"Feng Yu, your people are still in the capital, and your sister is Princess Duan. The honor of the entire Feng family is given by the Yuwen royal family. Now you are standing in Xizhou City, leading the rebels and Xizhou government soldiers to fight. As the saying goes, Drinking water without forgetting the man who dug the well, you enjoy all the glory, but you work for a tiger, it is unfaithful and unfilial!" The magistrate of Xizhou regained his surname Nangong, and his name was Heng.

He was a 21-year-old Jinshi in high school and had two years of experience in the household department. He was upright and loyal to the emperor, and won the favor of Emperor Jianming. He was sent to Xizhou as a county magistrate and promoted to magistrate.Along the way, Emperor Jianming sent him to Xizhou mainly to supervise the Xizhou Salt and Iron Division.In the early years, Xizhou Salt and Iron Division was under the administration of Zhenbei Hou. From mining and smelting, to utensil casting, sales and transportation, it was a government monopoly.Production and circulation are strictly controlled, and Nangong Heng is considered capable, and he managed to overshadow the sky in Xizhou for a few years, and the Su Family Commercial Bank was inseparable for him to deceive him.

The official robes of the state capital are similar, with sapphire blue robes embroidered with white pheasant patterns on the chest, and wearing crystal crowns. Feng Yu asked lightly, "Is Nangong Zhizhou determined to go to war with me?"

"Miss Feng San, you should find your way back. It's not too late to make up for it. The next official will make a plea for you in front of the holy majesty, so that you won't be punished." Nangong Heng clasped his fists to the sky with a firm look on his face.

Feng Yu covered her mouth and smiled lightly, the steps on her hair swayed gently, reflecting the dazzling light of the fire, the beauty bloomed like a flower when she smiled, no matter if it was a soldier or a bandit, they felt that she was like a flower blooming in the field of Shura Flowers, radiant.

"Which way did I get lost, should I go back, don't worry about it!" Feng Yu raised her hand and asked in a soft voice, "Nangong Zhizhou, do you want to talk to me, or start a war with me?"

Nangong Heng, "Stubborn..."


Feng Yu interrupted him with a smile, "I'll count to three, and anyone who stops me will die!"

Nangong Heng was shocked, and Xie Xun sent more than 1 bandits to settle in Xizhou, which brought huge troubles to Xizhou under the strict control of the state capital.This group of bandits was uncontrolled, and they entered the city to make their homes. At its peak, the city could accommodate 80 people. Although it had been abandoned for several years, most of the houses were in good condition. There were wasteland and empty houses everywhere.

After the bandits set up their camps, they had to find ways to feed themselves. Before the discovery of iron ore, Xizhou focused on farming and mulberry, animal husbandry, and the inner city and outer city were extremely lively.Later, iron ore was discovered, and the mining industry experienced huge profits. I don’t know when the whole process of iron ore mining and smelting arose. More than half of the residents devoted themselves to the mining industry, buying and selling.

Later, the Marquis of Zhenbei sent troops to suppress, collect the minerals, and concentrate their operations. The people and the state government had violent conflicts. Later, the Xizhou Iron Mine was jointly occupied by the state government, merchants and bandits. Constant harassment and serious population loss.Because the people in Xizhou are fierce and there are very few merchants, they are afraid of causing trouble and bypass Xizhou. Except for the iron mines, almost all commercial roads are cut off, and the city of Xizhou is gradually abandoned.

After the state government realized the seriousness of the problem, it was powerless to recover.

"Two!" Feng Yu gradually lost her patience, as long as she gave an order, the iron cavalry could break through the blockade formed by Xizhou government soldiers.

Xie Xun sent more than 1 people to Xizhou, but Nan Gongheng wanted to resettle these bandits and let them live and work in Xizhou. At first, they even opened the granaries.But the bandits are fierce, and there are tens of thousands of urban residents in the local area, who are also bandits. They are all brave and fierce, and there are frequent conflicts.Under pressure, Nan Gongheng closed the granary.

The new bandits started to make trouble, and he organized the government soldiers to fight against the advice of his staff. Who knew that Feng Yu would come to Xizhou in the starry night, and the two armies faced each other. If he was weaker, Feng Yu would be stronger. Zhongyi originally wanted to give Fengyu a bad start.But this Miss Feng San looks weak and easy to bully, but she has a strong and domineering temperament.

Zhu Shengliang was crucified on the pillar as the judge of the Yantie Division. She didn't care whether the cavalry crushed the Xizhou soldiers.

"Three!" Feng Yu's patience was exhausted, and she made a gesture to wave her hands.

The staff seemed to whisper something in Nangong Heng's ear, and Nangong Heng said loudly, "Miss Feng San, let's talk, blood flowing into rivers is not the ending we want."


Zhizhou official residence.

Chen Jiangdong led people to resettle the rebellious people and ordered them to go back to their homes and not to cause trouble. Whether they were rioters or spectators on the long street, they were all ordered to go home.

