July passed by in a flash, and in a blink of an eye, it was nearly half of August.

Feng Yu led the iron cavalry to Xizhou for nearly a month. The city defense and Nong Sang are both in charge. The city with tens of thousands of people is quickly on the right track. Under the mediation of Chen Jiangdong and the state government staff, the friction between the city residents has gradually decreased.Most of the labor force in Xizhou is young and middle-aged. In the stage of reclaiming wasteland and reclamation, Fengyu provided food in the early stage. After half a month, the situation stabilized, and Fengyu gradually ran out of food, relying on the city residents to support themselves.

Xizhou is the most important cotton area in Yanyang.The aborigines already grow cotton, and August happens to be the harvest season.We have to wait for the next year to sow. Many crops are sown in spring, and the fields that have been reclaimed basically miss the spring plowing.We have to wait for autumn plowing, or for spring plowing next year.

To ensure the food supply for Ningzhou cavalry, almost all the fields are planted with millet and potatoes (potatoes). Millet is no longer the most important food in Yanyang, and has long been replaced by wheat and rice.However, both millet and potatoes are annual crops and can be sown at any time. Millet can be harvested in only two months. It is drought-resistant and cold-resistant, which is most suitable for today's Xizhou.

In addition to planting millet, they also grow melons and fruits. Due to the region, the food that can be grown in Xizhou is much less than that in the south of the Yangtze River. Young and middle-aged people go to the mountains to hunt in groups. There are wild fruits and vegetables in the mountains. life of the townspeople.

For all the wasteland, she begged the townspeople to plant millet. As a thank you, Feng Yu would pay the townspeople at the daily rent price, or distribute rice and daily necessities.

Wheat is the most important crop. Real large-scale planting will have to wait until spring and winter plowing. Winter plowing is in October, which is still early.What Fengyu has to do is to stabilize the life of the existing residents in Xizhou, plan the planting land, and dig ditches.Originally, Xie Xun was planning to send troops to open up wasteland, but now it is found that there are so many residents in the city, as long as they are fed, it is labor force. There is no need for iron cavalry to travel long distances to Xizhou. The same is true for winter planting. Only when there is a shortage of manpower during the harvest, they can send troops to help.

Feng Yu did some calculations, the cost of the iron cavalry on the long journey, and the consumption of military rations in Xizhou, it would be more cost-effective for her to ask the city people to farm. When Feng Yu wrote the letter to Xie Xun, she mainly talked about the iron cavalry helping to open up wasteland. Neither Xizhou nor Huangzhou needed it. The iron cavalry will help open up wasteland, and they can just major in food and horse roads.

Wang Zhizhou and Feng Yu in Huangzhou often exchange information. The population of Huangzhou is much smaller than that of Xizhou, and they really need people.Wang Zhizhou is a capable man, and he also felt that the long-distance trek on the iron cavalry would cost a lot of money. He wrote a letter to Xue Yu in Jinzhou, hoping that he could help with the cultivation of Huangzhou. How did Wang Zhizhou talk to Xue Yu and write an IOU, and Xue Yu really sent troops to help Huangzhou.

These things were carried out in an orderly manner, and Feng Yu gradually became more comfortable, and she won the hearts of the people as the city lord of Xizhou.

The main reason is that the benefits are really good. Although Feng Yu has cut off their food, every five or seven days they will distribute some daily necessities or food such as chickens and ducks to the city residents.Seemingly small favors and favors are like nectar to the citizens of Xizhou today.

Mid-Autumn Festival on August [-]th, the city is extremely lively and there is no curfew. Residents gather in the big square in the city to have fun. Feng Yu sent Chen Jiangdong to lead people to maintain order, and she rested in the mansion.She has never liked this kind of excitement. Qiuxiang came in through the moon gate, "Girl, shopkeeper Su sent a Mid-Autumn Festival gift, and wants to invite you to his house to celebrate the festival together."

"Reject it, say I'm unwell."


She and Su Mengwei mentioned that they wanted to take charge of the mine for more than half a month, and hoped that he and Zhu Shengkai's people would quit the mine, but Su Mengwei said that he could not be the master of Zhu Shengkai.In Xizhou, Feng Yu was not in a hurry, she was in no hurry, she just spent time with them, the gates of the city were closed, and the interrogation was strict, it was almost impossible for the iron mines to leave the city.

She wants to get her mine back without fighting.

When Feng Yu looked at the moon in the courtyard, she thought of her grandmother and sister.She seldom thinks of her parents, but frequently misses Mrs. Feng and Feng Shu.

I don't know how my sister is doing in the temple, whether she will be bullied by Yu Wenjing, on reunion days like Mid-Autumn Festival, my father and mother will definitely go to the temple to visit my sister.

When I am alone, I miss my family very much.

I miss my sister, and I also miss Xie Xun.

I don't know how Xie Xun is doing in Ningzhou.

She touched the soul-suppressing pearl on her wrist, thinking like a tide, Fengyu looked at Yuanyue regretfully, when will she see her sister and Xie Xun again?
The governance of Ningzhou was much smoother than that of Xizhou, and there were almost no obstacles. Xie Jue gave the clan silver compensation as appropriate, and after getting the land, people from the state capital planned to distribute it.Firstly, the army was stationed in Ningzhou to frighten all demons and ghosts, and secondly, Xie Jue was tough and ruthless.

