Feng Shu just thought it was ridiculous!
A relationship that has never been felt before, the memory of a teenager who has faded 11 years ago, how can he ask such a ridiculous question.

When she is about to get married!
She has never met other people's love. She has traveled all over the world for so many years and has attracted the attention of many outstanding men. She will tell them straightforwardly that she is engaged and her fiancé is the love of her life.She also met men who stalked and wanted to have sex with her once, but Feng Shu used tough methods to cut off their thoughts.

The prince is different, he is the crown prince of a country, the future king of Yanyang, and she is a subject, Feng Shu is thinking how she can cut off this relationship without hurting the relationship between the royal family and the Marquis.

She also understood that if she gave the prince some hope, and this obsession and regret turned into hatred, Xie Zhang would definitely bear the hatred.

Feng Shu said, "Your Highness, my servants have never had any affection for you. Back then you were gentle and dignified, and treated us like a younger sister. The four sisters of the Feng family all sincerely regarded you as an elder brother. If you had never met Xie Zhang, the Wangfu would come to ask for marriage. Even the courtier would not agree to this marriage. In fact, if the Marquis of Zhenbei hadn't proposed, the courtier would enter the Su family tree after she was ten years old, change her name and surname, and recruit a son-in-law in the future to support the Su family. Therefore, there is no fate between the courtiers and His Highness."

She wanted to take Xie Zhang out, and that was exactly what she planned back then.

The prince's eyes were dark red, "In order to protect Xie Zhang, you actually want to lie to Gu?"

"Your Highness, what the ministers and daughters said is true." Feng Shu thought to herself, when the late emperor fought against the aristocratic family in order to carry out the New Deal.The vassal king is also involved. Who is willing to betroth their daughter to the royal family? If the aristocratic family overthrows the imperial power, the Yuwen family's country will be wiped out, and the clan will usher in a catastrophe. No one is willing to betroth their daughter to the Yuwen family.

"Since you plan to enter the Su family tree, why did you agree to the Marquis's proposal? What is the difference between Gu and Xie Zhang?"

Feng Shu was secretly angry, if he wasn't surnamed Yuwen, and he wasn't the crown prince of a country, she really wanted to ask, why do you compare with Xie Zhang!

In her heart, Xie Zhang is the best man in Yanyang.

"Because of my daughter..." The words of my daughter's delighted Xie Zhang almost blurted out, but she was afraid of angering the prince, Feng Shu took a deep breath, "My daughter is a general, she has been superficial since she was a child, and worships great heroes. He happens to be a great hero on the battlefield. The maiden's maiden's dream."

The prince has cold hands and feet, and he likes heroes!

That's right, Feng Shu likes big heroes, he knew it when he was young, and when Xingzi matured, they sat on the wall of the palace and chatted.Feng Shu said that in the future, she wants to marry a hero who stands above heaven and earth.Defend the country like her father.Because of her words, the prince wanted to go to the battlefield and be her hero.But he is the son of the royal family, how dare Emperor Jianming let him take risks.

He has liked Feng Shu for many years, he knows her preferences, and also knows her expectations for the future.

He approached Fengshu, wrapped his hands tightly around her arms, almost crushing her bones, his eyes were crazy and paranoid, but his tone was gentle, violent and strange, "Shu'er, as long as you are a great hero, not Xie Zhang, you can ,Yes or no?"

Feng Shu was in pain from being pulled by him, the two were very close, Feng Shu could feel his hot breath, as if he wanted to kiss her, Feng Shu was startled and angry, and wanted to slap him rebelliously while struggling.

She could clearly see the madness in his eyes, her heart was jumping with fear, what did he mean?

The crown prince looked at the face so close, his heart was filled with abuse, and a voice roared wildly from the bottom of his heart, broke her leg, and locked her in the palace.She is his, and he can only look at him in this life.

Kiss her, imprison her!
The whole world is yours.

She belongs to you, as it should be!
Feng Shu also felt that he was out of control, she didn't expect the frail prince to have such great strength and be so crazy, just when the prince was pressing over, she held the prince's wrist with both hands, Feng Shu smelled the familiar breath, She was protected in warm and generous arms.

Xie Zhang's eyes were cold and angry, and he called his name directly, "Yu Wenjing, let go!"

He practiced martial arts since he was a child, and inherited the tall and straight figure of Marquis Zhenbei, he was a full head taller than the crown prince, with the aura of a general who had been fighting on the battlefield for nearly ten years, he could not suppress the awe even if the crown prince was high and powerful.The prince looked at Xie Zhang sternly, Xie Zhang roughly pushed his hand away, pulled Feng Shu back two steps slightly, hugged the person in his arms in a protective gesture, looked down at her pale face, his heart ached .

"Brother..." Feng Shu called him softly.

Xie Zhang gently caressed the place where she was dragged by the prince, "It's okay."

"Xie Zhang, you are committing the following crimes!" The prince's wrist was aching, and those violent emotions surged up again, and he felt that the scene in front of him was extremely dazzling.

Xie Zhang said flatly, "Your Highness, you drank too much."

In a word, set the tone for this matter.

"Gu knows what I'm doing!" The prince didn't want to follow the steps down, and believed that Xie Zhang had nothing to do, "Gu and Fengshu were childhood sweethearts, if you hadn't seized love with a knife, Gu's princess would only be her."

"Simply absurd!" Feng Shu was trembling with anger, she was actually afraid that the crown prince would mention this matter in front of Xie Zhang, not because she was afraid that Xie Zhang would misunderstand her, but just thought it was absurd.What a childhood sweetheart, who wins love with a sword, the entanglement between her and the prince and Xie Zhang is basically the entanglement of the prince alone.

Xie Zhang stroked Feng Shu's arm with his fingers, comforted her, and then said to the prince, "Your Highness, what happened more than ten years ago has passed a long time ago, and things are different. According to the words of the matchmaker, they are justifiably married couples. Your concubine is Lin Yushu. If you miss it, you will miss it. You are so happy with Fengshu, I can understand. She deserves the love of everyone in the world, but you should take care of your decency, You are the crown prince, coveting your minister's wife, it is not a good reputation. You already have a princess and the eldest son, and now you are telling this story, what kind of response do you expect from her? As your concubine, you still have the courage to abolish it Crown Princess, if you can't even give her the title of official wife, your slip of the tongue after drinking will only bring trouble to her."

The prince breathed heavily, "How do you know that Shu'er is not willing to be a lonely side concubine, but is willing to stay with you in the bitter cold of Ningzhou?"

"She doesn't want to!" Xie Zhang said in a cold voice, "You promised her the position of concubine and the position of empress in the future, and she didn't want to be trapped in the court and become your caged bird. You like her, but you don't understand her. The implementation of the New Deal is imminent, and your mind should be on state affairs. You can pretend that you slipped your tongue after drinking. After marriage, our husband and wife will be stationed in Ningzhou. The mountains are high and the rivers are far away. One day, His Highness will forget this young friendship. If you can’t forget it, hide it I also have good memories of you in my heart. The minister will hope that His Highness will live a long life and calm the world."

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