Chapter 228 The Antidote
Feng Yu chuckled and said, "It's almost dawn, I'm going home now to alarm my father and mother, I'll rest at the Peony Tower, Zhang Da and they will come to look for me tomorrow."

Xie Xun thought for a while, and left Nuan Yang to guard her.

After the establishment of Mudanlou, the northern barbarians were restrained by Dugujing, and no longer hang around Hualou. The date of leaving Beijing is approaching.

Or knowing that the northern barbarians will take action, Xie Xun and Feng Yu always feel that it is the calm before the storm.

The Hou's mansion is waiting for death, and there are special inspections for food and clothing. Xie Xun reported the news obtained by Mudanlou to Xie Jue without reservation. In the past few days, a military doctor who is good at poisonous poison has been stationed in the mansion to check Zhenbei Hou three times a day. And the bodies of the young masters and wives, no signs of Gu worms were found.

The northern barbarians were so quiet that even Feng Yu was surprised.

Late at night, Hou Mansion.

In Xie Jue's courtyard, Shadow Guard One Two Three appeared. Xie Jue was sitting on the main seat covered with half-fingered silk cloth, drinking tea calmly. Shadow Guard One Two Three had just returned from the inn.

The shadow guard said, "Princess Beiman did refine mother-child Gu in the post house. This kind of mother-child Gu needs to be nourished by the blood of the seeder in addition to the blood of the seeder. Dugu Jing wanted to make a Gu for Master Hou, but he didn't take it. Seeing Lord Hou's blood, if you don't get fresh blood, this kind of Gu worm won't obey, it shouldn't be able to hurt Lord Hou."

Marquis Zhenbei was injured while hunting, and he also saw blood, that bit of blood can't feed Gu worms, and Dugu Jing can't get Xie Zhang, Xie Jue and Xie Xun's blood, Gu worms shouldn't be able to feed them.

The Beiman princess can only raise mother Gu.

Xie Jue put down his teacup thoughtfully. When he entered Beiman, Dugu Hongying was still young, and she was also a saint of Beiman. She was isolated from the world and had very little information.Xie Jue summarized the economy, minerals, population, main sources of income, and various cultural customs of the Northern Man, and investigated the sons of the Northern Man kings clearly. The investigation of the Northern Man princesses was indeed blank.

He had been in Beiman for two years, and he had only seen Dugu Hongying when he was praying for blessings. He didn't expect her to learn this skill from the priest. The saint has always been a mascot in Beiman, and there is nothing special about it.

Gu poison... Dugu Jing wants to destroy the Marquis Mansion, the Gu poison is best planted on the four of them, father and son, and kill each other.

No wonder Donggong cooperates with Beiman frequently during hunting.

"Send news to the palace and find out if there is any difference between the emperor and the prince."


The shadow guard left like a ghost, and there were only three days left for the northern barbarians to leave Beijing.After the hunting, the iron cavalry stationed in the city of Kyoto, the whole capital was impenetrable, Dugu Jing's five hundred soldiers could not cause any major incidents.

Except for poisoning!

When Xie Zhang came in, the shadow guards had just left. Xie Jue's courtyard smelled very strong of books. Bookshelves and treasure pavilions were built against the walls of the main hall. Except for the warm couch by the window and the bookshelves, the main hall was empty.Mrs. Hou and Mrs. Mudan were afraid that he would bump into each other, so they almost emptied the main hall. Xie Jue became more silent after his eyes were injured, and didn't like to be served close by. Except for a few shadow guards, it was difficult for others to get close to him.

"Brother!" Without his eyes, his sense of smell and hearing were particularly obvious, and he could hear Xie Zhang's footsteps.

"It's so late, you haven't rested yet?"

"There are some things to deal with!" Xie Jue turned his head slightly, even though he couldn't see him, he knew that Xie Zhang was sitting opposite him, "Brother, what's the matter?"

Xie Zhang was silent and did not speak. Xie Jue was very patient and waited quietly.