Xie Jue implemented the land equalization system in several cities from Ningzhou to Yancheng, and it went smoothly. Yancheng encountered great resistance from the clan, and Xie Xun sent troops to suppress it. Even the state capital was replaced, and Cui Lansong and Chen Huang were sent to sit in the township. Yancheng, implement the New Deal.

When the Xie brothers carried out the New Deal in Ningzhou to Yancheng and other six cities, their methods were much more violent. Comparatively speaking, Feng Yu used very warm water to boil frogs.

Yancheng, Shacheng, Luocheng, Pingzhou, and Minzhou now respect Ningzhou and do not respect the Yanyang decree. The Yancheng clan protested because they heard that Zhongzhou had increased troops. After Fang Chuning came to garrison, the Yancheng clan did not want to lose their own. Land and property, I also hope that Yancheng Zhizhou can submit to Yanyang.

After two days of trouble in Yancheng, Xie Jue and Xie Xun discussed and sent Cui Lansong and Chen Huang to garrison. This was the first line of defense for Yanyang to send troops to Ningzhou. Xie Xun released [-] troops.After the increase of troops in Yancheng, the most worrying thing was Zhongzhou. Fang Chuning, who was stationed in Zhongzhou, was more relaxed than anyone else, sitting on the city wall and playing his flute.The cyan hairband fluttered in the evening wind, making her look a bit lonely.

He said, "Don't worry, it's just a deterrent, Ningzhou will not take the initiative to send troops to Zhongzhou."

If what he said, Xie Xun sent troops to deter and defend, he would not take the initiative to send troops, but Fang Chuning did not say that Ningzhou would not take the initiative to send troops.

It means that within the next two years, they will not take the initiative to send troops.

In a few years, it will be hard to say.

He looked at the full moon and thought of Xie Jue. Since he could remember, this was the first time he hadn't spent the Mid-Autumn Festival with Xie Jue.

Mid-Autumn Festival is the most lively festival besides New Year’s Eve and Lantern Festival. The Mid-Autumn Festival in Ningzhou is also very lively. Every household prepares new wine, pomegranates, round cakes and other food. At night, water lamps will be released, and women and children will worship the moon and pray.

What he and Tingfeng like most during the Mid-Autumn Festival are climbing high to admire the moon and drinking.In previous years, if there were no wars in the military camp, they would go horse racing and climb to the highest mountain to watch the moon. I heard Feng said that the moon was the roundest when climbing high, so he would take Tingfeng to climb the mountain to enjoy the moon every year.

Tingfeng's alcohol capacity is very light, but he will drink with him on the mountain on the night of Mid-Autumn Festival. Every year, he falls drunk in his arms and sleeps with his legs on his pillow until dawn. Lying on the top of the mountain.

Fang Chuning thought, this year's Mid-Autumn Festival, his relatives died, and there will be no reunion. He is alone in Ningzhou, and Xie Xun doesn't know if he will be free to accompany him.

It must be sad to hear the wind.

Xie Tingfeng had a terrible Mid-Autumn Festival!
The Mid-Autumn Festival is a big festival, and the Mid-Autumn Festival is celebrated in Ningzhou City as in previous years. There is no rumor of the Xie brothers rebelling, and the people live their lives as they should.Ningzhou iron cavalry has always had a tradition of having fun with the military and the people, so there are also banquets in the army.The protagonist of the banquet is Xie Xun, who is the commander-in-chief of the three armies.One is to reward the three armies, and the other is to connect with the generals. This is also the best time to connect with the generals when the new and old generations of coaches and generals change.

Xie Jue is cold-tempered and doesn't like excitement. In the past, there were Zhenbei Hou and Xie Zhang, and he always went to the top of the mountain to drink with Fang Chuning.This year is different, he has to socialize with the generals, fortunately the generals are familiar with his temperament, and they also know that he can't hold alcohol, so they dare not come to pour him down, Xie Jue thought that if he drank a few glasses of wine, he would be able to retreat just by showing his face.

Who knew that during the banquet, someone actually mentioned his marriage.

He and Xie Xun had to observe filial piety for three years when they lost their father and mother, because they were military generals at the border, and they were generally exempt from filial piety during the war.But he and Xie Xun didn't intend to break the precept.

The soldiers of the three armies felt that Lord Hou died, and the Xie family brothers were exempted from filial piety during the war. Xie Jue was twenty-one this year, and he was old enough to talk about marriage.

Talking about marriage during the Mid-Autumn Festival is really appropriate.After Xie Xun came back from Jinzhou, several generals mentioned that Xie Xun should consider marriage and children, but they didn't care about Xie Xun's engagement with Feng Yu, and wanted to send the woman to Xie Xun's backyard.Xie Xun moved out of Shouxiao and having a fiancee failed to stop these temptations, and some people even mentioned it to Xie Jue tactfully.

Xie Jue snorted coldly, "I have hidden illnesses, and I don't plan to get married. Thank you generals for your kindness."

Generals, "..."

Xie Xun, "...?"

Second brother, it is not difficult to move out the reason of keeping filial piety, right?

Why bother?
If you say that, they will only stare at me in the future! ! !

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