Feng Yu sent a letter to the capital to ask shopkeeper Wen to come to Twelve States to assist shopkeeper Wang in managing the firm. The business model in Jingzhong has matured, and shopkeeper Wen can be handed over to the second shopkeeper.Father and mother resigned from office and stayed at home, and they can also take care of the company's affairs. She is in urgent need of manpower.

The business in Jinzhou can be operated according to the model of Kyoto. The major stores work together to sell and promote, forming a closed loop.When Fengyu integrated the industrial chain in Kyoto, she discovered that all major commercial firms like to operate alone, and don’t like to engage in promotions with stores. Joint promotions do make profits, but small profits but high sales. Turning around, it's not like a pawn shop, it has been closed for three years, and it has been open for three years.In the rice grain, tea and clothing business, we all want to sell as soon as possible to ensure the flow of funds.

The same is true for the Twelve States, but more seriously.Fengyu already has a very mature model in Beijing, which can be directly implemented in the twelve states, which will inevitably weaken the power of the original shopkeeper of the twelve states. This is inevitable, and she must have absolute control.

The shopkeepers compromised faster than Feng Yu expected.

"Girl, I'm confused. I've been fed up with ambitions by the firm. I'm willing to make up for the five-year deficit and ask the girl to punish me. I hope the girl will give me and my son another chance. We will do our best and never be confused again." The shopkeeper Zhou said that day He came to see Fengyu at night and begged for forgiveness, and Fengyu readily accepted his banknote, which was more than calculated.

Feng Yu likes people who know current affairs very much, and she pities shopkeeper Zhou's old age, so she hastily helped him up, invited him to have dinner with him, and talked to him about the business situation in Jinzhou by the way.

After the old shopkeeper Zhou figured it out, he knew everything.

After one showed weakness, the shopkeepers showed their loyalty to Fengyu one after another.

Jinzhou is very mature both in terms of business and agriculture. After Feng Yu straightened out the business, she handed over everything to Shopkeeper Wang, giving him the power second only to her. Except for the right to recall the shopkeeper, Shopkeeper Wang can manage Jinzhou instead of her.The shopkeepers knew that she was going to Xizhou, and they all advised Fengyu to think twice.

Feng Yu has read the geography of the Twelve States, Xizhou and Huangzhou, Jinzhou has the most fertile land in the Twelve States, it can support all the population of the Twelve States at its peak, and there is still a surplus.Later, when the war was intensified, the twelve states developed iron mines, and the farmland was gradually abandoned. Merchants cooperated with the state government to continue to develop iron mines, buying and selling, and earning money.

The thieves are also thinking about the iron mines and jade mountains in Shangxizhou, and they captured Xizhou. The Xizhou prefecture and the thieves are connected with each other, deceiving the upper and lower, and directly controlling Xizhou.Expropriation of local labor force to develop the mining area, several mining accidents caused public dissatisfaction, and gradually the people moved out of Xizhou, and now the state capital and bandits directly control the twelve states.

"Is their food and clothing supplied by other states?"

"Yes, it is transported from Jiaozhou and Jinzhou every day. Our firm is responsible for the rice grains in Xizhou. The price they give is quite high."

Fengyu saw the transportation record of the rice store, and the shopkeepers asked, "Girl, are you going to cut off the supply of Xizhou?"

"That's not necessary." Feng Yu thought for a while, "I'll make a decision when I get to Xizhou."

If Xie Xun hadn't left five thousand cavalry behind, it might take some time for her to frighten the shopkeepers. Now that there are cavalry by her side, these shopkeepers have been in the Su family firm for many years, and they know that the Su family is kind. They will turn a blind eye and turn a blind eye, and Fengyu has separately made a dividend sharing plan for each store, and the proportion of shopkeepers has also greatly increased.

The owner's family is generous and stable, and they may be able to soar into the sky in the future. They have been in business for many years, and they are willing to take a gamble.Feng Yu didn't kick out the firm because of their mistakes, she was very forgiving.

The affairs of Jinzhou were handed over to Brother Wang, shopkeeper, and they could also assist when shopkeeper Wen came. Feng Yu took cavalry and a group of farmers and craftsmen who were good at farming mulberry and ditches, and rushed to Xizhou.

The banditry along the way has been eliminated, the road is relatively quiet, there is no banditry, the villages are peaceful and stable, and when they enter the border of Xizhou, they gradually become desolate.The counties and towns have very few populations, and the closer they are to Xizhou City, the more obvious it is.

Feng Yu went to Xizhou City at night, as she expected, Xizhou City was in chaos and the fighting was in full swing. From a distance, Xizhou City could see the flames shining in the sky, and people's voices were buzzing.

Nuan Yang was shocked, "They really fought!"

The girl knows things like a god!
"The prince sent more than 1 people to Xizhou. This group of thugs took over the mountains and became kings. They have a tough temper. They are used to plundering for a living. When they enter Xizhou City, they will naturally survive. If they have no resources, they will rob. The riot of more than 1 people is enough for them to have a headache, these people were sent in by the prince, and they dare not kill them." Feng Yu said, Wang Zhizhou went to Huangzhou, and there will be chaos in Xizhou before no one takes care of it. Into a pot of porridge.

"Shall we go to quell the chaos?" Nuan Yang asked.

"No need, we are stationed outside the city and enter the city at dawn." Feng Yu said with a light smile, "Let them develop wildly and say hello to the local state capital first instead of us."

I wrote a piece today about Xie Jue and Fang Chuning's Little Theater and posted it in the wx group.

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