Chapter 267
Feng Yu stayed up all night. After she and Xie Xun parted ways, she was in a low mood. She was prone to nightmares, and it was even more difficult to fall asleep when she had something on her mind.The wind in Yancheng seems to have a hint of saltiness, Feng Yu is lying on the window looking at the moonlight, what should she do?
Sister, if you are, what should I do?
Rumors abounded in the capital.

The news that the new emperor imprisoned the rebel's wife in Yongning Palace was widely spread, and everyone in the government and the public knew it.There were even rumors that the new emperor killed his father and king in order to seize his ministers and wives, and the Marquis's Mansion was also secretly circulated, compiled into ballads, and spread to every corner of the capital overnight.

Emperor Yuan Hui, the regicide, killed the Marquis' mansion and seized the wives of his ministers.

In the deep palace of Yongning, the daughter-in-law cried for the new widow, and asked the sad person from a distance, where is home.

Children and homeless beggars on the street could sing, and Jin Yiwei captured a few homeless beggars who were humming, and killed them at the entrance of the market to make an example of them, but they couldn't suppress the rumors in Beijing.The more suppressed, the faster rumors spread.

Emperor Yuan Hui was furious and ordered Jin Yiwei to conduct a thorough investigation. He was determined to find out the perpetrator. Chen Mo sent people to investigate and peeled off layer by layer. He could only find out that it was a man who gathered beggars in Beijing and gave them money to sing.The beggar described the man as tall and young, but he couldn't draw his face.

Emperor Yuan Hui turned anxiously in the hall, "Could it be that Xie Jue and Xie Xun are still in Beijing, they must be delusional and want to save Feng Shu!"

Chen Mo said, "Your Majesty, Xie Jue and Xie Xun have arrived in Yancheng and are not in Beijing."

"Who is that? Who spread the word? Is it Fang Chuning? He and Xie Jue were fighting together. I ordered him to lead troops to pursue Xie Jue and Xie Xun. He dared to fight against the order in court. He didn't take me seriously. It must be Him, go and find out what he has done recently and who he has been with!" Emperor Yuan Hui was furious.

Lin Sheng and Chen Mo looked at each other worriedly.

His state is worse than when he was a prince. Although he would be furious when he was a prince, he would not be so rude, reckless, and unreasonable. Unless he stepped on his bottom line, his emotions would be stable.

But after ascending the throne, his mood became worse day by day. Eunuch Li, who had served him since he was a child, said that the Holy One could not sleep at night and had a poor appetite.He always wakes up from nightmares in the middle of the night, muttering to himself like crazy.The maids and eunuchs serving in Qiankun Palace have changed three groups, and everyone is in danger, for fear of offending the new emperor and being beheaded.

It really complied with Mrs. Hou's words, which made him sleepless at night and had trouble sleeping and eating.

"Your Majesty, Fang Chuning was punished by Marshal Fang for resisting the edict of the Jinluan Palace. He was beaten with forty military sticks. He stayed at home recently and recuperated his injuries in the mansion. It may not be his fault." Four times, it's better to consider how to deal with Miss Feng Er properly, so as to block the mouths of Youyou."

Lin Sheng is now promoted to be the governor of the left and concurrently the commander of the imperial army. He is a big celebrity in front of Emperor Yuanhui. Except for Jin Yiwei, the entire capital of Kyoto is under his jurisdiction, and the power is poured into the court and the public.

No one dared to call Feng Shu Mrs. Xie, someone called Feng Shu a noble concubine in order to please Emperor Yuan Hui, and it happened to be heard by Lin Heli who came to visit Lin Yushu in the palace.

Lin Heli asked, "When did the emperor confer the imperial concubine and who did he confer?"

The palace servants knelt down and kowtowed to confess their crimes, Lin Heli walked away. The next day, the aristocratic families collectively cried for poverty, resisted the provisions of the New Deal, and hoped to restore the pre-New Deal taxation.

As a result, no one in the palace dared to mention the word noble concubine.

Although Emperor Yuan Hui dared not allow the civil servants of the aristocratic family to take office, several veteran officials obviously showed their incompetence and wanted to sue their old age and return to their hometowns.

Lin Heli, a civil servant, was secretly making suggestions, and Fang Chuning, a military officer, was tough to resist the edict. Emperor Yuan Hui felt that no one in the court could be used, and was in a dilemma.

