Chapter 260 Pregnancy
The imperial palace, Yongning Palace.

Feng Shu was imprisoned in Yongning Palace for two days, she did not eat or drink, her expression was dull, and she lost weight rapidly in just two days.Emperor Yuan Hui was busy with liquidation and ascension to the throne, so he had no time to take care of Feng Shu.Jin Yiwei was in charge of Yongning Palace, Feng Shu couldn't leave even an inch, and the four maids serving Feng Shu were arranged by Queen Lin Yushu to take care of her food and daily life.

After two consecutive days of heavy rain, the rain was a little lighter. Feng Shu sat in front of the window watching the rain in a daze, and heard a gentle cry.


Seeing Xie Zhang in brocade clothes, Feng Shu looked at her with a smile, Feng Shu's brows were crooked, and she also smiled foolishly, "Brother, come and sit quickly, I embroidered a sachet for you."

Feng Shu sat down with Xie Zhang, who was in the hallucination, and there was a sachet on the couch, which she had embroidered before her big wedding.Xie Zhang's sachet is filled with herbs to stop bleeding and heal wounds all the year round. It is larger than ordinary decorative sachets. Fengshu Nuhong is very good, and she embroiders one every year.There were frequent natural disasters last year, Feng Shu was busy day and night and there was no time to embroider, Xie Zhang complained half-truthfully.

Before the big wedding, she repaired the sachet. The roses, green leaves and red flowers were densely stitched and lifelike. This was the best sachet Feng Shu embroidered.

"Shu'er's female celebrity is really good, my brother likes it very much."

"I know you will like it. I will embroider it for you again next year. Brother, I will keep my promise and embroider one for you every year."

She dare not miss the appointment again!

"Okay, brother wait!"

The maids serving in the palace whispered and thought that Feng Shu was crazy.Sometimes she sat on the warm couch in a daze, watching the wind and listening to the rain, and sometimes she smiled and didn't know who to say to. The ladies in the palace felt creepy when they heard her laughter, and when they heard her calling brother, there was obviously no one in the palace.

She does not eat or drink, does not sleep, sometimes falls into despair, and sometimes smiles like a flower.

Ladies and gentlemen, this Young Madam of the Hou Mansion is probably crazy.

Do not!
Why did the emperor imprison her in Yongning Palace when he ascended the throne?They didn't dare to think about it, and they didn't dare to ask. The Jinyiwei guarded the gate day and night. The maids felt that the young lady was really pitiful. She was getting thinner and thinner.The maids knelt on the ground begging her, begging her to sleep and have a bite. If there was anything wrong with her, they would all be buried with her. Feng Shu was indifferent, and suddenly saw behind them, she ran over happily and shouted Brother, you are here.

The maids looked over in fear, but they saw Feng Shu whispering to the void, her eyes were gentle, affectionate and sweet, and the maids broke out in a cold sweat.


"She must be crazy!"

When Lin Yushu entered Yongning Palace, the maids were coming out in a file. When they saw the queen, they knelt down to pay their respects. Lin Yushu came in the rain and brought a food box. Her maid Qiushui followed her, and sixteen maids stayed outside the palace to guard.

Feng Shu sat quietly on the warm couch, as if she was playing chess with someone, she tilted her head and smiled and looked at the other side, obviously there was no one there, but her smile was very charming, as if there was only one person in her eyes.

Lin Yushu had seen this look before. When she was in Xiyan Mountain, she saw how Xie Zhang and Feng Shu got along, and knew why Xie Zhang liked Feng Shu.

When Feng Shu looked at Xie Zhang, it seemed that he was the only one in the whole world.

"Miss Feng Er!" Lin Yushu called her softly, and came over with a food box, waved Qiu Shui away, and the smile on Feng Shu's face disappeared completely.

She anxiously looked across, her brother was gone.

Feng Shu's eyebrows darkened instantly, she didn't like other people to disturb her and her brother, once they came, her brother didn't see her, it was all their fault!
Lin Yushu was stung by her eyes, sighed softly, came over with a food box and put it on the desk, "I heard that you haven't eaten for two days, so you brought some soup made by yourself, if the second girl has an appetite, you might as well use it Some."

"I'm not hungry!"

Feng Shu and Lin Yushu only had a few short meetings, but they always had a good impression. The Lin family brought up well, and the children they raised were educated, reasonable, dignified and quiet.Xie Zhang once said that he had the best relationship with Lin Yushu when he was a child, and he also said how cute Lin Yushu's son Abao is.

He also said that when they have a child in the future, they will be as cute and beautiful as Po.

Feng Shu's mood fell to the bottom in an instant. Lin Yushu looked at her with red eyes and felt a little pain in his heart. This is Xie Zhang's favorite woman, and she is the woman he can't rest assured even when he is dying.

"Second girl, he has ascended the throne."

They all knew who Lin Yushu was talking about, and Feng Shu had also heard that the prince and concubine had a very close relationship, they were a couple of gods and gods, they had a son, and the loving couple envied others.

The hatred flashed by, Feng Shu lowered her eyes to cover it, Lin Yushu said, "My grandfather passed away at midnight, before he died, he held my hand and said, Yushu, you have to persuade Your Majesty to be a good emperor. I I dare not tell my grandfather that he is crazy and can’t be a good emperor, and I can’t persuade him. My aunt, uncle, and cousin all died on rainy nights, and my grandfather died with regret. My family fell apart, and my relatives passed away one by one. The second girl... No, big cousin, you have to cherish yourself, on the way to Huangquan, big cousin will definitely wait for you. It's not today, nor tomorrow, it's a day far in the future, and he hopes you can replace her He, watching Tingfeng and Zhixu fight back to the capital."

