Xie Xun has read Xie Jue's letter to Feng Yu, even if he doesn't know much about business, he knows that if things go well, the twelve prefectures will be united, and the Yuwen royal family will definitely not sit idly by.

Xie Jue said, "If I were Yuwenjing, I wouldn't let the Twelve States develop freely, and I would definitely check and balance. There are two ways. One is to use troops. The Twelve States' city defenses are weak. He will order the Zhongzhou garrison to attack the Twelve States. Use troops. The second is to block commerce and trade. Twelve prefectures are rich in minerals, and the varieties of crops and cash crops are weaker than those in Jiangnan. But Jiangnan also needs minerals in twelve prefectures. If commerce and trade are blocked, thousands of people will be ruined. Vitality will inevitably arouse public anger. Yuwenjing will most likely let Zhongzhou use troops against the twelve states. You let Lin Xiao, Zhang Boxing, and Zhou Liyu lead 8 people to repair grain and horse roads. When Yu talked about business with Lin Qingshan of Yunzhou, you also talked about military garrison with him. Regardless of whether Lin Qingshan is willing to return to Shunning Prefecture, we will first cause the factual occupation and gradually encroach on the twelve states. Everything is difficult at the beginning, as long as we win Yunzhou, the latter is relatively simple."

It was rare for him to say a long paragraph. Xie Xun poured him a cup of herbal tea to moisten his throat. The herbal tea added mint to refresh him. Xie Xun had never disappointed him in military affairs.

Xie Xun said, "I have considered what my second brother said. I don't have to wait for the grain and horse road to be repaired. I plan to carry out the grain and horse road and the soldiers and horses at the same time. Lin Qingshan is a relative of the Lin clan. If his uncle and cousin don't nod, he will not return. When I was suppressing the bandits, I checked his accent. Neither his uncle nor his cousin had sent him a letter, so he was also in a dilemma. He is the kind of person who would sacrifice everything for the people to live and work in peace and contentment. I will try to lobby. I have seen The city defenses of Yunzhou are dilapidated, it is not suitable for Yunzhou to increase troops to garrison, and the city cannot support Ningzhou cavalry."

Xie Xun got up and walked to the desk in the middle. On the desk was a sand table map of Yanyang. Xie Xun planted the military flag of cavalry in Jiaozhou, "The main battlefield of the twelve states should be Jiaozhou."

When Xie Xun came back from Jinzhou, he walked through all the cities in the twelve prefectures. The magistrate of Jiaozhou also asked him to suppress the bandits. The most interesting thing is that there are 1 people stationed in Jiaozhou, and only 10 bandits occupy the mountains. However, Jiaozhou did not need them to suppress the bandits, but Zhizhou provided him with six days of food and grass, and gave him [-] taels of silver, making him the most generous Zhizhou in the twelve states.

Xie Jue raised his eyebrows slightly, and Xie Xun continued, "Jiaozhou can help Yunzhou on the one hand, take care of Jinzhou on the other, and block the troops from Zhongzhou against Xizhou. If Ah Yu wants to be safe, Jinzhou and Jiaozhou are the main considerations. Yunzhou is not important."

"Do you know why I am stationed in Yunzhou?"

Xie Xun lowered his eyes and didn't answer.

Xie Jue said, "There is no war in the northern barbarians, and we deploy at will within our territory. Your plan for combat preparation is the best, but if there is a war in the northern barbarians, I need the twelve prefectures to rush to help as soon as possible. Although the city defense of Yunzhou is weak, it is well-connected. If Yanyang For us to use troops, Jiaozhou is the main battlefield, but if all the troops are deployed in Jiaozhou, and the northern barbarians start a war, it will be too slow to rush back to Ningzhou."

"Will the northern barbarians go to war?" Xie Xun's face darkened. "If the northern barbarians start a war and Zhongzhou uses troops again, we will be attacked by the enemy."

"The battle is changing rapidly, and no one knows." Xie Jue said, "Be prepared, no matter how much we hate the Yuwen royal family, the northern barbarians will not be able to pass the front line of Ningzhou."

