Chapter 231 Resentment
According to the New Deal, huge taxes must be paid every year.

"Reluctant to pay taxes?" Xie Xun raised his eyebrows.

Feng Yu shook her head, "I think it will be very difficult to implement the New Deal, land tax reform, business tax must also change. The second son probably wants to collect high taxes from the rich. But the rich may not be willing, they will definitely unite resistance."

"The new policy is imperative. The cabinet has reached a consensus to recuperate and increase production. So, as much land as you have, you can sell some appropriately."

Feng Yu shook her head lightly, "I won't."

Xie Xun was puzzled, "Why? I heard my father and brother discuss that in order to reduce taxes, a lot of land from aristocratic families must be lost to ordinary people."

Feng Yu chuckled and said, "Does the young master know how to collect Tian Fu?"

"What to plant and what to reap."

The land tax means that what you grow in the field is what you harvest. If you plant rice, you will receive rice, and if you plant corn, you will receive corn. Therefore, the land tax will be divided in detail.

"This is the disadvantage. I charge 1000 shi, but I can report 500 shi. The Ministry of Finance will not check the actual amount handed over. There are too many things that can be manipulated, as long as you spend a little time. Why sell the land? If the land is there, I will always have an income, whether it is rented to others or cultivated by myself, it is better than selling it all at once.”

Xie Xun heard the meaning behind his words, his face condensed slightly, "Are you not optimistic about the New Deal?"

Feng Yu nodded, "You can treat me as the head of an aristocratic family. If the new policy is too gentle on taxes, there are policies at the top and countermeasures at the bottom. I have my own way to deal with it. If it is done in one step, it will cause fierce resistance. So the scale It is difficult to grasp. If the new policy is led by the cabinet, the cabinet will be the descendants of the aristocratic family. I think the implementation and implementation of the new policy will be problematic, so it depends on the specific implementation situation before making a decision. I think so, and the patriarch of the aristocratic family is the same. think."

Xie Xun understood, no wonder the second brother would say that there is no dual law in the New Deal.

"Do you have any suggestions?" Xie Xun asked.

Feng Yu laughed, "I'm a business owner, and I'm a weak girl. I don't have any suggestions for such a big event in the whole country. I just listen to the policy and control the direction."

The atmosphere in Beijing is that everyone is optimistic about the implementation of the New Deal, but Feng Yu is always uneasy. The late emperor was burned to death in the palace because of the New Deal.

Xie Xun, if the Hou government leads the implementation of the New Deal, we must be more careful, be careful, be careful, and not repeat the same mistakes.

"Forget it..." Feng Yu felt a little helpless. It's really not good to throw cold water on the new policy before it is implemented.And why the late emperor died back then, Lord Hou understood better than anyone else.

If he wants to push the New Deal, he will definitely make a perfect plan.

"My second brother will leave Beijing in a few days, and the new policy will be handed over to the cabinet. If you want to know the specific terms, I'll help you find out." Xie Xun thought to himself, whatever Feng Yu wants, he will give her.

"Okay!" Feng Yu thought to herself, if she could know the terms earlier, she would be able to make a decision, "Why did the second son leave Beijing?"

"There is a genius doctor in the twelve states who can cure his eyes, and he is going to Beijing to seek medical treatment."

"Can't you invite a genius doctor to come to Kyoto?"

Xie Xun shook his head, "This genius doctor is also very eccentric, the second brother went there in person, it seems more sincere."

Feng Yu also hoped that the second young master's eyes would heal soon, if someone could heal his eyes, it would be worth the distance, but if he was going to Twelve States, would Xie Zhang and his sister's wedding be in time?
"We can make it in time for the wedding!" Xie Xun said with a chuckle, "My eldest brother is getting married, and my second brother and I have to help welcome him."

Talking about the wedding, the atmosphere became much more relaxed. Feng Yu never thought that everything would go so smoothly, and Dugu Jing left the capital before he could do anything.

They are all looking forward to this wedding!
The peace talks went smoothly, and a banquet was held in the palace, where the monarch and his ministers enjoyed themselves.