Feng Shu slowly raised her eyes, looked at Lin Yushu, she didn't understand what she was talking about, Tingfeng and Zhixu returned to the capital, what could happen to you?

You are the queen of Yanyang, and your husband is their enemy.

Feng Shu was dazed and depressed, Lin Yushu got up and sat next to her, she held Feng Shu's cold hand, "I was born in the Lin family, well-clothed and well-fed since I was a child, and I was raised as the mistress of a family or the queen of a country. The Lin family had three queens, all of whom were descendants. I have followed the rules since I was a child, and I dare not make half-step mistakes. I understand that to enjoy the honor given by the Lin family, I must shoulder the future and hope of the Lin family. My father asked me to marry When I was the prince, I agreed. I knew that I would be trapped in a deep palace for the rest of my life, just like a prison bird. I envy you very much, my cousin said, you traveled all over the world at the age of 11, you traveled abroad, you were able to do business, practice martial arts, play the piano She is proficient in chess, calligraphy and painting. She loves to laugh and is funny. She is the best girl in the world. When he talks about you, his expression is gentle, as if you are right in front of his eyes. I have always wondered what kind of woman you are, who will be enamored by big cousin Treat each other. I have always wanted to make friends with you, I know, we will definitely be friends."

Feng Shu broke away from Lin Yushu's hand, "Are you here to persuade me on his behalf?"

"Yes!" Lin Yushu said bluntly.

"What a painstaking effort!" Feng Shu taunted, pointing to a place in the room stupidly, "Xie Zhang is not dead, I can still see him, he is standing over there, looking at us with a smile."

Lin Yushu smiled softly, "Is that so? The eldest cousin said hello to my cousin on my behalf. He must be reluctant to part with you, and his soul is also reluctant to leave. Only those who love him can see his soul."

Lin Yushu's every word was scratching Feng Shu's heart, just like the prince's angry and crazy words in her ear that day, "You know why I killed the Marquis, it was because of you! As early as at the palace banquet, I I told you, don't marry Xie Zhang, you are mine, but you don't listen, you just want to marry, okay, since you insist on marrying him, I will separate you forever, life and death. Life or death, you can only stay by my side!"

"Your Highness, please leave, I'm going to rest." Feng Shu said coldly.

Don't tell her those disgusting things.

What Yu Wenjing did has nothing to do with Lin Yushu!
"He likes you, I know."

Lin Yushu's tone was too flat, Feng Shu was shocked, "You..."

"When I married him, I really wanted to love him, to be a good princess, and to be a good queen in the future, even if he calls your name at night, even if I see him treasure your portrait, I still want to be a good prince Concubine, be his wife." Lin Yushu recalled those dark days, "Big cousin sister-in-law, daughter of aristocratic family, not everyone is blessed to meet and marry the sweetheart. Most of us obey the orders of our parents and the words of matchmakers. , Live your own life well, our biggest reliance in the back house is our husband, not to mention he is the prince. I pretended not to know his affection for you, you grew up together as childhood sweethearts, and you came out of the country, and he fell in love with you. It can be said that he has vision. So I can only serve sincerely, hoping that one day dripping water will wear away rocks, and I will be loved by my husband. I didn't expect him to go crazy like this, killing loyal ministers and generals, destroying the Marquis' mansion, and robbing the minister's wife. I listen What he said to you that day, he attributed everything to you."

Lin Yushu said distressedly, "You must break down and blame yourself. If it were me, you must also break down. You can't wait to kill yourself. You don't have to listen to him. The Hou Mansion was destroyed not because of you, but because of his ambition." , can’t tolerate the Marquis Mansion of Lord Zhen with great achievements. He imprisoned you in Yongning Palace because he was greedy for his childhood dream. It’s his insatiable greed, and it’s not your fault.”

Feng Shu's tears fell on her knees, and she wept sadly. Yu Wenjing's words were not an exaggeration to say, every time she thought that the Hou Mansion was destroyed because of her, she wished she could kill herself a thousand times. Wanci, if she knew that the crown prince would do such a crazy thing, she would definitely divorce Xie Zhang, accompany the ancient Buddha with a blue lantern, and end her life.

As long as Xie Zhang can live.

As long as he lives!

She is willing to do anything!

Even if she told Xie Zhang against her will at that time, she was in love with the prince and she was willing to enter the East Palace as a side concubine. As long as Xie Zhang lived well and the Hou Mansion was well, she was really willing!
But money is hard to buy, she knew it earlier, she tortured herself like crazy, it didn't help.

The prince threatened her family's life again, she couldn't live, she couldn't die, she was in excruciating pain!
Feng Shu couldn't believe anyone, but when she heard Lin Yushu's words, she couldn't help crying. She wished she could cry out all her sorrow, hatred, and regrets.

When the emotions were up and down, there was a dull pain in the abdomen, followed by overwhelming sourness and nausea. Feng Shu pushed Lin Yushu away and lay down retching.

She hadn't eaten for two days, and all she vomited was bitter water.

"Feng Shu..." Lin Yushu hurriedly went to help her up, Feng Shu vomited so much that she vomited bile and fell into a coma, Lin Yushu looked at her in surprise, and put one hand on her veins.

After a while, Lin Yushu's face changed drastically!
"Come here..." Lin Yushu's lips trembled, and Qiushui came in, "Empress, what happened?"

"Please doctor..." Lin Yushu's voice trembled slightly, "Just let Zhang Lingzheng come here alone!"


(End of this chapter)

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