During the Xizhou Mine Riot, Feng Yu beheaded Zhu Shengkai and disbanded the Yantie Division, which meant that she completely controlled Xizhou and became the legitimate master of Xizhou.The whole Xizhou listened to her orders, and it rained heavily all day and all night, and the gangsters on the mines also went into the city to shelter from the rain, and the statistics were counted by Chunlu.

Feng Yu fell ill!

She was drenched by heavy rain in the mine for more than two hours. She was drenched and became hot on the way back to the city. Fengyu's delicate body had just improved this year, and she couldn't stand the torment at all. Inspecting ditches and canal repairs, and caring about Nong Sang, the disease comes like a mountain, Fengyu burns in a daze until Qiuxiang and Chunlu are frightened.

A heavy rain in Xizhou was like a long drought and rain, Chen Jiangdong settled the bandits, braved the rain and went back to the city lord's mansion, drank a cup of ginger tea to warm up, and asked Nuan Yang, "How is the girl?"

"It's burning." Nuan Yang never leaves, human life is fragile, a small wind and cold may kill a person, he is also doing a deep reflection outside the door, the girl is weak, next time no matter where you go, you have to do it thoroughly Prepare, she shouldn't have been exposed to this heavy rain.

"There are medicines and doctors in the mansion. The girl is auspicious, so she will be fine." Chen Jiangdong took off his coir raincoat, sat on the porch and chatted with Nuan Yang, "The group of thugs have been settled, and I will let Miss Chunlu go to register tomorrow. The mine was discovered two years ago, they did not report it, and smelted it privately. There were several boxes of gold bars at the smelter, but they didn't have time to transport them away. No wonder they were in a hurry to leave the city, and they wanted the girl's life. .”

"Has Su Mengwei been caught?"

"This bastard is hiding at home. He said the mine was chaotic. He ran down the mountain alone. I took people to help. The city gate is still closed. He wants to run. His wife and children are in the city. Where can he go?"

"Keep an eye on him, don't let him out of town!"

"Don't worry, I can't run away!" Chen Jiangdong stretched his legs and clicked his tongue, "Girl...as expected of the woman the prince likes, she killed Zhu Shengkai without blinking her eyes or shaking her hands. , I really didn't expect it."

Nuan Yang didn't expect the third girl to kill people so neatly. He thought of Furongju, the third girl was scared by Sang Nan and them. She looked like a weak flower that couldn't stand the wind and rain.

"The person in the master's and son's eyes can't be wrong."

Chen Jiangdong smiled, "The prince asked you to lead five thousand elites to follow the girl, are you willing?"

"What's not reconciled to?" Nuan Yang said, "Protecting the girl is the most important thing for the master."


"Are you not reconciled?" Nuan Yang asked, "If you don't want to be with the girl and want to make contributions, you can go back to Ningzhou and ask the master to send another person over."

"At first, I had some thoughts. These five thousand are all elites. One is against a hundred. Why should they stay with the girl? If the Northern Man fights, this vanguard will be a sharp knife to break through the Northern Man's defense line, leaving the girl too weak. It's over." This is not only Chen Jiangdong, but also the thoughts of many cavalry, after all, Feng Yu is still the mistress of the Hou Mansion to them, "I am convinced of the battle of the mine!"

"If there is a war in the northern barbarians, you will return to the battlefield. Now there is no war on the border, and Xizhou is the battlefield!" Nuan Yang said, "Protect her well, and fight every battle she tells. Your military achievements are indispensable."

Fengyu burned for a day and a night, and it was already evening when she could get up, Chunlu took care of the general affairs on her behalf, and the city of Xizhou was peaceful, Fengyu called Nuanyang in.

The room is full of medicinal fragrance, Nuan Yang rubbed his nose, stood outside the screen, Feng Yu said, "Did the prince ask you to report everything to him before leaving, this time I don't need to write about my illness .”

"Girl, this..." Nuan Yang was a little embarrassed, yes, for Xizhou's affairs, he sent a letter back to Ningzhou in three days, which was explained by Xie Xun.

"He is busy with affairs in Ningzhou. If he knows that I am sick, he will inevitably be worried. Zhongzhou has increased troops to garrison. How can I let him worry about such a small matter, and I am also well." Fengyu coughed slightly. In fact, she was afraid of Xie Xunchong Come to Xizhou and take her back.

"……All right."

The news that Feng Yu subdued the bandits in Xizhou soon spread to Jinzhou. After she recovered from her illness, she opened the city gate and took over the mines.

Xizhou has officially left Yanyang's jurisdiction. Fengyu felt that it was a good time to announce her departure from Yanyang, and she didn't want to provoke the Zhongzhou garrison, so she didn't announce it. Making a fortune silently is the most important thing.


