There used to be 4 people in the state capital and bandits in Xizhou City, and Xie Xun sent more than 1 people over. Now there are nearly 80 people in the city. Both Xizhou and Jinzhou are big cities in twelve states. When Xizhou was at its peak, it had a population of up to 6. If the [-] people can work together, they can gradually develop. After the Liangma Road was established, Xie Xun sent troops to open up wasteland.

Jinzhou is a wasteland that has been reclaimed. It is fertile and rich land, and it is relatively simple to open up wasteland.Fengshu intends to establish a business in Xizhou, and wants to become the center of the twelve states.

There are three cities in the south of the Yangtze River with a population of over one million, and Zhongzhou is also a big city with a population of one million. On the other hand, among the twelve prefectures, only Jinzhou has a population of more than 60.There are many difficulties in the development of Xizhou. Fortunately, the resources are not lacking, but they can attract the people.Sitting on the hillside outside the city, Feng Yu looked at the burning Xizhou City, and thought of Xie Xun.

Not knowing where Xie Xun marched and whether the escort of silver and grain and grass went well, Yu Wenjing transferred Fang Chuning to Zhongzhou to garrison, which is very close to Ningzhou.Will he send troops to the twelve states to seize the opportunity?If troops are sent out, will the Second Young Master and Fang Chuning meet each other?
Can she revitalize the commerce and farming in the Twelve States before the flames start?

Her confidence in Twelve States' business and Nongsang came from the fact that Yanyang and Ningzhou's iron cavalry could not afford war disasters. If wars broke out everywhere, all efforts would be in vain.

Thinking of the turbulent situation, Feng Yu missed Xie Xun even more. She touched the soul-restraining pearl and smiled lightly. Although she joked that she would tear off the soul-restraining bead when she wanted to see Xie Xun, she would not do so lightly, for fear of delaying thanks. Xun's matter.

She couldn't sleep at night and played a tune.

Nuan Yang, "..."

The iron cavalry garrison stationed outside the city, who were drinking and guessing, said, "Which bastard has learned how to play half-way and come to disturb the people in the middle of the night? Go and let him stop bragging."

"It's a girl."

The soldier took a deep breath and changed his words, "...It's not that bad, is it?"

There was a moment of silence, and no one answered.

The pee-inducing tune is extremely sharp, and the fiery Xizhou is in front of us. There is a kind of eerie horror that is weird and appropriate to the scene.

"Zhang Da, isn't our girl a well-known talented woman in the capital city, who is proficient in all kinds of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting?" Ningzhou Tieqi asked gossipingly.

"That's the second girl."


"It's also the first time you've heard a girl playing music?"

"No!" Zhang Da said succinctly, but also hard to say.

"No one ever told her that she blows... differently?"

"My lord thinks it sounds good!"


"General Nuanyang, the general will lead a team into the city to find out the news." A lieutenant stood up and begged for orders, just wanting to escape from this terrifying and strange atmosphere.

"...Okay!" Nuan Yang wanted to cry, but he remembered it too!Qiuxiang said that when the girl is in the mood, she can play it all night, and his ears are already protesting, but he can't stay too far away from Fengyu.

Feng Yu also blew without distraction for more than an hour, (three hours.) until Nuanyang's deputy general Chen Jiangdong came back with troops to report that the riots in the city had moved weapons, several people had been injured, and the situation was getting out of control.

"Enter the city!" Feng Yu made a decisive decision and led five thousand cavalry into the city.

Feng Yu subdued a few bandits to pass on the news. When she was in Jinzhou, she had always received news from Xizhou. Although it was a riot, the two sides were always confronting each other, and no weapons were ever used.The local state government also knew that Feng Yu and the cavalry would come, so they didn't dare to fight this group of bandits, for fear of causing death and cutting off the road.

The confrontation has been going on for five days, and the two sides are like boiling oil, which can explode at the slightest sign of trouble. Someone provoked them tonight, and they quickly started fighting.

There are tens of thousands of people in the city, most of them are young and middle-aged, and there are also old and weak women and children, so it is inevitable that they will be accidentally injured.

Feng Yu was behind the carriage, and Nuan Yang led the iron cavalry to suppress the front. With crossbows, spears and shields, the well-equipped cavalry quickly separated the rioting team.

On the way, Qiuxiang asked Nuan Yang if there were 6 people in Xizhou, and we only had [-] iron cavalry, could they beat them? Even the coffin boards can't hold it down."

Most of the local state capitals are militias and bandits, not well-trained royal guards and forbidden troops.

And that night in the capital, if it weren't for the sudden incident, the hand-to-hand combat, and Yu Wenjing setting up an ambush on the long street, they might not have fallen into a bitter battle.

"The three girls have an order. Put down your weapons and retreat ten meters each. Anyone who disobeys the order will be cut off!" Chen Jiangdong's voice was like a bell, and the noisy crowd was forcibly separated by a team of cavalry.

The bandits that Xie Xun voted for had dealt with Feng Yu before. Before Feng Yu went to Jinzhou alone, it was Feng Yu who settled the bandits. She had established a relatively good relationship with several wives of the head of the family.When the cavalry rushed over, the people in the local state capital of Xizhou were tougher, but the bandits were sensible and retreated a few meters.

The officers and soldiers of the local state government were relatively tough, and one of the men in official robes said loudly, "Who are you girls? This is Xizhou, the land of Yanyang, and only recognizes the orthodox Yuwen royal family. Brothers, let this group Drive out the bandits who seized our homeland, and those who take my homeland will be killed without mercy!"

"Kick them out!"

"Those who take my homeland will be killed without mercy!"

A group of soldiers in official robes were passionate, with their blades pointed to the sky, and there was a sense of tension to kill. Tens of thousands of people shared the same hatred and were full of murderous intent.

"Zhu Shengliang, you are so shameless, who is taking our home?" Zhang Hu glared, "You were originally a Bandit on the Mawei Slope of Xizhou, killing people and looting goods, doing all kinds of evil, and you led the bandits into Xizhou , drive away the people, seize the iron mines, don’t think that I don’t know you when you wear official robes!”

"I am the judge of the Yantie Division personally appointed by the imperial court, and a group of bandits like you dare to compete with me, intending to rob the granary and iron mines..."

Feng Yu lifted the curtain and came out, dressed in red and blending into the fiery city of Xizhou, she was beautiful, soft and kind, Zhu Shengliang's eyes were bewitched by Feng Yu's appearance, and she was instantly dazzled by surprise.

"Kill it!" Feng Yu glanced at the murderous Xizhou soldiers, and gave the order to kill.

"Don't you dare, I'm the judge of the Yantie Division, you..." Before Zhu Shengliang finished speaking, Chen Jiangdong, who was closest to him, swung his spear across his chest, pierced his chest in front of the eyes of tens of thousands of people, directly crossed the man, and slapped him casually. With a wave, the spear flew out with the corpse forked, and ruthlessly stuck on the pillar beside it.


Everything was quiet, under the absolute force of suppression, everyone was shocked.

The government soldiers looked at each other, Feng Yu stood on the carriage, her red clothes were like fire, she smiled slightly at the angry and hateful eyes of the government soldiers, "My name is Feng Yu, can we have a good talk?"

After the killing, Feng Yu seemed to have just remembered a common saying, King Kong's angry eyes are not as good as Bodhisattva's lowered eyebrows.

"You actually killed our judge?" A government soldier in an official robe pointed a long sword at the sky, "We want to avenge the judge!"

Fengyu's approach in Xizhou is completely different from that in Jinzhou.

"I want to have a good talk with you guys." Feng Yu said, "You guys want to confront me with swords, which makes me very embarrassed."

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