When Feng Yu appeared in the living room, the sun was shining brightly.Both Qiuxiang and Chunlu felt sorry for her working hard all day long, so they didn't wake her up on time, Feng Yu slept for more than two hours.

Shopkeeper Su and Shopkeeper Li have already drank six cups of tea and eaten dim sum three times. The weather is scorching hot, and the two shopkeepers are restless waiting for them. They scold Qiuxiang and Chunlu for nearly half an hour, but Qiuxiang and Chunlu stop them. Willing to let them wake Feng Yu up.

When shopkeeper Su wanted to break in, Chunlu firmly stopped her, "Master is master. Whenever she wants to see you, you have to wait obediently. If you don't want to wait, you can leave at any time. We won't stop you."

Shopkeeper Li was more sensible than Shopkeeper Su, so he dragged him to wait in the living room.

"My uncle has been waiting for a long time." Feng Yu was wearing an orange-yellow snow gauze summer dress and a pearl flower on her head. She was elegantly dressed but still extravagant. When she came lightly with lotus steps, her skirt swayed gently, like flowers blooming at every step, " Ah Yu was busy last night and got up late, don't take it personally."

Su Mengwei is a descendant of the Su clan. His parents and younger sister died in the flood.Su Ming couldn't bear to see him alone, so he took seven-year-old Su Mengwei with him to raise him. He was four years younger than Su Yue, and was raised as the young master of the Su family in Jiangnan.In the sixth year after Su Yuejiao got married, Su Mengwei was weak, and Su Ming sent him to manage the Twelve States.

Today, he is the iron official of the Xizhou Salt and Iron Division, and also the general treasurer of the Twelve States of the Su Family Commercial Bank.

When Feng Changlin was an official in Liling, Su Mengwei came to Liling to see Feng Yu three times, but Feng Yu was not with Su Mengwei after she went to the capital.

"I haven't seen you for a few years. Little Ayu and Ji are already slim girls, and my brother-in-law almost doesn't recognize her anymore." Shopkeeper Su smiled kindly, without any irritability while waiting, and accepted Fengyu's gift very naturally. .

Su Ming only has one daughter, Su Yuejiao, who is a well-known Confucian businessman, with a leading position in the Jiangnan business circle.The Su clan was protected by him, and the clan members were worried that the family business would fall apart, so they suggested several times that he adopt Su Mengwei, or adopt males from the clan.Due to various considerations, Su Ming did not agree to the clan's request. Regardless of the clan's objections, Su Ming left the family property to his only daughter, Su Yuejiao. dowry.

This matter also caused great protests and debates in the Su clan, and Feng Yu heard about it when she was a child.The protests and arguments gradually subsided after Feng Shu and Xie Zhang got engaged.

Shopkeeper Li also greeted Fengyu.

"I sent orders three times in Jinzhou to Xizhou, but I didn't see my brother-in-law and shopkeeper Li. I thought you were deceiving Ah Yu because she was young and lacked prestige. When I arrived in Xizhou, I found out that the situation in Xizhou was complicated. My uncle and shopkeeper Li were busy with everything. I can understand it."

Su Mengwei said, "If my brother-in-law knows that Ah Yu is coming to Xizhou, he will definitely come to meet him. The bandits clashed with the government soldiers last night, and the situation is dangerous. Ah Yu was frightened."

"The prince sent his own generals and iron cavalry to protect each other, so it's not surprising." Feng Yu said, "Before my sister got married, she gave me the Twelve States Commercial Bank. Ningzhou iron cavalry needs weapons and armor, and Xizhou Iron Mine is the most important thing. Heavy, I hope my uncle and shopkeeper Li can cooperate with me."

Su Mengwei and shopkeeper Li looked at each other, and shopkeeper Li said, "Miss, you are serious. Our Xizhou Iron Mine has always focused on Ningzhou cavalry. Even if Xie's family rebelled against Yanyang, the firm will still provide weapons and armor. You only need to say one thing." We will deliver the amount as scheduled."

Feng Yu was a little surprised. She thought that her uncle and shopkeeper Li would obstruct this matter, but she didn't expect it to go so smoothly. She paused, "Okay!"