When Nuan Yang's letter was sent to the palace, because it was for official business, Xie Jue opened the letter before Xie Xun returned to the palace. Nuan Yang did talk about business from beginning to end, talking about how Fengyu subdued the gangsters in the mine , personally killed Zhu Shengkai, and after the gangsters were settled, they were already preparing for winter plowing.

Xie Jue's eyes fell on the gold mine. Among the iron mines in Xizhou, there was a small mine that discovered gold deposits, and the reserves were huge.

Most of the minerals in Xizhou are copper and iron ore. Gold mines are rare. Xie Jue did not expect to find a gold mine. Most of the gold and silver mines and dansha mines are located in the Beiman and Shaling Tianshan Mountains. The area is relatively sensitive and there is no one there. to investigate.Most of Yanyang's gold mine branches are located in the south of Zhongzhou, which is all controlled by Yanyang. Xie Jue was very surprised and satisfied to find a gold mine in Xizhou.

"Send someone to the city of Ningzhou to ask if there are any talents who mine and smelt gold mines, and send them all to Xizhou." Xie Jue was rarely excited. He was so sleepy that he just sent a pillow. He was worrying about money, and Xizhou discovered a gold mine. .

Now he sees the third girl as a shining golden Bodhisattva.

Xie Jue slowly calmed down, wrote back to Feng Yu, and asked her to write a book for the magistrate of Yunzhou. The magistrate of Jinzhou and the magistrate of Jiaozhou will develop iron mines together, and the benefits will be properly shared with the three states, so as to open up the business road of Xizhou.Yunzhou is at the end of the twelve states, and Jinzhou is the richest. Jiaozhou and Zhongzhou are far away from each other. The commerce and trade of these three cities have their own advantages and disadvantages. Although it is prosperous, it knows that it needs to rely on Ningzhou iron cavalry to live. The geographical location of these three cities can speed up the development of Xizhou.

All Yanyang's eyes were on Xizhou, including Zhongzhou and Kyoto.Xizhou is Ningzhou's experimental city in the twelve states.

If Xizhou had been the fifth largest city in Yanyang, and if it had been restored to its former prosperity, all the subjects in the world would have seen one thing. Ningzhou could bring people all over the world to live and work in peace and contentment, and Ningzhou would win the support of the people all over the world.

Will the Yuwen imperial family and the aristocratic family watch the smooth development of Xizhou and not hinder it?Absolutely impossible, so Xizhou cannot be an isolated city.

Conquering the world should make close friends and attack close, and economics and trade should make close friends and far attack.

Xizhou must unite with the twelve prefectures to jointly resist the commercial changes in the south of Zhongzhou, and at the most appropriate time, tell the world to leave Yanyang.

Mrs. Zhang is supposed to be in Ningzhou in the next two days, it's really timely.

Xie Xun reined in his horse in front of the mansion, and walked in while explaining the military affairs of Feiying. He was training troops in Ningzhou, and he was planning the grain and horse road.

Xie Jue looked at the tall and handsome Xie Xun, who was getting more and more imposing, and thought to himself that his younger brother was getting more and more pleasing to the eye.

"I know, a letter from Xizhou."

In the past few months, Xie Xun has been able to almost hide his emotions and anger, but he must be more real in front of Xie Jue. Every time he hears a letter from Xizhou, he is very happy, "What did Nuan Yang say?"

"happy event!"

Xie Xun raised his eyebrows, and looked at Nuan Yang's letter at a glance. The more he read it, the colder his face became. Xie Jue drank tea calmly, and Xizhou discovered a gold mine. Why did he look like he was going to kill someone?

"She promised me that she would not be in danger, but she only took 2000 people to the mine. Zhu Shengkai has [-] gangsters, [-]..." Xie Xun frowned, "Is that how she promised me?"

Xie Jue, "?"

Didn't you win this battle?The cavalry is still unscathed, why is he angry?
"She still kills with her own hands?" Xie Xun laughed back angrily, "What is Zhu Shengkai, is it worth her doing it herself?"

Xie Jue, "..."

Xie Jue looked at the furious Xie Xun indifferently, took a deep breath, and took another sip of tea.

Do not understand!
If Xie Xun wasn't his younger brother, the shadow guard should have thrown him out of the mansion, it's really noisy.

"As for her delicate body, it will burn for three days in the rain." Xie Xun was angry and distressed, wishing to fly to Xizhou to teach Feng Yu a good lesson.

Xie Jue said, "This battle has been won, and gold mines have been discovered in Xizhou. This letter is a real message."

Xie Xun was shocked, "Is there a gold mine?"

Xie Jue looked at him expressionlessly, "Blind?"

In the entire Ningzhou City, except for Xie Jue, no one dared to mock him like that, but he still didn't dare to get angry. It's really a letter that two people read with completely different meanings.

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