After Xie Jue said that he had a hidden illness, there was a moment of silence at the banquet. He got up and gave a toast to the generals before leaving.All the old generals looked at the back of the second young master who was as tall as jade, and all aimed at a certain direction uncontrollably.

The man said that he has a hidden disease, and he said it so calmly, he is worthy of being the second son, fearless, there is really no one in this world that he cares about.

When Xie Jue went cold, Xie Xunnuan came back, several generals couldn't drink him in a wheel battle, and he drank a row of generals.The organizers of this year's Mid-Autumn Festival also knew it well, there was no singing and dancing, it was more like an ordinary family banquet, drinking freely, eating large pieces of meat, and the scene was very relaxed after three rounds of wine.

General Cui boldly asked, "My lord, is it true that Second Young Master... has a disease?"

Xie Xun, "...Maybe I was injured when I was in Beiman."

He can't tear down the second brother, he has to make up for him.

"Beiman is really a beast!"

Xie Xun, "..."

I don't seem to mean that! ! !
General Zhou Xu was drunk, he cried out the name of Marquis of Zhenbei, and said to Xie Xun sincerely, "The burden of continuing the blood depends on the prince, and I will marry the third girl in a year. Hold two for a year."

Xie Xun thought expressionlessly, he was quite drunk!

After drinking for three rounds, he can talk nonsense and say anything. Xie Xun has a special physique, and he can't pour a thousand glasses. Even if he is slightly drunk, the smell of alcohol will dissipate when the wind blows.After the banquet was over, when it was almost noon, he asked Fei Ying, "Where's my second brother?"

"The second son seems to be climbing a mountain."

Xie Xun frowned slightly. When he spent the Mid-Autumn Festival in the military camp in his first year, the border ceased fighting, and the festive atmosphere in Ningzhou City was strong. It happened that Feng Shu came to Ningzhou with food, and Xie Zhang went to Ningzhou City to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival with her.Lord Hou was going to spend the festival with a group of generals. The 14-year-old Xiao Hou Ye was young and unruly, and didn't want to have fun with a group of generals who were uncles. When the elder brother was not there, he went to find the second brother, but he searched the barracks and found no Xie Jue.

He thought that Xie Jue had also gone to Ningzhou City to play, so he rushed to find him, but he couldn't find Xie Jue after searching all night. Later, he heard that he and Fang Chuning had gone hiking.

"Second brother, I will accompany you to climb mountains during the Mid-Autumn Festival in the future. I also like mountain climbing."

"it is good!"

His second brother promised to climb the mountain with him during the Mid-Autumn Festival, but he never fulfilled it once, what a liar! !
The highest mountain in Ningzhou is in the north of the city, named Lianhua Peak.It is a group of peaks, and the top of the mountain has a natural landscape. The rocks look like lotus flowers from a distance, so it is named Lotus Peak.Lianhua Peak and Shaling Tianshan Mountain are far away from each other. Standing on the mountain peak, you can see Qianling Town, an important town in Beiman. Yanyang and promised to build a city, just in front of Qianling Town.

Kang Wang returned to Beijing after sending Princess Huazhen to marry, and now he is imprisoned in Ningzhou City. The Beiman has not received the news of the Yanyang Mutiny. General Cui almost turned Ningzhou City over and finally found the waterway of the moat. After completely blocking it Sitting on the sidelines, he also arrested a few northern barbarians who were stranded in Ningzhou.

The Royal Court of the Northern Barbarians has not received any news from Yanyang Nei. A few days ago, they sent a message that the [-] red placer mines will be transported to the battle site after the Mid-Autumn Festival, and Xie Xun will personally hand them over.Yanyang promised to build an important town mutual market. After Xie Jue and Xie Xun discussed, they still intend to abide by the agreement and build an important town to communicate with each other. The construction of a city can take two years at the shortest time, and it can take five years at the longest. Xie Xun intends to delay it as long as he can. In addition to the construction of important towns in the north of the city, entry and exit have been strictly ordered, and news has been blocked. The Northern Barbarian Royal Court now cares more about domestic production and recuperation, and pays less attention to Yanyang than it did during the war.

He rode up the mountain, and when he reached the top of the mountain, he saw Xie Jue's shadow guards.

"Where's the second brother?"

"Master is asleep!"

Xie Jue fell asleep leaning against a rock, holding a flagon in his hand.

The pitch-black jug, the white hand bones, crystal clear like jade, dry and steady.

