Nangong Heng's nose was panting like a cow, and his eyes turned black with anger, but he really didn't dare to seek death. The staff had better eyesight than him, "Miss Feng San, you are new here, and you don't know much about Xizhou. Our state capital also has difficulties. , please give us a few days, let us discuss."

"Xizhou listens to my orders, there is no room for negotiation!" Feng Yu stood up and looked at Nangong Heng who was limp on the ground, "On this basis, I will consider your request as appropriate, Mr. Nangong, I admire your loyalty, but I don't accept it. Your governance plan for Xizhou, Xizhou was destroyed in your hands. It is not too late to make up for it, this sentence is more suitable for you, if I were you, I would try my best to restore Xizhou to the prosperity it was more than ten years ago."

Feng Yu walked away, Nangong Heng shouted heartbreakingly behind her, "You don't know the situation of Xizhou at all, can't cure Xizhou!"

Feng Yu turned her head and looked at him with a smile, "I can!"

Just because you can't do it doesn't mean I can't do it.

From childhood to adulthood, as long as she wanted to do one thing well, there was nothing she couldn't do well.

Nuan Yang said, "Master Nangong is really stupid and loyal."

"Master Hou, why not!" Feng Yu laughed, "People like me who have a weak sense of belonging and don't care about orthodox people are in the minority after all. Mr. Nangong ranks high in Jinshi, has outstanding strategies and ideas, and he also made achievements in the household department back then. Is it managed like this? Nuanyang, you send someone to investigate the situation of the mine, and I'll go find Zhang Hu."


They are not very familiar with the situation in Xizhou, and need to find out more in detail.

The group of bandits that Xie Xun suppressed had several forces. The Xizhou bandits had a characteristic, they respected the strong. Although the forces were different, they had a consensus.In the future, he will live and work in Xizhou in peace and contentment, as an ordinary citizen, and several big bosses shake hands to make peace.Zhang Hu belongs to the strong in a group of big bosses. Although the bandits are not a mountain top, they have no grievances or enmity on weekdays. After entering Xizhou City, several big bosses worked together and led their own people to make a living. There was some bloodshed.

When Feng Yu was in Yunzhou, she established diplomatic relations with Zhang Hu's wife, Zhang Linshi, and sought medical treatment for their young son. Zhang Hu and his wife were also willing to take the lead in Xizhou City for them.

The more than 1 people were assigned to live in the south of the city, and the bandits took over the mountains as kings. There were talents in charge of general affairs, and the arrangement of more than 1 people was very proper.When Zhang Hu came to Xizhou in Fengyu, he basically led people to find out about Xizhou, except for the mine.

"Girl, in Xizhou City, the Yantie Division is actually in charge, not the state capital. Most of the residents in the city live mixedly in the east of the city, and the west is the smelting factory, guarded by the Yantie Division, who control smelting and transportation. The state government collects dividends from it. There are about 4000 soldiers in the government. The Yantie Division is controlled by bandits. Now they put on official robes and become government officials. The mine is guarded by 2 people, and it is extremely strict that no one else can enter. Go. There are two iron officials in Yantie Division. One is surnamed Su, who is the shopkeeper of the Su family firm, and the other is surnamed Zhu, whose name is Zhu Shengkai. He is the leader of the bandits in Maweipo, Xizhou. It was his own brother who was killed during the conflict. A few years ago, he led 1 bandits to capture the mine, and gradually recruited more than 2 people. Now he is united with the Su family to control the iron mine. There are [-] people guarding the mine, and there are thousands of soldiers under the Yantie Division There are less than a thousand households of ordinary people, and the rest of the residents were once all bandits."

Nuan Yang got a headache, "Speaking of which, besides the ordinary thousand households, Xizhou City is now full of bandits?"

Zhang Hu and the other big masters smiled meaningfully, "We were sent here by the prince!"

"General, we are good citizens now!"

Nuan Yang, "..."

It seems predictable that the people of Xizhou will be tough in the future!
Nuan Yang thought to himself, it is necessary to increase troops!
Feng Yu had a good idea of ​​the general situation in Xizhou. Feng Yu had selected several bandits who were good at coordinating, and she ordered people to go to the state capital to ask for household registration files and land files.

She can't do everything by herself, she can only know how to use it well. "After you get the household registration files and land files, you start to count them. Some count the arable land in Xizhou, and some count the vacant houses in the city and record them again. The houses are based on the size and geographical location. , I will make a quotation. After the grain harvest, you can live and work in peace and contentment. This money must be handed in, and I will give you a cushion first. The people who migrated from Xizhou will return to their hometown one day. If they find that their houses have been occupied, they will I will compensate and arrange, if they still want to return to their old residence, the house you occupy must be given up, and I will find you a place to live, or you can build houses on the land allotted to you by the state capital on your own. "

Several big heads were in an uproar, they all occupied the best residence in the south of the city, Feng Yu still understood it with affection, and spent every inch of her tongue to convince the heads.

