After the implementation of the New Deal, military power will be returned, troops will be reduced on the border, and all under the imperial power will be ants. If Emperor Jianming settles accounts later, then it is true that the emperor wants his ministers to die, and his ministers have to die.

But Yanyang at that time should be thriving and prosperous.

The Hou Mansion can be regarded as devoting itself to death, and it is only after death.

Zhenbeihou patted him on the shoulder, "Zhixu, take a long-term view, don't worry about the gains and losses of one mansion and one courtyard, your future is the whole of Yanyang."

"Father is a great hero, and he holds the world in his heart." Xie Xun has been living under the protection of his father and brother, a fledgling fledgling. "I just want to protect my family."

"Don't worry, Tingfeng's injury will not be in vain." Zhenbeihou said lightly, "When did your second brother suffer?"

Marquis of Zhenbei and Xie Zhang suppressed the matter, but Yi Er San and Chen Lin did not reconcile with Emperor Jianming. The prince revealed that the killer was Jin Yiwei, but only said that the killer in the forest was masked and his identity was unknown. Killing Xie Jue wanted to stop the New Deal.

There was one day left in the hunt and the curtain fell. Although Fang Chuning and Xie Jue were seriously injured, Zhenbei Hou, Madam Hou, Xie Zhang, and Xie Xun all attended the banquet.Feng Shu, Feng Yu followed Feng Changqing, and Su Yuejiao attended the banquet.The atmosphere at the banquet was tense, and the military generals were fighting against each other, and they all felt sorry for Xie Jue's eyes.In this peace talk, Yan Yang seemed to have won, but the talk was too aggrieved.

Both Xie Zhang and Xie Jue were made things difficult by Dugu Jing, and they narrowly escaped death. Yan Yang got what he wanted, but he also paid a heavy price.After Xie Jue hurt his eye, Marquis Anyuan vaguely felt that Marquis Zhenbei was emotionally unstable.I can only persuade him to be patient, Dugu Jing dared to make things difficult for the Hou family unscrupulously because of Sang Nan's changes.

Yan Yang felt aggrieved, and Beiman was also aggrieved. Although Dugujing hurt Xie Jue, Yanyang got [-] red gauze armor. Dugujing originally planned to kill Xie Zhang and Xie Jue.As a result, everyone was living well, and he had to give [-] red gauze armor in advance, and Dugu Jing also felt aggrieved.

Fengyu has a premonition that something will happen at the banquet.

If the two sides hold back for too long, there will definitely be conflicts.

After drinking for three rounds, Xie Zhang got up to respect Dugujing and wished the peace talks a smooth ride. Dugujing glared at him and felt that Xie Zhang was mocking him. This is a grand event for the country, in order to show Yanyang's sincerity in wanting to reconcile with Beiman, the emperor wants to marry the princess to the king of Beiman, so that Qin and Jin will be good forever!"

Emperor Jianming, "..."

Prince, "..."

Princess Huazhen, "..."

Emperor Jianming had only one marriageable princess—Princess Huazhen.Before he could react, Dugu Jing answered, "Okay, Bei Man can't wait for it, and it happens that my brother is short of a concubine."

Dugu Jing stood up and bowed to Emperor Jianming, "Brother Jing Dai accepted the marriage, wishing to be good with Yanyang forever."

The civil and military officials were silent, the prince was so stunned that he almost crushed the wine glass, the Marquis of Zhenbei tacitly agreed to Xie Zhang's words and promised marriage on behalf of the emperor, the prince only felt the burning pain from several slaps on the face.

"I don't want to marry!" Princess Huazhen lost her composure and stood up, pointing at Xie Zhang, "Xie Zhang, why do you take the place of Emperor Father?"

Xie Zhang smiled faintly, "Princess, the emperor just went to visit Xie Jue, and he knew that the Beiman and Yanyang had been at war for many years, and the estrangement was hard to eliminate, so the nine princes repeatedly made things difficult for the Marquis. It hurt Xie Jue's eyes. The emperor was greatly distressed and realized that only by marrying Beiman and forming an alliance between Qin and Jin can the hatred between Beiman and Yanyang be completely eliminated."

Princess Huazhen stumbled out and knelt in front of the emperor, "Royal father, he is lying, you didn't agree to a marriage, and you won't marry your son to that barren land, right!"

