To the west of the city, the Imperial Government Office in Kyoto.

Tens of thousands of Kyoto Guards gathered in the school grounds, discussing a lot, and the banner of Kyoto Guards fluttered in the wind on the school grounds, creating a depressing atmosphere.Xie Zhang and Feng Shu got married, and Xie Xun handed over all the household affairs in the capital to Zhang Boxi.The Jingdu guards are on duty throughout the day, and there are always Jingdu guards on the streets from Fengfu to Houfu under martial law to prevent onlookers from colliding with the welcoming team.

After the bridal sedan chair entered the Marquis' Mansion, the Jingdu Guards were still guarding the capital. Ten thousand Jingdu Guards were on rotation, with 6000 guards on duty every day. It was the day Xie Zhang got married.The Jingdu Guards came out in full force, and both the Feng Mansion and the Hou Mansion had three-day and three-night banquets. When Zhang Boxi arranged for night duty, the Imperial Army blocked the streets and ordered the Jingdu Guards to return to their homes.

Thousands of Imperial Guards blocked the streets, especially in the southern part of the city. The Kyoto Guards were all soldiers and hooligans.At that time, it was felt that something big happened, and everyone gathered in the government office by appointment.

Jingdu Wei Yamen is only three miles away from the Zhenbei iron cavalry barracks. Xie Xun led the iron cavalry to the south of the city through the street on the right side of Jingdu Wei Yamen.Zhang Boxi also realized that the capital was about to change dramatically, so he sent people ahead to find out the news. He knew that something had happened when he knew that the little Hou Ye led the Zhenbei iron cavalry to rush to the Hou's mansion.

When the iron cavalry and the forbidden army met on a narrow road, the Jingdu guards were watching from behind, and Zhang Boxi also sent people to investigate the six gates, all of which were occupied by the forbidden army and Jinyiwei.

The dramatic changes in Kyoto sent a message that the Hou Mansion was in trouble.

After tonight, the Xie clan will either be wiped out, or... rebel!

Hundreds of thousands of Ningzhou iron cavalry Chen Bing border, only listen to the orders of Zhenbei Hou, Xie's father and son, as long as one person is alive, he will be the new master of the iron cavalry, and Ningzhou will rebel!
Zhang Boxi's heart beat wildly, he closed the yamen, and all the Jingdu guards gathered in the school grounds to watch the changes.

Jingdu Weiben is the most special existence in Kyoto. Although it is a patrol battalion, it has never been taken seriously. It is a group of rogue militiamen. After Xie Xun expelled a group of children from aristocratic families.In the west and north of the city, young and middle-aged men were selected to make up the number. This group of Jingdu guards who were selected was loyal to Xie Xun and was in the prime of life.

After experiencing the snow disaster in Kyoto, Xie Xun has a great reputation in the capital, and everyone is convinced, even Zhang Boxi obeys. Tonight, the Hou Mansion has changed, what should the Jingdu guard do?
Zhang Boxing and Zhou Liyu did not go to the Hou's Mansion to attend the wedding banquet. Although they belonged to an aristocratic family, their status was far from that of the Hou's Mansion.Zhang Boxing, Zhou Liyu, and Cai Wensen all attended the wedding banquet in Feng Mansion, after Feng Changqing, Su Yuejiao and others led their troops away.They also came to the Wei Yamen in Kyoto.

This Jingdu guard has nearly [-] descendants of aristocratic families.Nearly [-] people are all young and middle-aged in Kyoto, and young and middle-aged people in the north of the city account for nearly [-]%.Many children of military families do not want to go to Ningzhou, and will be assigned to Jingdu Weili.Xie Xun had the grace to save his life in the north of the city, and this group of young and middle-aged men followed Xie Xun wholeheartedly.

Now, what to do?
"I want to follow the young master!" In the crowd, a Jingdu Wei's voice was very soft, it seemed to be probing, but also seemed to be confused, "Master Hou is loyal to the emperor and patriotic, and has fought all his life. Why did he end up like this?"

"Shut up, you're crazy, what nonsense, this matter has nothing to do with our Jingdu Wei, don't seek death!" A child of an aristocratic family shouted, "Your family's life, do you want it?"

"Both of my parents died, and my grandmother died of illness in the snow disaster. The young master sent someone to help with the funeral." Another Jingdu Wei said, "I don't study much, and I know the kindness of a drop of water. I should pour out the spring to repay it. What's more, Lord Hou is an indomitable man, a hero of Yanyang, how could he be humiliated, assassinated, and die with regret!"

"I also want to follow the young master!"

"The Hou Mansion shouldn't end up like this!"