Feng's family was all being invited, and the shadow caused by the palace banquet was still there, but this time it was different, her parents and sister were all there, and Xie Xun was also going to enter the palace, so Feng Yu was not so nervous.

When Feng Yu entered the palace, she always dressed in a more basic way, and her hair was combed into the most popular bun for girls nowadays. When Xie Xun saw her wearing a pomegranate hairpin, the corners of her lips could not help but smile.

Light makeup is always suitable!
The palace banquet was lively, the seats in the Hou's mansion were very close to those in the Feng's house, Fang Chuning, Fang Lingjun did not enter the palace with Mrs. Fang this time.Fang Lingjun said that when her mother entered the palace, she seemed to have an argument with the empress, but Fang Lingjun didn't know what happened.When the first emperor was around, everyone respected Mrs. Fang as the eldest princess.

When Emperor Jianming came to the throne, Mrs. Fang did not allow others to call her the eldest princess.She also seldom walked around the court, not because Mrs. Fang was disrespectful to Emperor Jianming, but mainly to avoid suspicion.

This time, she contradicted the queen for some reason, and even Fang Chuning and Fang Lingjun did not enter the palace.

Without Fang Lingjun, Fengyu would have lost a lot of fun, sitting quietly and enjoying singing and dancing, Xie Xun looked back at her from time to time, knowing that she was bored, after drinking for three rounds, Xie Xun blatantly left Fengyu from the table.They're engaged, and it doesn't hurt to be intimate.

Lin Yuyan gritted her silver teeth with hatred. Half a year ago, she was the noble daughter of the stars at the flower viewing banquet. She was very happy with Xie Xun, and she had a dream of marrying Xie Xun.She never dreamed that she would be engaged to Jiang Yang, and Feng Yu, whom she hated deeply, was given a marriage to Xie Xun.

She was confined in the mansion, and Lin Yuyan was jealous and hated when she heard that Xie Xun proposed to marry him during the hunting trip.She was engaged to Jiang Yang, knowing that she had no destiny with Xie Xun in this life.But it happened that Fengyu married Xie Xun, even Fang Lingjun, she would not be so jealous, why?
She also couldn't help complaining about Princess Huazhen's incompetence. As the most honorable princess in the dynasty, she couldn't deal with Fengyu. If Fengyu was named princess, she would go to Beiman with Princess Huazhen and become a concubine.

She looked at Xie Xun and Feng Yu's backs with resentment.

Why didn't she die in West Rock Mountain!
Lin Xiao also saw Xie Xun taking Feng Yu away from the banquet, feeling sad, and seeing Lin Yuyan's resentful eyes, he was even more frightened, "Yuyan, don't be too presumptuous!"

Princess Huaying was pregnant, Lin Sheng stayed with her at home and did not enter the palace.Before entering the palace, Lin Sheng told Lin Xiao to watch Lin Yuyan and not cause trouble.Originally, Lin Sheng didn't want Lin Yuyan to enter the palace, but she begged Mrs. Lin, and she had been confined in the mansion for a long time. Mrs. Lin softened her heart and took her into the palace to relax.

"Second brother, you like Fengyu so much, are you willing?" Lin Yuyan mocked.

"Enough!" Lin Xiao's face darkened, "Don't ruin her reputation!"

It is his wishful thinking that he likes Fengyu, if others hear Lin Yuyan's words, there will be no wind and waves, and it will only ruin Fengyu's reputation. She does not have a good reputation in Beijing, Lin Xiao does not want Fengyu to fall into gossip Among them, he was one step late, and he couldn't blame others.

"She caused my reputation to be ruined, but you treat her like a pearl like a treasure. You are really my good brother." Lin Yuyan was heartbroken, "You should have shared my hatred with me instead of liking my enemy!"

"You have to blame yourself!" Lin Xiaoyin felt impatient, "If you hadn't seduced Jiang Yang into retiring the marriage, why did this happen?"

 Today is two more

(End of this chapter)

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