"After Dugujing left Beijing, the New Deal was handed over to the uncles, leave Beijing to treat your eyes."

"Yes!" Xie Jue's tone was flat, as if he knew that Xie Zhang would agree. He and Xie Zhang had discussed this matter three times. As long as the elder brother agreed, his father would let him leave Beijing.

"Tingfeng, don't return to Beijing until elder brother gets married."

"……it is good!"

"Let Chuning go with you."

"No need!" Xie Jue said lightly, "The shadow guards can just follow."

"Did you and Chuning quarrel?" Xie Zhang asked. After returning from hunting, Fang Chuning had never been to the Hou's Mansion. When Tingfeng was injured in Ningzhou, Fang Chuning took care of him personally, wishing he could even feed Tingfeng his food.But this time Tingfeng's eye was injured, Fang Chuning ignored it, there must have been a quarrel.

When Fang Chuning and Xie Jue grew up, they almost never blushed. Neither Xie Jue nor Fang Chuning was a good-tempered person. They both had a strong desire to control, but they could find the most suitable way to get along and tolerate each other.

The two of them had a good understanding and a tacit understanding. Fang Chuning must have been so angry that he could not bear to see Ting Feng when he was injured.

Xie Jue said calmly, "A Ning is a relative of the emperor, and the commander is stationed in the south of the Yangtze River. It is not suitable for him to be involved in the disputes between the Houfu and the royal family. I don't hope that one day he will have to choose between me and the Yuwen royal family. If My premonition came true, Ah Ning got involved, and every decision was a heart-wrenching pain for him, and I couldn't bear it."

Xie Zhang's heart was shocked, Ting Feng just set off a huge wave so flatly, Xie Zhang hesitated to speak, and finally could only sigh, "Ting Feng, these words, big brother just listen to them, don't let father hear them. "

Xie Jue said softly, "No one will hear it anymore."

The people sent by Xie Jue reported that Emperor Jianming and the Crown Prince were also in good health, and there were no signs of being poisoned or lonely. Xie Jue was even more puzzled, what did Dugu Hongying come to the capital for?
Xie Xun was also very confused. Apart from going to Jingdu Wei recently, he just stared at the post station. There were no accidents. He was very relieved that there was a big brother guarding the Hou Mansion.The northern barbarians also went out of their way and stopped hanging around the brothels. At the beginning of the peace talks, they were aggressive, but now they left Beijing without a sound. Xie Xun felt more uneasy, but he couldn't find anything suspicious.

The day before the northern barbarians left Beijing, Xie Xun took a rest and had something to do in the afternoon. As soon as he left the Hou Mansion, he saw Zhang Ling running in a hurry, out of breath. Xie Xun's heart sank, "Is something wrong with the elder sister ?”


It was a sunny day in April, and the sun was scorching. Zhang Lingzheng was sweating all over, "Your leg cured."

Xie Xun was overjoyed, "After so many years, you finally found the antidote?"

Zhang Lingzheng was panting, "The pills you brought back, one is poison, and the other is antidote, which is your leg poison, young master, you are lucky."

Xie Xun, "..."

Outside the mansion is not a place to talk. Xie Xun invited Zhang Lingzheng to the courtyard. After getting the pill that day, Xie Xun handed it to Zhang Lingzheng. He had long suspected that his leg poison was passed from the Northern Man.Otherwise, Tai Hospital will not find an antidote for many years.But he didn't expect such a coincidence that the medicine Feng Yu picked up by chance was actually his antidote.

"Are you sure?"

"Are you doubting my medical skills?" Zhang Lingzheng said excitedly, "Your leg is saved, and if it takes another year or so, even the gods will not be able to save it. Who knows that things will turn around, Xie Xun, you are saved!"

Xie Xun's mood was agitated, and that kind of slow excitement filled his heart. He had suffered from leg pain for two years, and it was deeply rooted.If he really loses a leg, he can only be a wealthy idler. He is unwilling and panicked. If his leg is lost, it is unknown whether he and Feng Yu can make it to the end.

(End of this chapter)

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