Chapter 262
Emperor Yuanhui left in a rage, and Lin Yushu also left. As soon as the empress left Yongning Palace, the palace became quiet for an instant. Emperor Yuanhui didn't know why, so he transferred Dongxue and Xiazhu to serve her.The two maids were injured when the Hou Mansion resisted. Fortunately, the injuries were not serious, and they were kept in prison.

Dongxue was afraid that Yongning Palace would have many eyes and ears, so she sent the maids to prepare meals. The maids of Yongning Palace served Feng Shu with trepidation, fearing that she would make even the slightest mistake.Feng Shu was willing to eat, they were greatly relieved, two maids went to get the meal, two maids cleaned the courtyard and did rough work, Dongxue stood guard outside the hall.

Xia Zhu served Feng Shu in the hall.

"Are you from the Hou Mansion?" Feng Shu asked Zhang Lingzheng.

"Yes!" Zhang Lingzheng didn't hide it, Emperor Yuanhui trapped Fengshu in Yongning Palace, Zhang Lingzheng knew what was on his mind, it was a joke.

Feng Shu is Xie Zhang's newlywed wife who has worshiped heaven and earth. Her husband was newly mourned and imprisoned in Yongning Palace. It is rumored that the new monarch is ridiculous.

"Why did Yu Wenjing dare to launch a coup? He has always been afraid of the Marquis Mansion, and he was ostracized by the family. He has no power in his hands. Now that the commander-in-chief returns to Beijing, no one can restrain him?" After Feng Shu was imprisoned, she didn't know much about the outside world. Whether Lin Yushu was an enemy or a friend, she still didn't dare to confirm, Zhang Lingzheng was hiding the pregnancy, Fengshu could only trust him, and Fengyu escaped danger several times, Zhang Lingzheng contributed a lot.

"In the past two years, the commander of the Jinyiwei, Chen Mo, has almost controlled the entire Jinyiwei. There are many clan children in the Jinyiwei. This group of clan children is different from the Jingduwei's family children. They are all the most important children of the clan. Chen Mo is also a pawn that the clan placed beside the late emperor. But this pawn turned against the water and was used between the clan and the emperor. It has long become the sword of the current emperor. The forbidden army is led by Lin Sheng and Zhang Bolan , Lin Sheng was born in the Lin family, and he couldn't completely leave the Lin family. The clan felt that the Lin family still had control over Lin Sheng. Ever since Lin Sheng married Princess Huaying, the clan had always wanted to remove him as the commander of the imperial army. Before the clan could make a move, the emperor launched a coup. The clan had been at ease for many years, and had the economic lifeline to overwhelm the treasury, ignoring the control over the Imperial Army and Jinyiwei. As long as he controlled the Imperial Army and Jinyiwei, and closed the city gates, he was not afraid of anyone. Zhang Lingzheng sighed and said, "He is a gambler. No one could have predicted that he would really dare to fight. He would win the game and lose the game. It can only be said that he won the bet, and he would even take the whole city if he lost. The preparations for the funeral are really crazy."

"The first emperor...who killed it?" Feng Shu had a terrible guess in her heart. It is impossible for Lord Hou to kill the first emperor. Xie Zhang said that Xie Jue wanted to go back to Ningzhou to transfer troops, but Lord Hou refused because he was afraid of the monarch and his ministers. Centrifugal, how could it be possible to kill the first emperor.

"Before Mrs. Hou died, she said that the emperor killed his father and king and blamed Lord Hou. All the guests in the house heard this. No one dares to mention it now. Moreover, Lord Hou killed the first emperor. Everyone witnessed it with their own eyes."

Zhang Lingzheng said, "Young madam, for the present plan, you must find a way to protect the fetus in your womb. If the emperor finds out that you are pregnant, the consequences will be disastrous."

Feng Shu's heart skipped a beat, and her palm was pressed against her belly.

She and her brother's child were born here.

No matter how difficult the road is in the future, she will grit her teeth and go on to protect her children.