Emperor Jianming was riding a tiger, he never went to see Xie Jue, nor agreed to the marriage, but Xie Zhang forced him to agree to the marriage in full view.

This is his most beloved daughter.

Wouldn't it be her life to marry into Beiman?

Xie Jue's eyes are gone, this is the Hou Fu's revenge!Although the assassins in the forest were not sent by him, he did not stop them. The assassins were all Jin Yiwei and the imperial army, and if there were survivors, how could they hide it from Zhenbeihou.

The smartest child in the Hou's mansion was lost, and Zhenbeihou asked his daughter to pay for it.

"Hua Zhen,..." Emperor Jianming looked at his pleading daughter with difficulty.

"Could it be that His Majesty Yanyang doesn't want to marry a daughter?" Dugu Jing said indifferently, "I'm a barbaric land in the north, and I can't get into the eyes of the princess. If that's the case, it doesn't matter if we don't get married."

Princess Huazhen was overjoyed, and a basin of cold water was poured down again. Emperor Jianming said, "Marriage is not a trifling matter. I betrothed Princess Huazhen to the king of Beiman, and hope that Beiman and Yanyang will form an alliance forever."

Civil and military officials still looked ignorant, and the three fathers and sons of Zhenbeihou were also silent, watching indifferently. After Xie Zhang mentioned the marriage, he stopped talking.

Fengyu watched Princess Huazhen resist like crazy, stumbled and stumbled to beg Emperor Jianming, and there was a commotion at the banquet, Princess Huazhen looked angrily at the seats in Zhenbeihou's Mansion.The prince's heart skipped a beat, and he was dragged down by Chen Mo before Princess Huazhen made a mistake.Princess Huazhen looked at Xie Xun, hoping that Xie Xun could say a word for her, but Xie Xun didn't give her a look, and drank indifferently.

Princess Huazhen recalled the dazzling scene outside the forest, Xie Xun kissed Feng Yu, and the two played and embraced among the spring flowers all over the mountains and plains, intimately.

Xie Xun lied to her, he likes Fengyu.

Huang Liang's dream came to naught after all, her happiness and expectations were shattered, her sweetheart never liked her from the beginning to the end, he would rather have a dying Fengyu than her, and he watched helplessly. Watching her being betrothed to a wild land.

Do not!
Hou Fu is the culprit!
"I won't let you go!" Princess Huazhen said hoarsely, hating to the marrow, "I'll never let you go even if I'm a ghost!"

Feng Yu was burned by Princess Huazhen's eyes, and felt uneasy for some reason.The banquet was held in an eerie silence, Emperor Jianming's eyes were flushed, and the prince could not bear it.

The princess was pouring wine for him, feeling uneasy.

This is the first time that the Hou Mansion has had a direct conflict with the royal family. The Zhenbei Hou strictly abides by his duties as a courtier, and his words and deeds are never disrespectful. Not going out, and rarely entertain guests, and accompany the wives at home to share the family relationship.

In the Golden Luan Hall, Lord Hou will always stand by his side for what Emperor Jianming wants to do. He doesn't want to be a minister of power, but to be Emperor Jianming's sword, clearing obstacles for him and eradicating foreign enemies.

"Why?" Emperor Jianming asked Zhenbeihou.

"My son can defend the city and die in battle, but he can't die in power struggles and civil strife." Zhenbei Hou said softly, "Your Majesty, Tingfeng has been making suggestions for the war situation all these years, and he was also the one who formulated the strategy to kill the Northern Man King. He and Dugu Jing went to Xiyan Mountain to hunt for [-] red veils. If he died in battle, I have nothing to say, he died well. My son, for the sake of the peace of the two clans, has dedicated himself to being a useless person. My brothers, in order to calm the chaos, They died one by one in front of me. Isn't it okay for the emperor to sacrifice a princess in exchange for the marriage alliance between the two clans and the peace of the two clans?"

Zhenbeihou didn't mention Xie Jue's encounter with Jin Yiwei in Xiyan Mountain.

"Your majesty, the princess's marriage is a shortcut to peace talks."

When Fengyu left the banquet, she still felt her heart beating wildly. Princess Huazhen married to Beiman, the marriage is fixed, there will be no more accidents, will she be willing?Yan Yang's most favored princess, such a proud Hua Zhen, must be desperate.

All the princesses of the Tian family are like this, and the fate of others is even more like that of ants.

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