"You are all crazy. Forty thousand people from the Imperial Army and Jinyiwei are stationed in Kyoto. The city gates have been blocked. How did the five thousand cavalry break through? Now they are full of enthusiasm and are just dying!" Zhang Boxi raised his voice, "This matter has nothing to do with our Jingduwei. Let's close the gate of the government office and wait for the dawn!"

No matter who wins, Jingdu Wei Mingzhe will protect himself and stand firm!
The children of the aristocratic family are flourishing, and they are willing to follow Xie Xun because he is the young master of the Zhenbeihou Mansion, and he is also a commander with strict military laws and who can bring glory to the capital.It can lead them to make great achievements, let them walk in the capital with dignity, and be admired by others.

If the young master rebels!

Who dares to pursue?

The roots of their family are intertwined in the capital, and one hair can affect the whole body. They rebelled and were condemned by the nine clans. Whoever dares to pursue the young master can only wait for the dawn.

The crown prince won, they are still Jingdu Wei, Xie Xun's rebellion has nothing to do with them.

Xie Xun won, they are also Jingduwei, and they will be more honorable.

Zhang Boxing suddenly stood up and shouted with all his strength, "Your Majesty has fought for many years and protected the subjects of Yanyang. We can live and work in peace and contentment in the capital. The eldest son went to Ningzhou to fight in Ningzhou before he was fourteen. He fought bloody battles for many years. Today is his happy day, but Ushered in the massacre of killing the family, the law of nature is unfair! The five generations of loyal ministers and generals of the Hou Mansion all died in battle. Only the father and son of the Hou Ye are left. Rebellion, why wait until the northern barbarians were surrendered, the city gates could have been opened long ago, and the northern barbarians could have entered the customs. Are we just watching the blood of the Hou family die? We have 1 people in the capital guard. If we can support the young master, They still have a glimmer of life, what's the difference between watching the fire from the other side and helping the evildoers?"

He and Zhou Liyu have been sitting silently in the crowd, Lin Xiao is not here tonight, or he is going to the Marquis Mansion to attend a wedding banquet, the three of them already have the posture of the little Marquis Lord's right-hand man.

Zhang Boxing couldn't resist the raging anger and admiration for the young master, Zhang Boxing wanted to follow the young master.His words have always been able to exaggerate the atmosphere and inspire people's hearts. Many people were shaken by Zhang Boxing's words, including the children of the aristocratic family!
The crowd was agitated and couldn't be suppressed. Zhang Boxi secretly called together several aristocratic children who were filled with indignation, and said, "We are outcasts of the family. We are wise to protect ourselves, not to fall into party disputes, and to live in peace. The young master treats us with great kindness, Character is precious, so what? Is it worth your life to fight? Is it worth betting on your future and family? If the young master dies tonight, you will also be implicated. Even if the young master wins, his name If it is not right, is he going to ascend the throne? His surname is Xie, not Yuwen. Can the aristocratic family agree? Can the people of the world agree? Those disputes have nothing to do with us, we are like the most inconspicuous people in Beijing. Stones are paved on the streets of the capital, and everyone can step on them. We are small people, and we can only follow the crowd and protect ourselves wisely. Brothers, this is all I say, and I hope you will consider it carefully!"

Zhang Boxing was pulled aside by Zhang Bolan, and he gritted his teeth and asked, "You want to rebel with the young master, what will your mother do? You don't want to live to rebel against the Jiu Clan, so don't implicate the family!"

He is also Zhang Boxing's Nine Clans!
Zhang Boxing covered his head in pain. Family love and blood relationship are like a mountain pressing down on right and wrong, blurring boundaries and trapping people's hearts.

Zhenbei Hou Mansion is brightly lit.

The thunder was rolling, and the rainstorm was approaching. The red silk tied to the courtyard was flying all over the sky, and the courtyard was full of swords, lights and swords, which was eerie and frightening.

Xie Zhang and Xie Xun were forced to commit suicide. This is not the cruelest thing. The cruelest thing is being forced to choose one person, which means that the three wives can only live for one.


All the guests in the hall were enraged, but under the threat of the forbidden army's blade, they dared not speak out.Xie Zhang was still wearing a wedding dress, the swaying lanterns, and the red silk all over the house reminded him that today was his wedding night.

But he will be forced to ruin his family!
"I just want to know, whether you can still be kind to your mother and filial to your son in the front line of life and death." The prince sat in a high position, looking down at all living beings, with a hint of malice in his heart.

Patricide and matricide...we are all equally dirty!
Xie Xun's hand holding the sword trembled slightly. If he and Xie Zhang were punished, the five thousand cavalry would have no master, and they would surely die. If he and his elder brother did not execute him, the mother and aunts would not survive.