Lin Sheng said, "It's no good for the emperor to fight with civil and military officials for the sake of the second girl Feng. For the current plan, the only way to deal with the second girl Feng is properly. The emperor works diligently and loves the people, clears away the stigma of regicide, and the monarch and his ministers are united. The people of the world return their hearts. You are orthodox. Even if Xie Jue and Xie Xun rise up, no one will submit to them. They are the kingslayers, and they are traitors. The second girl Feng is in the palace. Why don't the emperor let her out of the palace and send people to guard her strictly. Firstly, people in the city who want to rescue her can be caught, and maybe Xie Xun or Xie Jue can be caught. Second, Miss Feng Er witnessed Xie Zhang's death , the mood is hard to calm down, being imprisoned in Yongning Palace will only make her more estranged from the emperor, after one or two years after she is released from the palace, the weather will be calm and the rumors will subside, if the emperor still wants her, let her change her name and surname, and change her identity before entering Palace, so no one will say anything."

Emperor Yuan Hui is now forced to ride a tiger by the rumors, allowing the rumors to rage, and in the end only by executing Feng Shu himself, can the Youyou people's mouths be silenced.

Can you let her go home?
Xie Zhang married Feng Shu, and they are relatives of the Hou family, so why would he not kill her?
Lin Sheng said, "Your Majesty, it's very simple. Let's say that the Hou Mansion murdered the king and rebelled against the emperor. The emperor reads that he has worked hard in the Hou Mansion. He will spare the net and not hurt the female family members of the Hou Mansion. Or General Feng Changqing will come forward and inform the world. Shu's wedding ceremony has not yet been completed, and this marriage is not counted."

Zhang Bolan is more greedy and shrewd than Lin Sheng, "Your Majesty, after all, the Su family holds the financial power in Yanyang Jiangnan. You can still exchange the Su family business with the second lady Feng for the safety of the second girl."

Emperor Yuanhui never thought that controlling Fengshu is equivalent to controlling Su Yuejiao, so what if Fengyu escapes, the core of the Su family's business is Fengshu, not Fengyu, he doesn't take Fengyu seriously at all .

But Feng Shu would rather die than commit herself to him.

Is it really necessary to let her leave Beijing for a year?
Kunning Palace.

The servant told the queen that under Lin Sheng's persuasion, the emperor's attitude changed, and Lin Yushu was overjoyed that Fengshu finally saw hope when she left the palace.

When Lin Heli entered the palace, after Lin Yushu concealed Feng Shu's pregnancy, he begged Lin Heli to help send Feng Shu out of the palace.With Emperor Yuanhui's means, Yongning Palace was heavily guarded, and no one could take Feng Shu away. Lin Heli did not suggest that Lin Yushu directly persuade Emperor Yuanhui, which would hurt their relationship as husband and wife. You can't tear your face off either.

Lin Heli suggested that Lin Yushu seek advice from Lin Sheng.

After Lin Sheng became the governor of the left, he wanted to befriend the Lin family. Elder Lin Ge claimed that he died of illness, but in fact he died of anger. Lin Heli directly removed the Lin Sheng family from the genealogy, and ordered Lin Shilang, Lin Sheng Well, Lin Yuyan is not allowed to visit from now on, but the priests of the Lin family are not allowed to visit. If Lin Hongyuan hadn't stopped him, Lin Heli would have almost made Lin Sheng move his grandfather's tomb out of the Lin's cemetery.

Even if Lin Sheng was promoted to Zuo Dudu, the children of the middle Beijing family would not establish diplomatic relations with him. Fang Chuning's attitude was consistent, and he didn't even bother to give him a look. Lin Sheng didn't expect that Lin Ge would be mad at him, so he hurriedly begged Lin Heli for peace.No matter how many people he is under, he can't afford to offend Lin Heli. After Lin Hongyuan returned to his ancestral home, Lin Heli was the head of the Lin family. With a single word from him, the courtiers and Chinese officials could be twisted into a rope. With the concerted efforts of several patriarchs, they have control over the court.

With Marshal Fang's acquiescence, Fang Chuning and other generals let it go, it was a matter of time before Lin Heli led the civil servants to form his own faction, Lin Yushu agreed to sue for peace for him, and he helped Lin Yushu persuade Emperor Yuan Hui, and they hit it off.

"I won't let you go back to Fengfu!" Emperor Yuanhui looked at Fengshu with red eyes, "Shu'er, let Feng Changqing tell the world that you and Xie Zhang's marriage is over, and I will let you go to Xiangguo Temple for a year." , think about it carefully, whether to be my noble concubine, to shine on the lintel, or to marry the entire Feng family in hell with the Xie family again!"

 Will continue to update today
(End of this chapter)

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