That night in the capital, Fang Chuning asked, if he walked out of the capital by stepping on his dead body, would he be killed?In fact, Fang Chuning was asking about Bei Man.Xie Jue saw the signal of his father's death, and saw his elder brother's ten thousand arrows piercing his heart. Knowing that his elder sister and mothers all died in the capital, hatred overcame reason.

If he can even kill Fang Chuning, the Jiangnan garrison doesn't care, he swings his knife at the robe, what if the northern barbarians raise troops?
Xie Jue had to admit that the night his family was broken up and his family died, he only had hatred in his heart.He just wanted to bring Xie Xun back to Ningzhou, so that one day he would break through the city gate of the capital, the gate of Zhenbeihou that had been guarded for five generations, and he wanted the descendants of Zhenbeihou's mansion to break through.

He knew what Fang Chuning was asking, but he still rejected him indifferently.

That's why Fang Chuning begged him not to let Beiman cross Ningzhou. If Beiman crossed Ningzhou, it would be a flat river, and many people would lose their families.

Xie Jue didn't answer.

But when he knelt before the spirits of Zhenbeihou and Xie Zhang, he knew in his heart that he and Xie Xun wanted to rebel and take revenge, but they would still inherit the family motto of Zhenbeihou's mansion and stick to Ningzhou.

"It's ironic, isn't it?" Xie Xun laughed at himself, "We were forced to lose our families, and if the northern barbarians raised their troops, we would have to defend Ningzhou to protect them from the wind and rain. They sit high in the temple and enjoy the glory, but we To spill blood on the battlefield."

"It's ironic!" Xie Jue asked lightly, "What can I do?"

"So, Yuwenjing must die before Beiman realizes the Yanyang mutiny!" Xie Xun's eyes were dark, and his hatred for Yuwenjing was undisguised, "I will redeploy the twelve states."

"If the Northern Man really went to war, we wouldn't face the enemy." Xie Jue said, "When you think about the Northern Man's deployment of troops, you only need to think about the fastest rescue from the Twelve States."

"Second brother, do you still have extravagant hopes for Yuwenjing?" Xie Xun sneered, "If Beiman raises troops, and he sends troops to attack Ningzhou, Yuwenjing will be scolded by the people all over the world. He dares to kill his father, what else is there? Don't you dare?"

"You are wrong!" Xie Jue said lightly, "Yu Wenjing was able to surround and kill his father and elder brother in the capital because he could mobilize the Imperial Army and Jinyiwei. When he was out of the capital, he would have no advantage. Although General Chen Ming of Zhongzhou is The royalists, but now the military power is in Fang Chuning's hands, who do you think Fang Chuning sent to Zhongzhou?"



"My cousin doesn't care about government affairs."

"The uncles help the spirits to go back to the hometown, and the family is killed. If he really lets go, the family will become Yuwenjing's warehouse." Xie Jue said lightly, "I hope Chu Ning goes to Jiangnan, because I don't want him...I don't want him Don't worry about these bad things. My cousin insists on putting him in Zhongzhou, so don't blame me, he will regret it."

Xie Xun could hear a trace of cruelty from Xie Jue's indifferent tone. His second brother was not showing his emotions, and he rarely saw such exposed emotions. Xie Xun remembered that before his second brother left Beijing, Fang Chuning went to Jiangnan for no reason.

The eldest brother said that Fang Chuning and the second brother had a quarrel.

Thinking about it now, it was the second brother who deliberately took away his popularity. From the beginning to the end, the second brother didn't want Fang Chuning to be involved.

"Second brother, are you so afraid of Fang Chuning that you think I can't beat him?"

Xie Jue looked at him coldly, unable to bear it any longer, "What's wrong with you, have you been comparing yourself to Fang Chuning since you were a child?"

"Then why did you let him go to Jiangnan?" Xie Xun had long wanted to compete with Fang Chuning, "I'm not afraid of him."

For the first time, Xie Jue was left speechless by Xie Xun's question.

"Do you have anything else to do? Let's go." Xie Jue preemptively said, "I have a headache."

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