"Big brother..."

This is a dead end, a dead end that no one can solve!

"Fuck, Yu Wenjing, what are you, you dare to force me to death, my father, my brother, my entire Lin family will always be your enemy!" Mrs. Hou watched Xie Xun and Xie Zhang being forced, and turned her cold eyes , One sentence instantly changed the face of the prince. He imprisoned the whole family in the Hou Mansion, and dared to really kill all the heads of the family?

He wanted Xie Zhang, and Xie Xun traded his life for his life. Would he really dare to kill Mrs. Hou?

Mrs. Hou is the jewel in the palm of Mr. Linge. Mrs. Linge dotes on her more than Lin Hongyuan. Brother Lin Hongcheng, if it wasn't for Mrs. Hou, why would Mr. Ge have been dealing with the Hou family for more than [-] years for the imperial power.

To kill Mrs. Hou is to make the entire Lin family an open enemy!
Mrs. Hou knelt beside Zhenbeihou's body, and lifted the robe that covered Zhenbeihou. Zhenbeihou was hacked to death with random knives, describing himself in a state of embarrassment.

She helped Zhenbei Hou up, tears fell down his face like beads, Mrs. Hou was full of grief, caressing his no longer young but still handsome face.

Mrs. Hou hugged Zhenbeihou, with a determined look on her face, "My husband is Zhenbeihou Xie Yuan, the fifth generation head of Zhenbeihou's mansion. He has defended the frontier all his life and made great military exploits. He has 46 scars on his body, each of which is scarred. It is an ironclad proof that he protects the people of Yanyang. His right leg has been broken three times. Whenever it is cloudy and rainy, the pain will not stop. Every time the pain spurs him to fight the enemy harder and protect the people of Yanyang from this crime. I My husband is loyal and loyal, and never has the heart of arrogance. If I, Mrs. Xie, wanted to ascend the throne, it would not be the turn of the Yuwen royal family. 20 years ago, 11 years ago, I, Mrs. Xie, would have overturned the world and changed dynasties. My husband did not die in The battlefield, but died in the frame and conspiracy of the Yuwen royal family, is the only tragedy in his life."

The prince's face became more and more ugly, and the whole house was full of women weeping. Mrs. Hou's voice was too contagious, sonorous and powerful, and resounding.

She is complaining for Zhenbei Hou!
Mrs. Hou looked at Elder Lin Ge, "Father, my daughter has lived a very happy life. Marrying him, staying with him, and having children for him is a lifetime blessing for my daughter. Thank you father for allowing the marriage regardless of the heavy pressure. To fulfill my daughter's happiness and willfulness."

"Mother!" Xie Xun yelled, trying to get closer, but Madam Hou yelled, "Stop, listen to me."

Madam Hou stroked Zhenbeihou's face tenderly, and said softly, "Hanyi, you are tired, take a good rest, you don't have to work hard in the future, and I don't have to worry about receiving bad news about you one day. You and Junhua sleep well Come on, take your daughter and wait for us."

Madam Hou looked at the prince and said sharply, "He lives up to the king and the people, he is an upright hero. Yu Wenjing, you dirty bastard who kills fathers and kings and blames others, you will never even think about it in this life." Charge him with disloyalty, unfilial piety, rebellion and treason."

Everyone was shocked and looked at the prince in disbelief.

Killing the father and killing the king?
The prince's face sank like the bottom of a pot, Lin Sheng had already drawn his sword, and made a gesture to kill Mrs. Hou, old Lin Ge said angrily, "How dare you!"

Lin Hongyuan stood in front of Lin Sheng, "How dare you!"

Lin Sheng was forced to take two steps back, the prince sneered, Madam Hou looked back at Xie Zhang and Xie Xun deeply, what a pity, Tingfeng is not here!
How lucky, Tingfeng is not here!

"Don't try to charge my husband with regicide and treason." Mrs. Hou said tearfully, "But sons, kill him. This is mother's last wish. I want Yuwenjing to pay with blood. On the dragon chair, I can't sleep or eat, I can't sleep at night!"

Everyone's complexion changed drastically, Xie Xun and Xie Zhang struggled to run forward, and they all called her, "Mom, don't!"

Mrs. Hou held a dagger in her hand and committed suicide on her husband's body on the night of her eldest son's wedding.

Mrs. Lan and Mrs. Peony looked at Xie Zhang and Xie Xun reluctantly and sadly.

"Live well!" The two aunts chuckled and said, "Goodbye, sons."

The two aunts held the sabers that the Imperial Army had put on their necks, swiped lightly, and followed Mrs. Hou and Zhenbeihou.

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