

Therefore, the ridicule was louder.

Every sentence of obscenity is becoming more and more obscene.

The villagers dared not say a word.

Lin Mazi and the others are well-known ruffians in the village.

Once matched, they will be as hard to shake as candy.

Last time, it was Lin Mazi who asked Fu Lang to slap Wang Orion, saying that Lin Ge caught her prey.

No one at the scene stopped them, and they also listened to it for fun.

Wait for Lin Mazi to leave with his people.

Some people who were beaten by Lin Ge were very angry.

Someone sarcastically said, "It doesn't matter how powerful Fatty Lin is, he doesn't dare to provoke Lin Mazi and others."

"Look at that coward, my husband was molested, and he didn't even dare to fart."

"Tsk, wasn't he quite arrogant before? He's also a bullying type! Otherwise, why would Fatty Lin just take Liu Xiao away without doing anything, and let Lin Mazi laugh wantonly."

A few people said something to each other, and the ridicule became more and more vigorous.

It's not over yet.

After Lin Mazi left, she had other thoughts.

Thinking of the unpaid gambling debts in his own town, and thinking about Liu Xiao's appearance, he felt that he could make a fortune.

She put her arms around the sisters beside her and said calmly: "This fat man is so lucky. The husband he picked up from the street is actually a beauty. His appearance and figure are quite interesting."

These sisters have wide noses and big ears, and they also have salivating faces.

"The first time I saw it just now, I wanted to hug that little coquettish hoof and love it. This fat man is lucky!"

There was a woman standing next to her, she looked quite upright, she was out of place in Lin Mazi's small group of five.

She suddenly said, "You didn't realize that Lin Ge doesn't seem to be losing much weight now. I'm afraid it's because she has put a lot of thought into raising her husband."

Lin Mazi didn't take her words seriously, he just touched his chin, his face full of obscenity.

"Let's go, my sisters, go to the town to try your luck, and then go to the kiln to have a good time. Today, I met a fairy, and the **** made me tickle!"

"Hahaha! It's Mazi Lin, you'll enjoy it, the men at home make faces every day, like a dead old lady, bad luck!"

They hooked their shoulders together and left the upright woman behind them, obviously not wanting to play with her.

Seeing this, the woman just sighed and stopped following.

After walking away, the wide nose and big ears said disdainfully: "What's the matter with Gan Yu, we don't bother to talk to her, and we go to our sisters every day."

Lin Mazi waved his hand casually, "Gan Yu is a distant relative of my yellow-faced husband half a month ago. The whole family has died, so come to me for the toothbrush festival, don't worry about her."

The big nose and big ears didn't take it seriously, the four of them chatted and laughed, strode away and headed for the town.

Gan Yu tugged at her patched clothes and had no choice but to leave.

Her eyes were dark, and her face was full of dead silence.

"When will this kind of day be the end?"

She walked alone on the side of the road, touching her flat stomach.

"Forget it, let's go fish in the river today."

Lin Ge brought Liu Xiao to his own field, and was quite satisfied to see the bright yellow.

In any case, it was also the food they grew together.

"My wife, let me help you."

He rolled up his sleeves and was about to go to the ground with her.

Lin Ge pressed his shoulders with a tough attitude.

"No, just find a cool place to stay."

After speaking, she went to work.

There are still a few taels of meat left.

If he comes to help, reduce her exercise directly, won't this delay her weight loss?
Liu Xiao didn't know her mental activities, she only thought that the wife-lord was caring for her, so she happily went to the side to watch over her.

He rested his chin and stared at Lin Ge.

I just feel that I will never feel tired of watching it for a lifetime.

Lin Ge hasn't been active for long.

There were heart-piercing shouts in the distance.

"Someone jumped into the river! Come on!"

"It's rescued! It's saved! Hurry up! Go and call Doctor Yu!"

Lin Ge didn't even move his eyelids, and continued with the work in hand.

The same is true for Liu Xiao.

The main reason is that a group of people have already gone to rescue, and it is useless for the two of them to get together.

When Lin Ge was done with his work, he stepped on the mud and turned his head to see that there were still a group of people around in the distance.

Because the rescued people were carried to the village again.

When Lin Ge and Liu Xiao went back, they inevitably ran into each other.

"Oh, this girl is really pitiful." An old woman sighed.

"This is from Lin Mazi's family, right? They called Lin Mazi's husband, guess what they said? They said that Gan Yu's whole family is dead, and she must be living alone. It must be not going well, let her die and fall down."

"What a shame!"

"What? It's not that she doesn't want to be rescued. Doctor Yu didn't say anything. She's out of breath, and it's obvious that she can't be saved."

"Bah! I saw it with my own eyes. It was Lin Mazi's family who said he couldn't save him. What excuses are there for him!"

A group of people chattered.

When Lin Ge heard the name "Gan Yu" being mentioned, his eyes moved slightly.

He glanced lightly at the woman lying on the stretcher.

After two seconds of silence, he strode over there.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Lin Ge started the rescue.

"Fatty Lin, what are you doing?!"

"It's a crime, I've heard that this fat man doesn't like meat and vegetables, he's dead, and he's still pressing on his chest!"

Some people can't stand it anymore and want to pull Ringo up.

In order to speed up the rescue, Lin Ge used some spiritual power to force out all the water in Gan Yu's mouth and nose, and performed CPR continuously.

The person who wanted to pull Linge just touched her arm.

A coughing sound was heard.

"Cough cough..."

Everyone was amazed.

"This... is this alive?"

When everyone has not reacted.

Lin Ge had already taken Liu Xiao away.

It was mainly due to Gan Yu's fate. I don't know if he died like this unwillingly, with a breath hanging in his throat, unable to swallow it.

After returning home, Lin Ge washed himself first, cleaned himself up, and prepared to go out.

Liu Xiao stayed at home to cook lunch.

Because of Lin Ge's long-term teaching, Liu Xiao's skills are getting better and better.

He saw that his wife was going out, so he didn't ask much.

Soon, Lin Ge came back with a lot of wood in his hand.

Start building something new.

An hour passed.

Liu Xiao came out with the food, and was a little puzzled when she saw this.

The furniture in the house is all ready, why did the wife make the wooden table and chairs again?

"My wife, what are you?"

Lin Ge glanced at him.

"Our family may have to take in someone again."

Liu Xiao's face collapsed on the spot.

(End of this chapter)

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