"Old man, don't scare me..." Shang Congyun couldn't help lowering his voice.

The old man Cen waved his hand, and said sincerely, "Why am I bluffing you? We are a specialty store, and the shops are all leased at a high price. If you deceive people, can you still do this business?"

What he said was reasonable, Shang Congyun knew the prices of shops in Dongshi, and knew that people with no strength could not afford to rent them, let alone buy them.

Turning his head to glance at the strange medicinal materials carefully kept in the clear glass bottle, Shang Congyun gritted his back molars and said, "I'll charge one hundred!"

"Hey! You register here!" Old man Cen grinned, this is the first member in the shop!He opened it!

Xizizi brought Shang Congyun to Zheng Dongyang's side, old man Cen said proudly: "Tai Li, this guest wants to become a member."

Zheng Dongyang remembered that all his names were for participating in free activities for a day. This was the first guest who wanted to register as a member, so he couldn't help being a little excited.

He said enthusiastically: "What's your surname? I'll register your membership file for you so that you can participate in our activities in the future! Our valued members will have discounts in the future!"

The three words "noble" stamped Zhongshang Congyun's coolness. It was rare for him to be patient and reported his name and address to Zheng Dongyang. Small wooden sign.

Shang Congyun still felt a little heartbroken when he took out the warm three hundred taels of silver bills from his arms, but when he thought about spending 100 taels once, he might be able to exchange for more 100 taels, he didn't feel so uncomfortable up.

"Charge one hundred!" He slapped a bank note on the counter.

Zheng Dongyang took the silver ticket, and wrote down the top-up amount of Shang Congyun in the membership book.

"You have a balance of 120 taels now."

Shang Congyun nodded and said, "Bring me a top-grade caterpillar fungus."

The old man Cen immediately took out a piece of cordyceps from the small warehouse and wrapped it up and handed it to him. Zheng Dongyang then picked up a pen under the name of Cong Yun at the member register dealer and subtracted 100 taels.

"You have a balance of 20 taels now."

After receiving the oiled paper package, Shang Congyun was speechless for a while.

100 taels just wrap a pack with oiled paper, isn't it too low-grade? !
The slander belongs to the slander, he has more important things to do right now.

Putting the oil paper bag in his bosom, he led the boy to squeeze through the human wall again, and returned to the sedan chair panting.

"Turn around! Go back to my aunt's house!"

The bearers and the servants did not dare to question the young master's decision, so they picked up the sedan chair again and walked in the same direction as they had come and gone.

A quarter of an hour later, the sedan chair landed in front of a house in a stable manner.

The courtyard wall of the house is high and deep, and in the center is a two-meter-wide red-lacquered wooden door with two thick brass rings nailed on the left and right sides of the door, indicating that the owner of this house is either rich or noble, and his family is well-off.

After Shang Congyun got off the sedan chair, he hurriedly slapped the copper ring. The brass ring knocked on the gate and made a heavy sound.

The door opened in response, and the servant who opened the door saw Shang Congyun and said in surprise, "Master Biao, why are you back?"

Pushing open the door and the servant, Shang Congyun stepped into the house and hurried to his aunt's room.

When he was approaching the main room, he slowed down, adjusted his breathing, and tried his best to restore himself to the usual elegant temperament.

"Auntie." He stood a meter away from the house, clasped his hands and shouted loudly.

A few seconds later, a rather handsome maid came out of the main house, bowed to Shang Congyun and said, "Master Biao, please come in."

Following the maidservant into the main house without looking sideways, Shang Congyun stood with his hands down against the wall, waiting quietly.

His aunt was most particular about etiquette, if he broke the etiquette, he would never get half a penny from his aunt in the future.

After a while, a Miaoman figure came out from the inner room behind the screen.

"Why did Congyun come back again? But what happened?" The voice was gentle and light, and the listener could only feel the breeze blowing on his face.

Only then did Shang Congyun raise his head, cupped his hands in salute and said, "Congyun has seen Auntie."

