Chapter 238 Persecution
The negotiations at Yiling Village reached an impasse, Fengyu was not in a hurry, and took Qiuxiang, Chunlu, Zhang Da and others to the nearby Zhuangzi.Yilingzhuang is the most important part of her agricultural products.But in terms of profit, it is far inferior to Linglong Pavilion, Wangjiang Restaurant, and even teahouses.The profits that can be obtained from farming the land are very thin.

Aristocratic families rely on rent collection and loan lending to get rich from farming land, exploiting layer by layer, the land rent is very high, and the tenant farmers pay taxes after paying taxes, and there is not much surplus food in their hands.But apart from farming, they have no means of earning a living, and the famine mother is devastated.The reason why Yiling Village is a wealthy village is because the land rent of the Feng family is cheap, the rent will not be increased in good harvest years, and part of the rent will be waived in famine years, and the food and clothing of the tenants in Yiling Village has always been guaranteed.The incident half a year ago made Fengyu very upset. After the conflict was resolved, Fengyu raised the land rent.

She has never been a kind-hearted person, and she doesn't like to be taken advantage of. She is a real businessman. It is impossible for the big landlords to bear the increase in taxes, and it is bound to be shared by all the tenant farmers.

"The hearts of the people are not enough to swallow the elephant, the girl is too indulgent to them." Chunlu said lightly, her contract of sale was signed to the Feng family, she should have stood on the same front with the tenant farmers, they are the bottom of society.

In Chunlu, there are very few girls who are so rich that they should help the poor.There are rules in the world, and the hierarchy is strict. A girl was reborn in Feng's family and enjoyed all the privileges and wealth. It was something she was born with, not her fault.She has a lot of money in her hand, and if she wants to give relief, it is out of love. If she doesn't want to give relief, no one else can force her.

There are so many refugees in the world, and every family has scriptures that are difficult to recite. How many people can a girl survive?

The tenants in Yilingzhuang are already the most enviable tenants in all of Kyoto. The land rent is low, and they are all Toyotas. The girl also waives the rent of some farm tools and takes care of the tenants everywhere.Those tenant farmers who rented aristocratic families, which ones were not exploited and blood-sucked, who had such a good life?Under the new tax, if the land rent remains unchanged, the girl will bear all the taxes and lose money every year.

Qiu Xiang was also filled with righteous indignation, she stood by Feng Yu's side for everything, but asked curiously, "Girl, since the profits of Linglong Pavilion and Wangjiang Restaurant are huge, and the profits of the farmland are thin, why don't you sell them?"

If it is sold to them, it is also a sum of money, and there is no need to bear heavy taxes.

"The field is the root of a person, the last retreat and guarantee." Fengyu patiently explained to Qiuxiang and Chunlu, "In business, there will be success and failure. No one can tell. It has been replaced several times in the past hundred years. No one knows what will happen in the future, but the land is our retreat. If one day our business fails and we are in debt, I have land and food in my hands. I can rely on the income from the land to do other things. I can make a comeback. The principal of the business of the aristocratic family is also derived from the exploitation of land income. This is the foundation and the way out, so the land cannot be sold."

Fengyu has a strong sense of anxiety. In the past three years, she has started to buy many fields, several forests, and even started a wood business.

Qiu Xiang was ignorant of what she heard, she was stupid, and she followed Feng Yu since she was a child. She felt that the girl was extremely smart and kind-hearted, and that the girl would never harm her, so she could do whatever the girl said.

Chunlu is much smarter than Qiuxiang, and she is Fengyu's right-hand man. Chunlu said, "In the past half month, except for the Lin family who will release their fields, many aristocratic families are unwilling to release their fields. They use their privileges to find ways to reduce taxes. Next There is a lot of trouble every year."

"We don't care what other people do. Let Zhang Da send someone to continue talking with Li Zheng. Don't be too tough. Be courteous before fighting." Feng Yu's voice was cold.


Feng Yu is the owner of the land, and she has the right to speak. The tenant farmers just want to get the land or reduce the rent, and they can always negotiate a countermeasure.

After the incident at Yiling Village had been going on for a whole day, Feng Yu felt tired and slept very deeply at night.

She didn't expect that something would happen the next day.

When Zhang Da came, Feng Yu was eating breakfast, her appetite was poor, Zhang Da's face was flustered, "Miss, two elderly people in Yiling Village hanged themselves from the beam at home."

"What!" Feng Yu put down her chopsticks and simply rinsed her mouth, "What happened?"

"This old couple has three sons, nearly [-] years old, and they live with the eldest son. Both of them have some problems with their legs and feet. He has three grandchildren and six great-grandchildren. The old man usually takes care of the children at home. Li Zheng said that his family The daughter-in-law thinks they are old and wasting rations, so they always point fingers and scold Huai. Last year, there was a dispute about raising the three sons in turn, and no one was willing to take over. After all, it is a housework, and it is difficult for others to judge. The harvest from last year to this year was not good. It was even more embarrassing, and there was no meal. Yesterday, I was going door-to-door talking about the increase in land rent, and the neighbors said that there was another quarrel in their house. The old man felt that he was old and was a drag on his son.


"It's better to have a baby like this kind of son!" Qiuxiang cursed violently, her teeth itching with anger.Their family has a large population. After the land rent was increased, the surplus grain decreased, and the elderly had no labor force, so they were naturally disliked.

Zhang Da also sighed, everyone has time to grow old.

"This matter is troublesome." Feng Yu frowned.

"What's the trouble? It has nothing to do with us. It's obvious that their family dislikes the old man's inability to work and eats at home." Qiuxiang said indignantly, "The family is not filial."

When Feng Yu was kidnapped and fled, she passed by a village.

The village is almost full of young adults and children, and elderly people are rarely seen. When Feng Yu was hiding in a cave to avoid the rain, she saw a man throwing his elderly mother on his back in the mountains.The mother cried for her son, who left heartlessly.Feng Yu saw the old man desperately calling for help. At that time, she was hard-hearted, but she still felt pitiful for the old man.

The old man said that there is a tradition in their village that when the old man reaches the age of 60, he will be abandoned by his children. This is because the village is poor and livelihood is difficult. If the old man loses the ability to work, he will be abandoned.Even if you are under 60 years old, if you are disabled or seriously ill, you will be thrown into the mountains. If you have one less mouth to eat, the family can support one more child.

Feng Yu was horrified when she heard this, fearing that she would be trapped in such a horrible village and flee overnight. The old people abandoned in the mountains would starve to death or be eaten by wild animals.

When life is difficult, the love of flesh and blood is as thin as paper, and it will be shattered as soon as it is exposed to wind, frost, rain and snow.

Feng Yu's compassion was overwhelmed by reason, and she was afraid that people in Yiling Village would make a big fuss about the old man's death.

Fengyu's premonition came true, and Yilingzhuang really made a big fuss about their deaths, saying that Fengyu raised the land rent and forced good people to die.

(End of this chapter)

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