"He has already dominated the world, and the palace is heavily guarded. I am imprisoned in Yongning Palace. It is difficult to escape, what should I do?" Yu Wenjing controls the entire palace city, and she tries to go to Xiangguo Temple. It is also expected that he will fly into a rage during the mourning, and after another three months, the swelling of the abdomen will not be concealed.

"I have a plan, just to wrong the Young Madam!" Zhang Lingzheng hesitated for a moment, as if he couldn't speak.

"you say!"

"Your Majesty's love for Young Madam... is inevitable. Young Madam can use her tricks to deal with the Emperor. Now you are only half a month pregnant. After one month, I will have a way to confuse the pulse and make the Emperor mistakenly think that this is his child. You and The children will be safe." Zhang Lingzheng was so ashamed that he couldn't lift his head, and knew that Fengshu had been wronged by this plan, so he didn't dare to look up at her, and just kowtowed on the ground.Besides, he didn't know how to keep the child.

Xia Zhu exploded with anger, "Bastard, who do you think my girl is?"

Zhang Lingzheng didn't dare to argue, he was wronging Feng Shu in order to protect the child, he knew it well, so no matter how Feng Shu scolded him, he would bear it.

"My brother is newly mourned, and the first seven years have not passed. You made me commit myself to killing my husband and enemies, and let me and his child recognize the thief as a father?" Feng Shu's face turned pale, "When the child grows up, how should I explain to him that you have grown up since childhood?" Is the person who yelled for daddy your father-killing enemy? I want to tell the child that mother is only for you to live, so she will give herself to the enemy, how can you make him feel bad?"

"I'm sorry!" Zhang Lingzheng kowtowed heavily, "This subordinate made a slip of the tongue!"

Zhang Lingzheng was full of remorse, but he didn't know how to keep the child, the palace was heavily guarded, the emperor was bound to win her, and it was as difficult as going to heaven to escape!

Once the emperor finds out that she is pregnant, he will kill her child.

After Zhang Lingzheng left, the palace lady came over with a food box and set out six dishes and one soup. Feng Shu didn't drink a drop of water for two days, but she didn't know how hungry or tired she was. For the sake of the child, she forced herself to eat.

At sunset, when Emperor Yuan Hui came to see her, Feng Shu had collected her emotions and said lightly, "I want to see my father and mother!"

"it is good!"

The palace maid came to report that Feng Shu had started to eat, Emperor Yuan Hui was happy to follow her, and believed that given time, dripping water would wear away rocks, and Xie Zhang died, so why fight with him!

"Where is Chen Lin?" Feng Shu asked, "If my guard is not dead, I hope he can return to my side."


Chen Lin is in prison, he can release him.

Both Feng Changqing and Su Yuejiao were in Dali Temple Prison. Emperor Yuan Hui sent Lin Sheng to escort Feng Shu to Dali Temple Prison with a team of forbidden troops. At the gate of the prison, Feng Shu met Fang Chuning.

Fang Chuning saw her squinting her eyes. The rain had just stopped and the night was getting dark. Fang Chuning rubbed his eyes strangely because he was afraid that he might have mistaken her.

That's right!
It's Fengshu!
When he saw Lin Sheng and the forbidden army, he seemed to understand something, his temples jumped up, Yu Wenjing... was insane!

Feng Shu nodded to him, didn't say much, and walked past Fang Chuning to the prison.

Feng Changqing and Su Yuejiao were seriously injured and were dying. Emperor Yuan Hui did not punish Mrs. Feng and Feng Changlin's family for Prince Duan's sake, but only locked up Feng Changqing and Su Yuejiao.

Under Marshal Fang's dealings, Emperor Yuan Hui had released many generals and their family members, leaving only a few relatives of Marquis Zhenbei, who were unwilling to let go of anything, and Fang Chuning came to persuade him to surrender on behalf of Marshal Fang.

If they refused to surrender, they would only lose their lives and implicate their families. Marshal Fang would rather that after they surrendered, they would be disarmed and returned to the fields to live in peace.

