Chapter 264 Blood Debt

In the dead of night, the city is connected.

Xie Jue stood on the city wall, looking in the direction of Kyoto. Xie Xun climbed up the city wall and stood side by side with Xie Jue. The starlight illuminated the night road, but they had no way back.

"Second brother..."

The two are all in white, with similar height, similar figure, and five points of similar appearance. Seen from the back, they look like a pair of twins.

The family was destroyed, and accidents happened suddenly. Neither Xie Jue nor Xie Xun could accept the fact that their parents passed away and their eldest brother was not around.But they no longer hold on to the tiny hope that everything will be a nightmare.

"Is the injury better?"

"It's much better!" Xie Xun looked depressed, the moonlight cast a thin layer of light on his body, and his younger brother, who was full of spirits, lost his spirit in his eyes.This upheaval would distort their lives. Xie Jue had expected it, but he had hoped that it was his carelessness. The truth was not that bad, and they still had room for redemption.

But the reality is worse than he expected!
"Father, if we listen to your advice, will we still be in this situation?" Xie Xun muttered to himself, as if torturing himself, but also as if he couldn't let go.

"I don't know." Does Xie Jue have any regrets?
Of course, he regretted that he walked too slowly even though he was traveling day and night. He regretted that if he had been more careful in Xiyan Mountain, he would not have been blind, and he would not have had to delay the treatment for a day or two.When it was proposed to transfer troops, my father disagreed. He should be tougher, why did he compromise so easily.Before he left the capital, he told his father not to reduce his troops. Thirty thousand cavalry, five thousand horses were in the city, and twenty-five thousand were outside the city. Until his eldest brother got married and left Beijing, there would be no change. Father agreed!Now that they agreed, why should they be allowed to return home on vacation? This is a game. Father lost the bet. Did he think it through when he made the decision?On the day of the wedding, everyone relaxed their vigilance, and it was a good time for Yu Wenjing to make a move.

Xie Jue reviewed the whole process from the triumphant return to the accident. In fact, he had too many opportunities to change everything, and every time he missed a little, just a little bit.He lost his father's loyalty to the Yuwen imperial family, and his father's responsibility to the people of the world. Before his father died, what was he thinking?
"We may be unfilial sons!" Xie Jue said.

Brother for many years, Xie Xun knew what he was talking about, "After a hundred years, let's take the blame again, maybe...we won't live that long."

Even if they were wronged and killed the king, even if they were hacked to death, their father didn't want them to rebel before he died, and he didn't want them to cause war and split Yanyang.He hoped that they would remain anonymous and live a peaceful life.

"Zhixu, do you want to be emperor?"

"Never thought about it!" Xie Xun said, "I just want revenge!"

"It doesn't matter, from now on, think slowly!" Xie Jue looked in the direction of the capital, "One day, our army will break through that city wall again!"

"Why did he kill his father?" Xie Xun couldn't suppress the anger in his heart. Although he didn't like Emperor Jianming, at least Emperor Jianming was peaceful, obedient, good at peace, and never committed the crime of killing.Emperor Jianming and Yu Wenjing had a very good relationship, he was the son he raised in his arms, how could Yu Wenjing commit such a treasonous crime?
"After the peace talks and the implementation of the New Deal, the Yuwen royal family will be able to centralize power and get rid of the control of the family. Ningzhou will also reduce its troops. Our brothers will also move to Ningzhou to station and guard the border for the Yuwen royal family for generations. When Yuwenjing ascends the throne, he will be able to get rid of All the restraints, if you really want to ascend to the top, you dare not refuse, why would he do this, and he would not hesitate to kill his father and king."

This is the pain that Xie Xun is pressing in his heart and cannot let go of.

When the eldest brother sent him to Gaoping, he saw that the garrison was calm, and he still had the heart to accompany Fengyu on a tour of the mountains and rivers. In fact, Xie Xun felt that the Yuwen royal family and the Hou's mansion had turned their hostility into jade, and that the monarch and his ministers were in harmony, and nothing would happen again.

The Hou Mansion has no faults in their actions, the servants are loyal and have not made mistakes, what reason can Emperor Jianming find to embarrass them?

Without a little precaution, his family was ruined.

Xie Xun blamed himself and repented, resenting that he was not careful enough. If he could see the strangeness of the Gaoping garrison, even a little bit, it would be good to alert his father.

"Zhixu, don't take other people's ambition and greed as your own fault." Xie Jue said softly, "Let's all accept the reality, blood debt must be paid in blood!"

 I wrote a small theater of my elder brother and sister when they were young and put it in the new book group.

  You can go to the comment area to find a group to watch.

(End of this chapter)

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