Chapter 496 Negotiations
Second brother married?


He actually got married in Beiman?Why is the second brother still reading the letter and not refuting it?At least one thing to say is that he is from Yanyang, so he doesn't have to abide by Beiman's marriage. Marriage is illusory and can't be true.In the heaven and earth that Beiman has worshiped, how can the gods worshiped count?

Feng Yu finally remembered her own personality, if she could sit still at this time, not only Fang Chuning would be suspicious, but Dugu Jing would also be suspicious.

"Second brother, are you married?" Feng Yu's voice almost changed its tone in surprise. She wasn't acting, she was really surprised.

Xie Jue read all the letters, as if he just heard what Dugu Jing said, and Feng Yu asked something again, he looked calm, "Yes."

Fang Chuning, "..."

Dugujing sneered and said, "Second Young Master is quite calm, I thought you would deny this marriage."

Feng Yu picked up Xie Xun's character set, and said in a deep voice, "Second brother used a fake identity in Beiman, and the marriage is naturally fake, so it can't be taken seriously. In our Yanyang, marriage must be ordered by the parents. The second elder brother is from Yanyang, so he doesn't have to abide by the rules of the Beiman, and not everything can enter the door of my Xie family."

Feng Yu thought to herself, um, very good, this is what Xie Zhixu would say.

This marriage will never be recognized.

"Brother Fang, do you think so?" Feng Yu still didn't forget to go back to look for the alliance.

Fang Chuning held the tea delicately, like a dumb man whose tongue had been pulled out suddenly, unable to utter a word, and could only drink tea to cover up his embarrassment.

Will he talk about the fact that he was wearing women's clothes to worship with Xie Jue?
I won't even say it if I kill him.

His father will break his legs! ! !

Dugujing, a bastard with no eyesight, actually poked it out in front of Xie Xun. Fortunately, Xie Xun didn't know it was him.Feng Yu was wondering why Fang Chuning didn't stand on the same front with her.

Xie Jue said coldly, "Don't talk about negotiating, talk about business."

Fengyu felt the second brother's warning, she was as quiet as a quail, she didn't dare to do it again, but she was scratching her cheeks, she had to tell Zhixu, she couldn't be scared alone.

Dugujing sneered, Xie Jue really wouldn't admit to his marriage in Beiman, he really did a good job of deceiving everyone back then, everyone was deceived by him.

Xie Jue put away the letters. With these letters, he will be accused of Yu Wenjing, a well-known iron jockey in Ningzhou.Xie Jue looked at Dugujing, "This time the Beiman was defeated and retreated to the Shaling Tianshan Mountains. The armistice agreement signed between you and Yanyang still counts. I will still send people to continue to build the towns below Qianling Town. This time the Beiman Man must compensate for the military supplies of the Ningzhou Iron Cavalry, I don’t need your gold, silver, jewelry and food, and one hundred thousand red placer mines will pay for it every year.”

"Xie Jue, you are a lion!" Dugu Jing was furious, "Red sand mines are also rare and precious to us northern barbarians. Every year we need [-] armor and weapons, which are our annual military supplies."

"Three years ago, I should have let you understand a truth. The defeated country is not qualified to negotiate terms with me. Now that I have put aside my deep hatred and hatred to talk to you, you have to be sensible and don't bargain." Xie Jue's voice was cold, and he didn't want to talk to you. Dugu Jing meant to pull.

The negotiation situation three years ago is impossible to reappear.

Dugu Jing was furious, "I will provide you with Yuwenjing's criminal evidence, and I will give you [-] red sand mines every year. What can I get? You can't let me go back empty-handed. If you insist on going your own way, I will fight with Yuwen at the worst." Jing continues to cooperate, you and I will die!"

Seeing this, Feng Yu quickly smoothed things over, "The Ninth Prince, we are all adults, don't be arrogant, negotiate terms carefully, what do you want?"

It's a rare negotiation, but it can't be negotiated!
Seeing that Xie Jue was silent and Fang Chuning was still drinking tea, Dugu Jing also thought that Xie Xun was the commander of the three armies and could also call the shots, "It is really helpless for us to send troops to the North Man this time. .Since you Yanyang refuse to let us spend the winter in Ningzhou, at least provide us with enough food and warm clothes every winter. I also hope that the new town can be expanded to accommodate at least 60 people."

"Then it will be expanded three times?" Feng Yu has seen the construction plan of the new town. The town designed by Xie Jue is only one-tenth of Ningzhou's, and can only accommodate 20 people. "

Fang Chuning sneered, "The Ninth Prince is really greedy, the expansion will be tripled, it will be expanded to the east of the Shaling River, and will cross the Shaling River in the future, will it be just outside our Ningzhou city to make a living and gradually invade our Ningzhou outskirts of the city?"

"The location of the newly built town is a flat river. There is no natural danger. It is easy to attack and difficult to defend. I only hope that more people will come out to spend the winter in winter. You don't have to be afraid. I promise that the northern barbarians will never cross the Shaling River." Dugu Jing also retreated. He took a step forward, "If you cross the Shaling River and you are arrested, life and death will be up to you."

Feng Yu couldn't help but look at Xie Jue, this condition seemed negotiable, and she didn't know what Xie Jue and Fang Chuning meant, Xie Jue thought of many consequences.

After the expansion of the town, the land in the north and south of the Shaling River will definitely be within the scope of activities of the northern barbarians, and the people of Ningzhou will also have to graze, and there will inevitably be conflicts.

After the urban population converges, the population will inevitably migrate to the other side of the Shaling River. When one house is built, if the local state capital turns a blind eye, the second house will also be built. Gradually, there will be nomadic tribes With the relocation of land with rich water and grass, the suburbs of Ningzhou are bound to be invaded by northern barbarians.

If they are all civilians, it is easy to say, if there is a military conflict, there will be casualties, and the Ningzhou Iron Cavalry cannot always be on guard to resolve it.

"No!" Xie Jue flatly refused, "There's no need to talk about it. I can provide you with more food and cotton-padded clothes to avoid the cold in winter, but it is absolutely impossible to expand the town."

"Second son, even if Xie Xun ascends the throne and becomes the emperor of Yanyang in the future, your Xie family will also lead the iron cavalry in Ningzhou. It should be you who will guard the border. Are you still worried that you can't manage a town outside the pass?" Dugu Jing couldn't help it. ridicule.

Xie Jue said calmly, "I have a son. If there are no accidents, he should be stationed at the border in 20 years and lead the Ningzhou cavalry. If I promise you to expand the town, my son will have to spend his energy and energy in 30 or [-] years. Beiman and Ningzhou are in conflict. I am a loving father, and I don't want him to suffer, so let's not talk about it."

Dugu Jing, "..."

Fengyu suddenly thought of a good idea, "Second Brother, Ninth Prince, how about merging Qianling Town and Xincheng Town? In this way, the new town doesn't need to be expanded, and these two towns are assigned to you. If we Yanyang people didn't If you intermarry with Beiman, you don't have to live in the new town, and you are not allowed to cross the east of the Shaling River. In this way, everyone will not interfere with the river, and you don't have to govern together."

(End of this chapter)

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