The woman in front of him was wearing an elegant plain green dress with pipa lapel and silver silk shoulders, holding a folding fan with emerald edges in her hand, which looked elegant, only the bun on her hair was a touch of bright red. , like an unopened flower bud, adding a different style to her.

Aunt Shang pointed to the stool delicately, signaling her nephew to sit down and talk.

After thanking him respectfully and doing all the courtesy, Shang Congyun sat down on the stool.

"Auntie, on my way home just now, I saw a rare item. I thought that Auntie might need it, so I quickly bought it and came back to honor you."

What he said was sincere and full of admiration.

"Oh? What keeps you from waiting until tomorrow? It's the same after you have worked so hard to get someone to deliver it." Auntie Shang had a slight smile on her face.

She loves to hear such filial words from this cousin. Although she is only young, as an elder, she should be remembered and respected by the younger generation. This is the rule.

Shang Congyun took out the oil-paper bag that he had been carrying close to his body all the way, and put it on the table.

The oiled paper bag still carried his body temperature, as if calling out for his filial piety.

Aunt Shang nodded in satisfaction, it doesn't matter what it is, what matters is Shang Congyun's move.

It was carefully guarded and delivered to her. It seems that she did not love this cousin in vain.

Hao turned his wrist lightly, and patted the oil-paper bag with his fan, signaling Shang Congyun to open it.

But when the red rope was untied and the oiled paper spread out to reveal the contents inside, the gentle and loving expression on her face instantly collapsed.

"This, isn't it Cordyceps?!"

Shang Congyun was surprised and said, "Auntie knows this thing?"

"Why don't you know me?" Aunt Shang's voice was filled with disgust, and it sounded a bit hideous. "Wen Lichun, that cheap bastard a few years ago, won the master's favor because of this thing!"

Jealousy was evident in the words.

Shang Congyun broke out in cold sweat on his forehead.

He learned from his own mother that his aunt had never been married, but just worked as a second wife for a mysterious master, and she didn't even have the status of a concubine.

Although he had never seen this mysterious master, but judging from the situation over the past few years, this master was more than just his aunt.

I'm afraid that the Wen Lichun that my aunt talks about is one of the beauties.

After enduring and enduring, Aunt Shang forcibly restrained herself from losing her composure in front of her cousin and nephew. She frowned and asked, "Where did you get this thing?"

Shang Congyun didn't dare to reach out to wipe the sweat from his forehead, bowed his head and cupped his hands and said, "It's a newly opened store in Dongshi, called Xinli Cordyceps Specialty Store, and all the medicinal materials sold in the store are of this kind."

"A new store?" Aunt Shang raised her eyebrows, "What do you mean by a specialty store? It specializes in selling Cordyceps sinensis?"

"I guess that's the case. I didn't see anything else for sale in this store today." Shang Congyun lowered his head.


The person in front of him let out a chuckle, and Shang Congyun wondered if he had an illusion, why did he hear his aunt laughing?

"Why is Congyun sweating so much? Is it too hot?"

Following this gentle question of concern, a handkerchief with green chrysanthemums embroidered on the corner was handed under his nose.

"Why are you standing there? Wipe off your sweat and be careful not to catch the cold." Aunt Shang's voice was full of care.

Taking the handkerchief tremblingly, Shang Congyun raised his face, and secretly observed while wiping the cold sweat from his forehead.

Aunt Shang, who was gnashing her teeth with anger just now, has a gentle expression again.

"Auntie..." Shang Congyun was afraid that he would make her mad, could it be that Auntie had hysteria?

Aunt Shang looked at her nephew, who was not much younger than her, and said lovingly, "I spent a lot of money buying Cordyceps from Yun, right? Is it enough for pocket money?"

She beckoned to the maid: "Go, bring another 500 taels of silver to Master Biao."

The maid went out in response, and he didn't feel any real joy until he came back with a stack of bank notes and put them in Shang Congyun's hands.

"Auntie doesn't blame me?" Everything just now seemed like an illusion, and Shang Congyun was still a little dazed.

Aunt Shang covered her face with a fan, smiled and frowned, "What's your fault? My good nephew respects me and helps me a lot. What can I blame you for?"

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