To solve people's fear of the store, Xiaoruo strikes while the iron is hot and picks the date of opening according to the custom.

Three days later, the eighth day of the lunar new year is a good day.

The previous ghost hunting made Xiaoruo famous in Dongshi, and everyone knew that the new owner of the ghost shop on the north side of the Fugui Building was a beautiful girl with amazing courage.

On the opening day, except for Xiao Zhao, who still had to go to school, and Xiao Xun, who couldn't get away, the rest of Xiao's family came to help out in the new shop.

"Great reward for opening! Big reward for opening! Three days before the opening of Xinli Cordyceps Store, all customers who enter the store to participate in the event will have a small gift! Customers who are members will get [-] for [-]!"

The two children standing at the door shouted vigorously.The two of them are small advertising speakers hired by Xiaoruo, and they will be paid two taels of silver for three days of hard work.

People who were just watching the fun were aroused by Xiaotong's advertisement.

What is a member?What is "Recharge [-] Get [-] Free"?
People in Yingzhou have never heard of these routines, and it is said that everyone who enters the store can have small gifts, and people have the courage to enter the store one after another.

"Welcome!" Smiling warmly to those who entered, Xiaoruo seized the opportunity to introduce the opening activities.

"Dear guests, Xinli Cordyceps is newly opened in Yingzhou. In these three days, just come to the store to register your name, and then shout three times 'Xinli Cordyceps, strengthen your body, nourish your body', and you can get a free gift! "

The one-meter-long wooden table behind her is piled up with various gifts written or engraved with the words "Xinli Cordyceps", most of which are practical objects such as umbrellas, fans, wooden bowls, and wooden combs.

Wang Da looked at the things on the wooden table with his head, feeling a little moved.

He is a servant of the Wang family, and he is responsible for going to the Fugui Building to buy almond slices for the young master every day. He passed by today and heard that there was a free gift, so he came in to have a look.

"Are these given for free?" He couldn't help asking.

The point is that it's free. Buying sliced ​​almonds is done on an account. At the end of the month, the butler will pay the bill at once. He doesn't have cash to buy other things.

Xiaoruo smiled brightly, nodded affirmatively and said, "As long as you participate in the event, you can choose one of these small gifts to take away."

"That's good! I'll do it!" Wang Da patted his chest, wanting to be the first to eat crabs.

He took a fancy to the wooden comb on the table. Xiaoyue'er, the daughter of Wang's cook, said a few days ago that the comb was broken.

After registering the name at Zheng Dongyang's place, Wang Dashi followed Xiaoruo's instructions and faced the gate, took a deep breath and shouted loudly: "Believe in Cordyceps, strengthen your body, and nourish your body!"

He usually does errands, and his lung capacity is very large. These three shouts were earth-shattering, even overshadowing the two children's advertisements at the door, and they were heard far away on the street.

After shouting three times, Wang Da saw Xiaoruo nodded, indicating that he could choose a gift.

"I want that comb!"

The guest specified a gift, and Xiao Niao picked up the wooden comb and handed it to Wang Da.

Seeing that some people shouted a few words and got the things without paying, and the rest of the dubious people rushed to participate in the event.

"I want a fan! Then give me the fan!"

"I'm done shouting, I want a wooden bowl!"

"Little girl, please bring me a nice umbrella..."

When Shang Congyun came back from his aunt's house, he heard different people shouting loudly and knocking on the sedan chair wall as soon as he arrived near the Fugui Building, and the accompanying servants immediately approached the sedan window.

"Go and see what's making the noise."

The boy took the order and immediately ran to the front to inquire about the news.

After a while, the servant figured out the situation, ran back to the sedan chair, and said respectfully, "Young Master, there is a new shop opening next door that is doing activities, and you will be given gifts if you shout three times."

This is strange.Shang Congyun has never heard of any shop that would do business like this.

"Let's go, let's have a look."