"The land is simple, re-divided, the land is allocated on a household basis, and the land is under the unified jurisdiction of the state government. You lease farming, half of the land for each household is planted with millet and wheat, and the other half is cultivated by you freely, and you are responsible for your own profits and losses. The state government will provide seeds for one year. There will be a new land tax policy. The state government will only charge rental fees. The specific policy will be announced after I stabilize the situation in the mine. I also encourage everyone to raise livestock and poultry. Chickens, ducks, geese, cattle and sheep are the first I will also provide it for one year, and the cattle and agricultural tools needed for plowing will also be transported to Xizhou. You can do whatever you are good at, and I will provide you with the help you need. In the first year, I will charge a high tax , to offset the previous investment, and the tax return will return to normal in the future, relying on you to support yourself.” Feng Yu’s voice is gentle and powerful, “The business and trade in Xizhou will definitely resume, everyone will work together to build Xizhou, here is you home."

The houses that shelter from wind and rain and the land to support themselves are the issues they are most concerned about. Feng Yu briefly talked about these two issues. Rebuilding a city involves various aspects, and it will also lead to many problems. It cannot be done overnight. A place to live in, a job to manage, and the rest to do slowly.

"Girl, don't worry, as long as we can support our family and take root, we are willing to do anything." Zhang Hu said in a deep voice, "Girl gave us land, seeds, and opened up business. We are the first batch of people to rebuild Xizhou. Will disappoint the girl."

The heads of several households were very excited when they heard that Feng Yu almost provided them with the foundation to settle down, giving them land, houses, seeds, and young animals.When Xie Xun suppressed the bandits, even though he confiscated part of his money, he also left some money for them. They will surely survive with their own hands.

"Masters, before I take down the mine, you must stabilize the rear, and don't cause friction with the residents of the city. The state government has laws to follow, and the habits of bandits must be changed. Xizhou will rule the city with laws, and will not tolerate mistakes. "Fearing that the bad habits of this group of thugs would be hard to change, Feng Yu first told the big bosses to restrain her own people.

This group of bandits all have big bosses, as long as Feng Yu keeps the group of big bosses, it is not difficult to control them.

"I'll understand, girl, don't worry, whoever dares to make a mistake, I'll kill him first." He swore in a fierce tone, then asked with a smile, "Girl, when will the seeds and the livestock you promised arrive?"

"I will sit in Xizhou for three years, and I promise you that I will never break my promise, don't worry."

"Young lady wants to sit in Xizhou?" Zhang Hu was also stunned. He thought that Feng Yu would go back to Jinzhou after handling the affairs of Xizhou.

Feng Yu said, "Yes, I share joys and sorrows with you gentlemen."

Nuan Yang thought to himself, girl, I dare not let you really suffer.

On the first night when she first arrived in Xizhou, when Feng Yu was busy at Mao, when Feng Yu came to look for Zhang Hu and others, Zhang Da had already found a house in the south of the city, which should be the house of a wealthy gentry.It has been uninhabited for a long time and overgrown with weeds. The advantage is that the place is large enough and well preserved. Those who are in the dark can only be settled first.

While Qiuxiang and Chunlu were cleaning up the house, Fengyu looked at the development trajectory of Yantiesi, the state capital, and Xizhou in the past ten years under the lamp, and understood why Nangongheng managed Xizhou like this.

Nangong Heng has no autonomy. Xizhou is a collusion between bandits and merchants. Hasn't Nangong Heng reported the iron mine problem in the Twelve States to the imperial court for so many years?

Feng Shu has not been aware of the Xizhou Iron Mine for so many years. The Xizhou Salt and Iron Division should have expert advice. As long as they provide military supplies normally, they should not resort to fraud.The weapons and armor are excellent, and the cavalry will not care about the flow of iron ore.Fengyu tapped her finger on the account book. Twelve states' overall finances are tight. Even if they buy and sell by force, they probably won't be able to squeeze out much money. Where will these iron ore flow to cash?

Nangong Heng must know!
Qiuxiang, Chunlu and the others clean up the house overnight, Fengyu only sleeps for an hour and is woken up by Qiuxiang, it is already daylight.

Shopkeepers Su and Li from the firm came to see Fengyu.

Feng Yu rubbed her sleepy eyes and yawned again and again. Her body was healthier than in previous years. Recently, she has been working hard and lacking sleep, and she always feels exhausted.

"Let them wait." Feng Yu said in a deep voice, "I'll sleep for another hour."

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