It was hot in August, Xie Jue was covered with a cloak, and his face was snow-white.Xie Jue's eyelashes were thick and straight, like a small fan quietly covering the eyelids, casting a thin layer of shadow.Xie Xun looked up at the sky, the full moon was hidden in the clouds, and a thin light suddenly appeared, it was almost dawn!
Xie Xun lifted up his robe and sat beside Xie Jue. During the Mid-Autumn Festival and the long night, his longing was like a malignant tumor absorbed in the bone marrow, which ached faintly.

"Brother!" Xie Jue seemed to be dreaming of something, his body jerked suddenly, and he called "Brother", the jug fell off the cliff, Xie Xun leaned over to comfort him, Xie Jue was unable to wake up from a deep sleep because of drunkenness.

A nightmare seemed to pass lightly, but it caused a storm in Xie Xun's heart. He remembered the scene of Xie Zhang being pierced by thousands of arrows on a rainy night in Kyoto.

That day he spoke ill of his second brother.

The second brother said, you are not the only one who lost your parents and siblings.

That killing took root in their hearts, nourishing vicious dreams and flowers, which lasted for years, entangled in every possible way, but they enjoyed it so much.

In the following Mid-Autumn Festival, they can only reunite with their families in their dreams.

"A-Ning..." Xie Jue called Fang Chuning hastily and terrified, and suddenly woke up from a bloody dream, his body couldn't help but leaned forward, and Xie Xun grabbed his arm and pulled him back.

"Second brother!"

Xie Jue had a splitting headache. He didn't know whether it was a hangover or a dream. His complexion was extremely bad. Xie Xun asked, "What did Second Brother dream about?"

"The night I dreamed of the capital, Fang Chuning and I confronted each other..." Xie Jue said, "I pierced his chest with a sword."

Xie Xun didn't expect Xie Jue to be able to answer. His second brother seldom talked with others, even with his eldest brother. He didn't expect him to really talk about things in his dreams. No wonder his second brother was so panicked.

"You can't beat him!" Xie Xun comforted him, "Don't panic, it's impossible."

Xie Jue frowned and looked at him subtly, not sure if Xie Xun was trying to comfort him.

He pinched the space between his brows irritably, revisiting the old place, but it was easy to think of the old man, the night was too long, and it made him despair.

"Second brother, the sun is rising!"

Xie Jue followed his line of sight and saw a red sun jumping out from behind the mountains.

The fireworks in the world are flickering in the light, and love, hatred, love and hatred are drowning in the night.

It's not the first time Xie Jue watched the sunrise here. Fang Chuning was with him in previous years. The whole army was on vacation during the Mid-Autumn Festival, and they had half a day's leisure.

There will never be such a day again.

"Next year's Mid-Autumn Festival, you take me to climb the mountain together."

"it is good!"

Xie Xun was satisfied, and didn't ask him who he saw in his dream or what he dreamed about. After enjoying the sunrise, the two of them walked down the mountain slowly, and Xie Xun inevitably talked about the garrison in Zhongzhou.

"What do you mean by Commander? Fang Chuning is stationed in Zhongzhou, is he planning to use troops against us?" Xie Xun asked. After Fang Chuning was stationed, he went to Yancheng to sit in town for a few days, and Zhongzhou had no intention of sending troops.

"Are you worried that you won't be able to beat him?"

"Are you kidding, as long as I make a move, Zhongzhou will be vulnerable."

Xie Jue couldn't help laughing, "Stop bragging."

"Second brother, do you think I can't beat him?" Xie Xun asked unhappily, he always felt that his second brother favored Fang Chuning.

"With me here, you can win against anyone!"

Xie Xun was inexplicably appeased, and Xie Jue said, "The three girls sent a letter the day before yesterday, saying that the situation in Xizhou is stable. Lin Xiao and Zhang Boxing should come back quickly, and the grain and horse road should be repaired quickly, and the grain and horse road should be repaired before winter."

"I know!" Xie Xun is now mainly in charge of city defense, military training, and the construction of food and horse roads. As Xie Xun walked, he remembered what Xie Jue said at the banquet. His second brother was not close to women since he was a child. I don't know what tolerance is when I was young, "Second brother, do you really have a hidden disease?"

Xie Jue paused and looked at him deeply.

Xie Xun's scalp became numb from his cold gaze, Xie Jue took a deep breath, and patted Xie Xun's shoulder earnestly, "Yes, the inheritance depends on you."

Xie Xun, "..."

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