Shopkeeper Li handed over all the accounts of Xizhou Iron Mine, and there were three boxes of account books, "Girl, this is the five-year mine account books, production, smelting and transportation, all here, you can check it slowly, if there is anything you don't understand , I’ll explain it to you again.”

Feng Yu raised her eyebrows, "Okay!"

She didn't hit the smiling person with her hand, but she didn't know the place well, and Feng Yu was not impatient. She talked with the two shopkeepers about Xizhou's agriculture, mulberry, and economy, and they knew everything.Feng Yu invited them to have lunch together, as if she knew that they were new arrivals and lacked in supplies, Su Mengwei and shopkeeper Li sent a lot of supplies, including melons and fruits, rice grains, brocade quilts and other daily necessities. urgent.

The two were busy and didn't stay to have lunch with Fengyu. After they left, Qiuxiang said, "The girl has called three times urgently, and they have never been to Jinzhou. Now they want iron ore for the iron mine, and the account book is also offered to send to the iron mine." Come on, did the girl kill Zhu Shengliang last night to frighten them?"

"It's hard to say!" Fengyu asked, "What do you think of Chunlu?"

"There's a ghost!"

Fengyu looked at the account book thoughtfully, "I think so too, Chunlu, you and I have been with me for so many years, and you are too good at living by my side. After Zhang Da brought the household registration, house and land information from the state capital, you go Let them organize it and report it to me after sorting it out.”

Chun Lu was startled, "Girl, I... can I do it?"

"Try it!"

"Okay!" Chunlu's eyes brightened, "I will definitely live up to the girl's trust."

Nangong Heng let go, the masters and staff in the mansion avoided, the mansion was completely open to Feng Yu, Nuan Yang brought iron cavalry into the mansion, if the soldiers of the mansion were willing to accept the adaptation, Nuan Yang would do it, otherwise Willing to accept, leave the government office to make a living on your own, and the residents of the city are treated equally.Feng Yu made a promise to all the citizens of Xizhou.

Equal land rights, the tiller has his own land.

For three days in a row, Feng Yu was looking at the account books of the mining area. She marked out a few things she couldn't understand, and consulted the craftsmen who were good at smelting in the bandits. The smelting loss recorded in the account books was almost the same as what the craftsmen said.

At the same time, with the assistance of several big heads, Chunlu arranged the residences of more than 1 people, registered and filed them, and divided the fields in the city according to the number of people.Nuan Yang issued a new order instead of the state government, and unified management in the city. He and Chen Jiangdong led people to register the aborigines in the city and distribute the land.

The original residents in the city were extremely repulsive to them. After the Western Continent was abandoned, the remaining residents were either poor peasants living on the land they reclaimed, or they were family members of government soldiers, or some people who were reluctant to leave their homeland.The rich gentry had already left completely, and the fields in the city were reclaimed with them. Now they have to redistribute and reclaim the land. The original residents refused to say anything. Thousands of people clashed with the cavalry and sat in the city to protest. There were women, children, and the elderly. , also have children.

In their eyes, Feng Yu and the others are enemies who have come to rob their home and land, they are no different from bandits.

"Girl, they were obviously instigated." Chen Jiangdong had a bad temper, "We will bring people to suppress them by force. Don't be polite to them."

"They are people with no power to restrain chickens, and I am not a tyrant. What are you doing to suppress them by force?" Feng Yu had already thought of a countermeasure, "Chunlu, just tell them that with the registration and filing, the land they are cultivating now is worthless." It belongs to them, and the money is paid according to the number of acres. How much they can cultivate depends on their ability."

When she and Xie Jue talked in Ningzhou, it was mostly on paper. In the process of practice in Xizhou, she would revise the decree according to public opinion. Ningzhou has not yet implemented the new policy, and Xizhou is the experimental city for Xie Jue and Feng Yu.Feng Yu also refined the land policy, dividing the land on a household-by-household basis, and each household was given arable land.Land belongs to the state capital and cannot be bought or sold.