Feng Yu directly stated her reason for coming, she wanted to restore the agriculture and mulberry planting in Xizhou, and implement the new policy enacted by Ningzhou in the whole of Xizhou, bringing all the world into her hands, unified planting, production, transportation, and distribution according to work.Xie Jue also needed to buy the land from the Ningzhou clan, but Xizhou didn't need it.

Xizhou is full of barren fields and hills, and some fertile land has been occupied and planted by the government. Feng Yu needs to re-register and redistribute the land, and re-establish commerce between Xizhou and the states.

"You did this to a bandit!" Nangong Heng was furious, Feng Yu was so ambitious to replace him and control the entire Xizhou, it was absolutely impossible, "We will definitely fight to the end with the soldiers of Xizhou!"

With the army in her hands, Feng Yu has the right to speak, she asked unhurriedly, "What do you want?"

"Xizhou used to have the largest farming land in the Twelve States. I have no objection if you want to prepare food and grass for the Ningzhou cavalry, open up wasteland and reclaim fields. But the Salt and Iron Bureau belongs to Yanyang, and the production and transportation of minerals are under the control of the state government. You can't Intervene. I can take a step back, you take care of your farming and animal husbandry, and I take care of iron ore smelting and transportation, without interfering with each other."

Feng Yu raised her eyebrows, "Nangong Zhizhou is really... naive and interesting. Do you want to have one city, two systems with me? I'll take care of the new bandits, and you take care of the iron mines. Do you want to draw a line in the city so that they don't interfere with each other? Come on!" Buy my rice, but also pay taxes?"

Nangong Zhizhou's face turned red, and he didn't know whether he was ashamed of being ridiculed, or angry because of being seen through.

"The food in the twelve prefectures is supplied by Jinzhou, and the city cannot be self-sufficient. It is also convenient for you to lead people to open up wasteland. It is also convenient for you to feed everyone in the city, and you can't get involved in the huge profits of iron mines, and don't interfere with each other?" Feng Yu sneered, "Isn't Zhizhou Forgot, apart from Xie Jue and Xie Xun who will manage Xizhou, I am also the owner of the Su family firm, and I own half of Xizhou’s minerals, what do you give me for one city and two systems?"

"The Su Family Commercial Bank has not managed the iron mines in Xizhou for many years. You know what the iron mines are like now and who is controlling them. Don't tell me you want to kill tens of thousands of people in the city, not afraid that the world will call you a tyrant?"

"Su's business is my family business. I will clean up the house myself. What I am telling you now is the jurisdiction and governance plan in Xizhou City." Feng Yu said forcefully, "One mountain cannot have two tigers, and one city cannot have two masters. Listen to Xizhou I order, this is not to discuss with you, you are more familiar with Xizhou City than I am, I hope Nangong Zhizhou can govern Xizhou with me."

"Nangong Heng has been deeply favored by the Holy Grace. He has devoted himself to governing Xizhou for many years. He must do everything personally. He only recognizes the Yuwen royal family. He will never disappoint the sacred order, betray the old master, and switch to others." Nangong Heng said loudly, expressing his position.

"Put all your heart and soul into everything, and do everything yourself!" Feng Yu sneered, "But the Xizhou under your management is gradually falling into disrepair, and the prosperity of the past is like a passing cloud. I think you are not suitable for the position of the prefect of Xizhou, so it is time to move."

"Except for the holy decree, no one can remove my official title. Don't tell me you want to step in and take over. You are just a traitor and traitor in Yanyang, and you have no right to remove me from my position."

Feng Yu said with a smile, "Either you cooperate with me to manage Xizhou, or you take off your official robes and return to Beijing to return to your command. Yu Wenjing may even praise you for your loyalty to the emperor. Zhizhou Nangong, you have no third way to go!"

"Who said there is no!" Nangong Heng drew his sword across his neck, glaring, "I, Nangong Heng, will never be coerced by you. Today, I will splatter three feet of blood to resist tyranny. Your Majesty, I am loyal to you!"

The staff all went to stop him, but Nan Gongheng wanted to die.

When he swung his long sword horizontally, the thin blade just cut through the skin, and the Nuanyang Xiu arrow shot out and grazed his wrist. Nangong Heng was in pain, the long sword fell to the ground, and blood droplets appeared on the split skin, but it was not fatal.


Feng Yu doesn't understand this kind of loyalty, but admires it.

She twirled her long finger on her temple, and asked casually, "Master Nangong has three children in his thirties this year, one wife and two concubines, three sons and four daughters, is Gao Tang still alive?"

"What are you going to do?" Nangong Heng was shocked.

"I like reunion. Master Nangong Huangquan is lonely. I can't bear it. If you pass away, I will definitely send your family to reunite with you, making peace and beauty."

"Poisonous woman!" Nangong Heng yelled, "You poisonous woman, you won't let go of the old and the weak, women and children, you will be struck by lightning!"

"Death doesn't care about the affairs of the family. It doesn't matter if my body is divided by five horses or struck by lightning, you won't see it." Feng Yu asked kindly, "Master Nangong, are you still looking for death?"

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