Feng Changqing and Su Yuejiao were held in the innermost place, dark and damp, the jailer unlocked the door, Feng Shu smelled a rancid smell when she came in, Feng Changqing was lying on a wooden bed covered with hay, and Su Yuejiao was taking care of him.

"Father, mother..." Feng Shu knelt down in front of them, tears streaming down her face. Seeing her parents who were seriously injured and embarrassed, Feng Shu felt sad and wished she could replace them with her own body.

"Shu'er?" Su Yuejiao was pleasantly surprised, and the mother and daughter cried together, "Shu'er, it's really you... Great, you're still alive, I thought... I thought..."

Feng Changqing was dying, struggling to get up, Feng Shu hurriedly held the hand he extended, overnight, he seemed to be ten years old, his temples were frosty white, Feng Shu's heart felt as if a knife had been twisted.

It hurts so much!
"Did he make things difficult for you?" Feng Changqing asked.

Feng Shu reported good news but not bad news, "Daughter is fine, she has never been hungry, cold, or tortured. You have suffered, and my daughter will definitely let you out."

"Our life or death is not important, as long as you and Ah Yu live." Su Yuejiao said, "If you have the chance, run away, if you run away, leave us alone!"

"Where is Ah Yu?" Feng Shu asked anxiously, "Where did Ah Yu go?"

On the night of the shocking changes in the capital, Jin Yiwei surrounded the mansion, Feng Changqing and Su Yuejiao got up and put on their armor even though they were seriously injured, and led the soldiers of the mansion and the bodyguards of the commercial firm to resist and kill the enemy, paving a way for Feng Yu to die.

Thirteen Niang led the guards of the Mudan Tower to appear in time, and killed the Jin Yiwei. The city suddenly changed, and troops were needed everywhere. Yuwenjing only sent a dozen people to surround the mansion, and never thought that Feng Changqing and Su Yuejiao would resist.

Feng Changqing and Su Yuejiao were exhausted and forced the soldiers and Thirteen Niangs to take Fengyu away from the capital and not to come back.They had a premonition that this time the Feng Mansion would be doomed.

Feng Wan would keep Feng Changlin's family, but she couldn't protect her A Yu. Feng Shu's life and death were uncertain, they could only keep Feng Yu, Feng Yu refused to leave, Feng Changqing and Su Yuejiao forced each other to die.

Feng Yu also understood one thing, if she didn't leave, staying in the capital would only become Yu Wenjing's bargaining chip for her sister, she had to leave, but Feng Changqing and Su Yuejiao refused to leave.

Thirteen Niangs and Zhang Da took Feng Yu away from Beijing on a rainy night.

Feng Changqing and Su Yuejiao asked her to go to the Twelve States. There were people from the Su family in Jinzhou who could take care of Feng Yu.When Fengyu walked halfway, she changed her way to the Hou Mansion.

"Girl, it's too dangerous. It's important to save your life now. Just tell us what you want to do." Thirteen Niang tried her best to stop her.

Feng Yu was calm and determined, "Master Hou was charged with treason, even if he died, he would not live in peace. He has guarded Yanyang for decades. Even if he is not the father of my sweetheart, I don't want him to be humiliated after death. Take his body away. The army is fighting on Sanheng Street, and will soon go to the North City Gate. All the prince's troops will be deployed to the North City Gate. No one will care about the Hou Mansion. The defenders of the major city gates will reinforce the North City Gate. City gate, let’s go to the Hou’s Mansion, and then leave through the west gate. Zhang Da, send someone to tell shopkeeper Wang that silver, gold and grain will be loaded and left through the west gate, and as much as we can go before dawn.”

"Yes!" Zhang Da sent someone to inform Shopkeeper Wang.

After Xie Xun broke out of the Hou's mansion, the guests fled everywhere and went home. When Feng Yu arrived at the Hou's mansion, there were only corpses on the ground, blood stained the Zhumen's compound, and the smell of blood was everywhere.She and Thirteen Niang led people into the Hou's mansion, and took away the remains of Lord Hou, the imperial concubine, and the three wives.They left the capital from the west gate, Xie Jue attacked the north gate, and the guards at the west gate and east gate went to reinforce them.Great changes have taken place in Beijing, and the doors and windows of every household are tightly closed, but those who want to escape have long been waiting for the opportunity.