If city residents want to cultivate more land, they can rent it from the state government. The lease price is one tael per mu of land, which is very cheap. The state government encourages the people to cultivate more varieties, and does not interfere except for designated planting.Fengyu is well versed in the principles of free economy, and uses this set of theories to apply to Nongsang.After summarizing and refining, she compiled it into a book and sent it to Ningzhou.

Who knew that just after she sent it out, Xie Jue also sent over the detailed terms and conditions that he encountered obstacles during practice in Ningzhou, the land item was exactly what Feng Yu thought.After all, there was a large army stationed in Ningzhou, and it was easy to solve the problem when it was exposed. Xie Jue summarized all the problems and solutions he encountered to Feng Yu for her reference.

"It's really timely rain!" Feng Yu chuckled, the second son is really able to rule the country with martial arts, and secure the country with literature.

After Fengyu revised the decree, the protests of the original residents weakened. Just when the residents were hesitating whether to rely on Fengyu or live with Yantiesi, there was a vicious incident of fighting in the city.

Zhang Hu's younger brother, Zhang Meng, had a quarrel with the aborigines, which turned into a fight.The aborigines occupied the most fertile land in the city, which originally attracted dissatisfaction among the bandits.Now Fengyu has compromised specifically for them, and amended a decree. Although this decree is beneficial to all city residents, the bandits are also upset. They always feel that this group of aborigines took Joe, and the girl has made an exception for them. They still You ungrateful animal.

The aborigines are the original bandits, and they are the later bandits. The two sides have always disliked each other, and they used to be bandits. In the past few days, the friction between each other in the city has been resolved, and both sides are suffocated. A quarrel turned into a wounded fight.

The gangsters' fighting with weapons could easily develop into a gang fight, and all of them used their weapons. Fortunately, Chen Jiangdong sent people to patrol the city all the time, and quickly suppressed the gang fights when they found them.

Although the fighting caused bloodshed on both sides, fortunately there were no casualties. Only two aborigines were seriously injured. Can uphold justice.

In front of everyone, Feng Yu pressed Zhang Meng and beat him [-] times in the government office. Zhang Hu led Zhang Meng, who was beaten bloody, to apologize to the injured, and also paid a bag of money. Tudou, this matter is settled.

After this incident, the aborigines began to cooperate with Chunlu to register one after another, and also accepted Fengyu's land policy. Chunlu only took two days to complete the statistics.

After Nangong Heng heard this, his mood was extremely complicated.

This group of aborigines used to be bandits, and their sons are now in the Yantie Division. Recently, they were instigated by the Yantie Division to deliberately oppose Feng Yu and disrupt Feng Yu's governance of Xizhou. Disposition makes them obedient.

In fact, Xizhou has not been governed by laws for three years.

In this city, Yantiesi is the law of the king. They can be exempted from punishment for murder and arson. No matter who they conflict with, they can be pardoned as long as they are related to Yantiesi. The law is useless.

The aborigines were extremely disdainful when Fengyu said that they were governed by law, and after the fighting broke out, they never thought that Fengyu would uphold justice for them, so they naturally felt that Fengyu would defend their own people.

Unexpectedly, Feng Yu beat Zhang Meng until he was dripping with blood, and he became seriously ill.

Nangong Heng thought, can he really trust this third girl who just reached Ji?She can deal with conflicts among urban residents impartially, but can also scruple about the rights of aborigines.He originally thought that Feng Yu would directly use iron cavalry to violently suppress everyone and implement tyranny.

The staff said, "My lord, maybe...we can try to cooperate with her."

"I will never submit!" Nangong Heng was still loyal. After Feng Yu entered the city, she only used force to suppress the chaos that night. Later, she always persuaded people with reason. The bandits and the aborigines had frequent frictions, and they never took sides.

But he still didn't want to betray his beliefs.

In the Feng family mansion.

Feng Yu hired the best doctor and used the best medicine for Zhang Meng, but Zhang Meng cried and cried, "Girl, you are a black heart, I obey orders to make trouble and fight with weapons, why are you really fighting? Ouch!" , Ouch...it hurts to death, it hurts to death."

Zhang Hu punched him on the head, "Don't yell, do you want everyone in the city to know that our girl directs and acts on her own?"

Feng Yu, "..."

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