The bearer took the order, turned the direction of his feet, and carried the young master to the place where the sound came from.

When he arrived in front of the shop, the bearer lowered his body and lifted the curtain of the sedan chair, and waited for Shang to get off from the sedan chair.

In front of the new store, many people were watching the excitement, forming a human wall to block Shang Congyun's view.

The boy was clever, and immediately pushed aside the crowd and shouted: "Let's go! Let's go!" After working hard for a while, he made a gap in the wall and let the young master in.

Standing at the gate, Shang Congyun first looked up at the plaque.

Xinli Cordyceps... a specialty store?never heard of that.

Stepping into the store and looking around, I saw four circles of cabinets displaying mahogany trays, and on each wooden tray was a brightly colored bottle, which contained a half-worm, half-weed thing.

Having never seen anything like this before, Shang Congyun couldn't help but take a closer look.

"Guest officer, our store is newly opened. In these three days, just come to the store to register your name, and then shout three times 'Xinli Cordyceps, strengthen your body, nourish yin and nourish yang', and you can get a free small gift."

Seeing that the young man didn't go to the activity area, the old man Cen, who had been trained by Xiaoruo, stepped forward and introduced the activities.

Shang Congyun was taken aback by the sudden voice behind him, and immediately stood up straight and coughed lightly to ease his embarrassment.

The boy followed Shang Congyun since he was a child, and immediately said wittily: "My young master never wants free gifts, what good things can come from free ones."

The flattery was loud and accurate, and Young Master Shang felt a sense of relief.

Hearing what the boy said, old man Cen was not only not angry, but also a little happy.It seems that the young man in front of him is a rich master!

He immediately moved out to another event. "Then we still have an activity of recharging 100 taels and getting 20 taels free! Recharge [-] taels and get [-] taels free! After recharging, you will be our honored member!"

100 taels!Shang Congyun was taken aback, he only paid 300 taels for an autumn breeze from his aunt's house.

"It's just this thing that costs 100 taels?" He pointed at the Cordyceps on the shelf, his voice trembling.

The old man Cen shook his head with a smile, and said: "No, the glass bottles here are all premium products, they are only for display and not for sale, and you must purchase a certain amount to be eligible for redemption."

Is there anyone who puts out things that are only for viewing and not for sale?Shang Congyun felt that what he saw and heard today refreshed his cognition again and again.

Seizing every customer is the principle that Xiaoruo emphasized in training them. Old man Cen felt that the rich young man in front of him might be a potential customer, so he had to seize the opportunity!
"Our Cordyceps has top-grade and top-grade ones. The top-grade one is [-] yuan each, and the top-grade one is [-] yuan. Today, we are holding an event, charge [-] and get [-] free, and it is ready to use. It is equivalent to buying a top-grade cordyceps after charging. It's [-]% off!"

The more he talked, the harder he tried, and the old man Cen started to eloquently. "And we recharge more and give more. If you recharge two hundred, you get sixty, and if you recharge one thousand, you get two hundred! It's a good deal!"

It feels like the money in the mouth of the old man in front of him is not money, who would charge 1000 taels of silver for this strange thing that is half-worm and half-weed!
Shang Congyun couldn't help asking: "What's the use of the caterpillar fungus you mentioned?"

Old man Cen just slapped his head, hey!The sales promotion is on the top, and I forgot to introduce the product first!
He chuckled, "This discount is too strong, and I am so excited, the old man."

"The full name of Cordyceps sinensis is Cordyceps sinensis. It is a precious nourishing medicinal material. It can nourish the kidneys and lungs, stop bleeding and resolve phlegm, and can also relieve chronic cough and shortness of breath caused by lung deficiency."

While talking, old man Cen shifted his gaze to the important parts of Shang Congyun, and said in a low voice, "Cordyceps also nourishes yin and nourishes yang, which is especially helpful for that."

The old man's emphasis was skillfully placed on the key words, coupled with his lowered voice, Shang Congyun immediately understood.

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