There were only a dozen people guarding the west gate, and they couldn't resist the people who wanted to leave the city. Feng Yu left through the west gate with the bodies of everyone in the Hou's residence. Zhang Da, Qiu Xiang and Chun Lu all left with Feng Yu.

Fengyu told Thirteen Niangs to go back and help the Jingzhong caravan prepare for their emergency evacuation. Within a day or two after the riot in Beijing, Yuwenjing would have to liquidate the family and the officials. There was no time to take care of the merchants. Leave as soon as possible, the family members They evacuated to Jinzhou that night.

Thirteen Niangs and Mudanlou are not under Feng Yu's name, so there is no need to leave with Feng Yu, Baofeng Yinzhuang must go, Feng Yu has already evacuated part of the money, and there were six carts of gold and silver and more than a dozen carts of food that night She then left through the west gate.Shopkeeper Wang let his family members go first. Six carts of gold and silver are just a drop in the bucket. There are too many assets in Beijing to be evacuated.

After Feng Yu and his party left the west gate, they diverted to Liancheng. They arrived at Liancheng an hour earlier than Xie Jue and Xie Xun. The officers and soldiers guarding Liancheng were Zhenbei cavalry.They saw that the beacon tower was lit in Kyoto, and they also knew that the second son's premonition had come true. The soldiers were on alert, but they waited for the body of Lord Hou.

Zhenbeihou's body became Fengyu's pass order.

Feng Yu waited anxiously in Liancheng for more than an hour before Xie Jue and Xie Xun's army entered the city.

Xie Xun woke up after two days of coma, and saw Feng Yu who was guarding the sick bed.


In the past two days, Xie Xun's illness has been repeated, with a persistent high fever, and he is extremely dangerous. Feng Yu was afraid that he would not be able to survive serious injuries, so she almost picked the soul-repelling pearl and replaced it with him.But Xie Jue also guarded Xie Xun and never left him. The second son was extremely intelligent, Feng Yu was afraid that he would see something, so she didn't dare to take risks.Feng Yu heard from Xie Xun that Xie Jue was emotionally indifferent and never cared for his siblings since he was a child, but he never left Xie Xun when his life was hanging by a thread.

Feng Yu thought distressedly, Xie Xun and Xie Jue were the only blood relatives in the world, if Xie Xun passed away, how could the second son bear it?
After Xie Xun regained consciousness, Xie Jue heard the doctor say that the young master's condition was stable and would not endanger his life. Xie Jue left without looking back, leaving only Feng Yu with Xie Xun.

Xie Xun seemed to be experiencing a nightmare from which he would never wake up.

If it wasn't for the hatred holding him down, he would have left with his family long ago.

He lost his father, mother, aunt, elder brother, and elder sister!
He saw the bloody hole on Zhenbeihou's body that had been pierced by a machete, and he watched his mother and aunts commit suicide in front of him. Before he had time to save his elder brother, he watched his heart being pierced by thousands of arrows.

These images hovered in his mind, becoming a nightmare that Xie Xun could not escape for the rest of his life.

"Ayu...Ayu..." He called Fengyu's name, his voice was hoarse and painful, he didn't want to wake up, he wanted to indulge in the darkness, he wanted to escape the painful reality for the first time.

"I'm here!"


"I am here!"

With tears in her eyes, Feng Yu kissed the back of his hand. She loves Xie Xun so much. The young master has always wanted to be strong since he was a child. She never cried before, but now she is crying silently in Feng Yu's arms, her tears wet Feng Yu's shoulders.

He trembled uncontrollably.

"Ayu, I'm in so much pain!"

Feng Yu hugged him sadly, kissed his ears and hair, she didn't know how to comfort him other than hugging and kissing, no one could empathize with his family's ruin and death.

"It hurts so much..."

(End of this chapter)

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